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James 2:24 says [24] Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.?

So the bible literally says not by faith alone, so how can anyone claim to be a bible literalist and claim that salvation is by faith alone?

also go here for other verses in the bible that show faith and works are required. meaning this is not just one verse that can be explained away out interpeted away.


I am still waiting for someone to really answer. Nobody has addressed that the bible literally says not by faith only. so if you are a bible literalist you have to accept that faith and belief are necessary, other wise the claim that you are a bible literalist is false and you are interpreting the bible instead of just accepting it literally.

Update 2:

I am still waiting for someone to really answer. Nobody has addressed that the bible literally says not by faith only. so if you are a bible literalist you have to accept that faith and works are necessary, other wise the claim that you are a bible literalist is false and you are interpreting the bible instead of just accepting it literally.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    easy! it's only literal where they want it do be... in the other places, "the unbeliever cannot understand"

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm just going to address the passage you cited.

    First, you have to realize that the conclusion that you (and the catholic church) draw from this contradicts passages such as Acts 19:9-10, and Ephesians 2:9.

    Ephesians 2:9 says it as plain as day; you are not saved by works.

    So either the bible contradicts itself, or you and CC have an incorrect interpretation.

    If you want to know how we reconcile these verses, check out

    The long and short of it is, faith results in works, so without works, we had no faith to begin with. That does NOT mean that works save us.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is claimed that salvation comes by faith alone,however by their fruits ye shall know them;good works are an outward sign that salvation has been obtained.

    Works first is like a case of the cart coming before the horse.

    Good works are vital to keeping that faith alone salvation alive,for without works our faith is dead-without faith works are just deeds rather than an expression of salvation


  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Those of The True Christian Faith work for God because we are saved... not to get saved... Salvation is a free gift to all who will come to God in The Way He prescribes... those who do so become part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head. Those are the ones of The True Christian Faith. Only those of The Chruch will enter Heaven... no one can "work" their way into Heaven.

    Source(s): God's Promise to me in the instant of my Salvation
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  • 1 decade ago

    Your concept of faith is too small and that is causing the problem. True faith drives a person to act in a manner that demonstrates that faith.

    Think of a comparison such as a relationship to a spouse.

    Your LOVE for that person was such that it caused you to marry that person setting aside your own desires in as much as you were now sharing them with another person. You sacrifice for that person and expect them to do the same because of your shared love.

    True FAITH is like that in the way that it causes you to do things differently because of what you believe. That is why James tells us that faith without works is dead. If your faith is too small to cause you to do works that represent that faith to others then your faith is not sufficient to be "saving" faith.

    Just believing is not enough as even the demons and the devil believe!

    Hope that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither faith, nor works. The bible was written to control primitive man, as where many other religous books. Truly, I'm amazed so many still buy in. There are so many errors in the texts it can't be the perfect word of anyone. One of my favorites is the prophecy that Jesus would be born of the line of David. The lineage used was from Joseph yet weren't we led to believe that Mary was a virgin. Joseph's bloodline has nothing to do with Jesus...There are many more, do your own research.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, works are necessary. The Bible says Christ died nor us not only to believe in him. Philippians 1:29, He died that we might live no more for ourselves but for him. 2 Cor. 5:15. And that he is author of eternal salvation only to those that obey him. Hebrews 5:8, 9

    If we don't have the works/obedience, we are not even considered but are foolish ones who built our house on the sand. matthew 7:21 to end of chapter.



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to read the whole thing in context. it says that you show your faith through your works. If you truly believe in God (faith) and you know what God wants you to do, then you would be an idiot not to do it. So anyone who does not live a Godly life does not really have faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    This scripture states that Abraham had faith. But he also had works. Abraham believed, then put it into action by moving to a place where God told him to.

    We are called to believe, then not just sit around and expect things to be done, but to do them because it needs to be done by soemeone (us)

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