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I'm (BD March 6, 63), married with 3 kids. Interested in ancient religions/cultures, Bible, God, more. Collect books/references, do most crafts, garden, interested in vegan/vegetarian diets, Chinese cooking, Star Trek and tons more. Many Bibles, references, etc. online. I collect tons of Hebrew and Greek references, Protestant and R. Catholic Bible versions, historical references, lots more for research. I'm a Christian Bible teacher and have extra copies of some plus free Bible studies. My reference link website: Christian Love and Greetings, Debbie in Oklahoma, USA

  • I cannot access any of the features in yahoo groups I own. I cannot post, view links, databases, out lately?

    I can post and access things in groups others own fine, but can't do anything in my own. I have not been accessing the management features of any but one of them, yet all are out.

    I'm contacting a member by email to post stuff I need to in one group.

    Help! I did the browser trouble shooting and came up with nothing. My changes did not help.

    When I click on anything in my group, instead of working, the word javascript:; shows up in the bottom left of the window on the bar.


    1 AnswerYahoo Groups8 years ago
  • For those who think God created all humans, disease, evil, etc. Did you know?

    That only Adam and Eve were created by God....then Jesus was sent down from heaven by God. All the rest of human kind were the result of humans who chose to disobey and under the control/rule of Satan the Devil. He not the Almighty is the God and ruler of this world? 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19, John 12:31, 14:30. God sent his Son to earth from heaven and he was perfect.....God has some limited number of servants who chose to obey him.

    Otherwise the rest of things were created by those who were granted their request to rule themselves and know good and evil for diseases, evil, etc. were created mostly by humans themselves. God did not create humans to sin, but gave them the choice.

    So people are referred to not merely as the children of God, but also as the children of the Devil. John 8:44, KJV 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

    46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

    47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

    1 John 3: KJV 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

    9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

    10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can people say Eden was in Missouri when Bible says where it was here (see post)?

    Genesis 2 KJV

    10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

    11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

    12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

    13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

    14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

    15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

    Euphrates river is in Iraq and area.

    It was in the middle east/Africa area along with its rivers. IT was nowhere near the USA at all.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do JWs have Bible studies without using JW materials? Front door studies VS back door?

    I found this question hilarious asked by an ex-JW who is an apostate.

    Do people really not know the difference between a "front door study" (the normal door to door preaching work) and a "back door study"?

    Front door is the formal work, but we have a saying, if you can't get in the front door, go in through the back door.

    We don't always tell people we are JWs. When appropriate or when asked, we do. Many other times, esp. those of us who have a good library, internet access, do it using various non JW Bible versions, non JW references (Greek and Hebrew, encyclopedias, historical references, etc)

    It is my main study avenue not only due to prejudice against JWs, but also to health issues and being confined to home a lot.

    I have my Dad's library of some 80,000 volumes heavily theological and my own library (hard bound and online).

    Matthew 12 KJV

    36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

    37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

    The things we know, we found out from non JW Bibles and references (In English only, the NWT NT has existed since 1950 and the full English Bible since 1960).

    So the pertinent question is, ARE YOU having a Bible study with a JW and don't even know it?

    Thousands of people have done it with me over the years. And we memorize Bible and historical references and information not JW publications (a bulk of us don't even keep them after we've read or scanned them).


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How many Jewish religions are operating in the USA? What publishing companies of theirs?

    I know there are Messianic Jews (are Jews for Jesus the same group?), Orthodox Jews and American Reform Judaism....Are there others too?

    I know that there is the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) which puts out the Tanakkah and a Hebrew Publishing Co. which puts out an unnamed copy of the OT (which I have along with an English copy of the Septuagint).

    Which publishing company is associated with which group and are there other publishers with Bibles out? Which does the Complete Jewish Bible?



    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do Jews think man is not sinful, not in need of saving/salvation? Jewish question that was deleted?

    The whole human face is/was in need of salvation simply because they are 1) dying 2) sinful, making mistakes, even killing others.

    Back in Genesis and throughout most of history, humans have wanted to know good and evil for themselves. Gen. 3:4, 5.

    It is obvious that humans need saving since sickness and death is all they have. And now, they are polluting and damaging the earth so badly, it is also in need of saving. As Rev. 11:18 says he shall destroy them which destroy the earth.

    In the Bible, hell is only the grave and all get out of it. Rev. 20:13, 14.

    The hope for life for most is a righteous paradise earth, not heaven. Isaiah 65:17-66:1.

    If one believes Genesis is only allegory, only a story, there is no hope for mankind, no purpose for religion which is to save people from death and give them eternal life.

    The Hebrew scriptures constantly called God the Savior and redeemer, etc. It occurs numerous times.

    So the need of saving, a savior and humans not doing right is common. It is common even to atheists. They just tend to call it making mistakes, trial and error, not knowing as much as one should. Many call it imperfection. The concept of humans messing up and doing wrong is in every ideology there is. That is why there are courts, jails, police, etc.

    Complete Jewish Bible

    Isaiah 45:15

    15 Truly, you are a God who hides himself,

    God of Isra’el, Savior!


    15 Verily Thou art a G-d that hidest Thyself, O G-d of Israel, the Saviour.

    Deuteronomy 32:15

    “But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked (you grew fat, thick, gross!). He abandoned God his Maker; he scorned the Rock, his salvation.

    Isaiah 52:10

    ADONAI has bared his holy arm in the sight of every nation, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

    Isaiah 52:7

    How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, proclaiming shalom, bringing good news of good things, announcing salvation and saying to Tziyon, “Your God is King!”

    This verse is quoted in Romans 10:15


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • To all who know me: Forum usefulness?

    This has been a unique and enlightening experience. You learn much when you see what others think and hear what they hear. Thank goodness I was made from just about birth to study all on the planet.

    Anyone else is welcome to follow if need fills yoU!

    My research has drawn to a close and the needfulness of my involvement with this forum is terminated.

    I look forward to speaking with those who survive the coming future of humanity and learn true wisdom.

    I am still at the window for those who know me best.

    All my hopes and gratitude go with you whover you are or were!

    Love and greetings,

    from my vortex in time to yours!

    Debbie P. in Oklahoma, USA

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What is the antigen (kill agent) in blood supposed to kill?

    The kill component is in the red cells. The antibody is in the plasma.

    Who/what is targeted and is the antibody to it in plasma to protect individual from being killed by his own red blood cells?

    I have a perplexing question about blood types that has been bothering me for awhile.

    Here is a link that explains the types.

    Some blood types have the antibody (cure) for this antigen in the plasma. Type O (mine) has no antigen (poison) but has the antibodies to both A and B in the plasma.

    My question: What is this antigen supposed to kill? What is it's target and do you have a microscopic photo of it?

    Also, why would blood types kill in the hospital, when every school child can mix blood safely in blood relative do tribal cultures like in Indians, African tribes, Chinese (Neanderthal and Austalo races) etc. What has been put into the blood since the world wars started blood transfusion use that is now killing people?

    Blood transfusion was not done prior to WWII and the HIV/AIDS scare has only been around since 1981.

    Are people experimenting on each other?


    4 AnswersMedicine10 years ago
  • Does anyone have any links for amino acid racemezation? replacement 2 carbon 14 dating...?

    Amino acid racemezation is the process the body uses to store genetic information in the bones. Using x-ray to activate, then open top MRI, the body tells its own species, age of subject and other information.

    When I first read of it, it did not give date of invention nor name of inventor, but it dated the Oldest living human skeleton on reacord (Peking Man) at only 9,000 not 50,000 as current intel has it.

    Does anyone have any links on this?

    Also....where a source of Californium might be found? Carbon 14 can only be made using it. It is a radioactive material that shoots out electrons. Carbon 12 has to be bombarded with it for 3-4 months in a chamber and pick up 2 more electrons (supposed to get neutrons added not e).

    Also not uranium 238, but strontium 238 (to get/use chronoton particles to transmit pictures and sound through time).

    Any good periodi table of current elements with complete details available online at this time? Please provide link(s).


    Debbie P. in Anadarko, OK

    1 AnswerChemistry10 years ago
  • What does the "homo" mean in homosapiens, homoerectus, etc.?

    Doesn't homo mean of one sex or type? As in these species would contain members of only 1 gender regardless of body type. So the whole species would be male sapiens or female erectus? Or does erection refer to men's genetalia and the sapiens refer to women's paps (milk making glands). Sap runs from trees as pap runs from breasts. Both are referred to in the Bible where it says humans are big trees of righteousness (if true religion). So sap/pap both refer to women only whereas other terms generally refer to only the male gender.

    Further question, WHY did Australaius Pithicus suddendly become more than one sex. First name indicates location (Australia/New Zealand). Pi (pithy cussers) is a term for females. As in Pi (referring to uncalculated value of circle, Pie as in american pie referring to girls you could have sex with, etc).

    Also of interest, Neandertals, were from scottish/Irish areas. They were often autistic (making them innocent and usually super smart), were red headed much of the time and also seem only to be women. Current picture I found is a picture of me when I was younger.

    Seems source of male genetic code was that of the Ancients (Jehovah, his son Jesus and angels) as in Israelite geneology in OT as well as the fact that angels (also all male only. Job 38:7, 1:6, 7, 2:1, 2 esp. as found in old KJV Bible were sons only not daughters) wandered the earth and lived as humans. Such would interestinly enough, fulfil the requirement of Scientologists that life on earth was seeded by non-human races existing outside earth's solar system (Kolob or Deklab) to Mormons, but Gedra/Gedron system to me (Star Trek designation System 1, Alpha quadrant (Jehovah's reference to self as beginnning), Gedron system (our sun/stars name), spacial grid 001 (earth's position as first habitable planet of system needing to be engineered by angelic means through Michael (Jesus) thus rendering it an M class planet ready for deposit of life forms needing little or no supervision.


    9 AnswersAnthropology10 years ago
  • Can husband refuse to buy toilet paper, control all homelife (see details)?

    This evening my husband of almost 18 years, got into a debate with me about the family toilet paper usage. He estimates we are using 6 rolls a day (a cost of less than $1.50 at the Dollar Store here in Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA).

    He says he cannot afford it that we may have to ration toilet paper.

    However, he is willing to pay around $50 a month for my high blood pressure medicine. Medicines I would not need if I did not have to live in this household.

    I cannot look at a package of chips unless he gives me permission. In fact, he will not let me leave the house to go to the store with him unless I do not look at anything without his permission.

    He will not let me sit where I want in the house, but instead is continually making me sit somewhere, turn my head this way, watch the tv etc.

    I have discussed this matter with my local congregation elders and they will speak to him on Saturday.

    In his eyes, I do not have the right to exist or move or breath unless I do it in his prescribed manner.

    It is eroding my brain, robbing me of the will to live. He will not give me a means to get out of here. Takes 7 pennies from me if he find them on me.

    I realize I cannot live this way and he will never change or see me. We have no relationship at all. He cannot listen to me, do not have any sort of sex or affection. The only attempt to seem marital is for him to grab my face and demand Betty Boop look and a kiss (much as on Britney Spears new music video Criminal).

    I have important blood information and other research to share with the New Jersey Health Care institute working on bloodless surgery with the military.

    I would like some kind of useful life, stress relief and would love to move to New Jersey to continue my research (BTW Mindy also a Jehovah's Witness lives in NJ I believe).

    Who do I see about getting procedures started to remove me from this situation as I believe it will have to be forcable and involve legal measures. He has our 2 daughters (almost 15 and 11) trained to force me to move around, twist my head and such.

    I'm trying to retain my composure and not lose it with them, but it seems this entire town is keeping anyone from coming to my door to talk to me and may have phone hooked up too.


    38 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    4 people live in the house. 2 adults, 1 teen, 1 pre-teen.

    I have respiratory problems so much of said toilet paper use (which is by HIS estimate only not actual count) goes for tissue for my nose (instead of kleenex which costs much more). HE buys the mentholatum and such for my illnesses and allergies. Should I be expected NOT to use toilet paper for nose also?

    Where is the legal precedent for this in either religion, the constitution or any law anywhere America or anywhere else?

    Mind you, the blood pressure meds are from stress dealing with my situation. $50 a month would pay for a lot of toilet paper and OTHER needs....wouldn't it be wise to forget counting toilet paper, stop needing blood pressure meds and not have a risk of heart attack/stroke rather than refuse a person $1.50 a week of toilet paper?

    Any thoughts?

    2 minutes ago

    Additional usage: HE and the girls (kids) have about 8 cats in the house. They also tear up toilet paper and such must be used to clean up when they make gifts in the bathroom, bathtub, etc. So the high usage is HIS (as are the cats) not mine.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Can a husband dictate toilet paper usage in a Christian household?

    This evening my husband of almost 18 years, got into a debate with me about the family toilet paper usage. He estimates we are using 6 rolls a day (a cost of less than $1.50 at the Dollar Store here in Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA).

    He says he cannot afford it that we may have to ration toilet paper.

    However, he is willing to pay around $50 a month for my high blood pressure medicine. Medicines I would not need if I did not have to live in this household.

    I cannot look at a package of chips unless he gives me permission. In fact, he will not let me leave the house to go to the store with him unless I do not look at anything without his permission.

    He will not let me sit where I want in the house, but instead is continually making me sit somewhere, turn my head this way, watch the tv etc.

    I have discussed this matter with my local congregation elders and they will speak to him on Saturday.

    In his eyes, I do not have the right to exist or move or breath unless I do it in his prescribed manner.

    It is eroding my brain, robbing me of the will to live. He will not give me a means to get out of here. Takes 7 pennies from me if he find them on me.

    I realize I cannot live this way and he will never change or see me. We have no relationship at all. He cannot listen to me, do not have any sort of sex or affection. The only attempt to seem marital is for him to grab my face and demand Betty Boop look and a kiss (much as on Britney Spears new music video Criminal).

    I have important blood information and other research to share with the New Jersey Health Care institute working on bloodless surgery with the military.

    I would like some kind of useful life, stress relief and would love to move to New Jersey to continue my research (BTW Mindy also a Jehovah's Witness lives in NJ I believe).

    Who do I see about getting procedures started to remove me from this situation as I believe it will have to be forcable and involve legal measures. He has our 2 daughters (almost 15 and 11) trained to force me to move around, twist my head and such.

    I'm trying to retain my composure and not lose it with them, but it seems this entire town is keeping anyone from coming to my door to talk to me and may have phone hooked up too.


    21 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Where do you go to find penpals?

    Do you swap friendship books and sheets? Get penpal newsletters or magazines (please share if you have addresses)? Have websites, good group sites or other.

    Any info is welcome.

    I'm a 48 year old mom and love penpals, swapping penpal items and love Bible study/discussion.

    Hugs to you!

    Debbie in Oklahoma, USA

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • My browser and screen has been turned 90 degrees left by the cat sitting on the keyboard?

    How do I adjust my browser window back 90 degrees to the right to get it turned back where it is supposed to be? I can't use my laptop right now.


    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Looking for some online references (free online use)?

    I have W. E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words located online in several places, but NEED his Hebrew dictionary. I can't find it. I know it exists as I have the hardcopy of both Hebrew and Greek together.

    I also am not finding a searchable Strong's Greek and Hebrew. I have one found, but you can only access by knowing the Strong's number first.

    I'd also like an online usable Smith and Weir's Greek grammar text.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!


    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Windows 7 and print program ?

    I have a new laptop with a windows 7 OS on it.

    I got a print program (Printmaster 2.0 Gold) and installed it. I want to make address labels, but it will not allow all the labels to have my same address. It seems uncooperative in other ways too.

    Are they incompatible or is there some setting to change on the print program? It is new and seems undamaged, but I got the cheap copy with no instruction book, just the CD.



    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Where to sell old valuable books, mostly Bibles and Christian references?

    My Dad died March 3 of this year. I have his library and am selling all the old valuable ones where I can find places to get the most for them to help my mother and myself also.

    Does anyone know any places online, addresses/catalogues for book buyers, etc?

    I have things like a 1549 Latin Vulgate, pre-1800 Welsh Bible with metal corners, metal latches, other embellishments, a 1550 Stephanus and other things.

    Plus a lot of secular books on places and peoples throughout history and the world....



    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Places to sell old valuable books/Bibles-mostly Christian?

    My Dad died March 3 of this year. I have his library and am selling all the old valuable ones where I can find places to get the most for them to help my mother and myself also.

    Does anyone know any places online, addresses/catalogues for book buyers, etc?

    I have things like a 1549 Latin Vulgate, pre-1800 Welsh Bible with metal corners, metal latches, other embellishments, a 1550 Stephanus and other things.

    Plus a lot of secular books on places and peoples throughout history and the world....



    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there a Jerusalem Bible online in complete text?

    I have NAB, NJB and Douay as well as a download of Emphatic Diaglott NT interlinear RC Bible. I'm wanting to know if the Jerusalem Bible is online in its entiretly for free use/reading?

    I think I already have a copy in hard form, but need it online too if I can find it.



    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago