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How many Jewish religions are operating in the USA? What publishing companies of theirs?

I know there are Messianic Jews (are Jews for Jesus the same group?), Orthodox Jews and American Reform Judaism....Are there others too?

I know that there is the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) which puts out the Tanakkah and a Hebrew Publishing Co. which puts out an unnamed copy of the OT (which I have along with an English copy of the Septuagint).

Which publishing company is associated with which group and are there other publishers with Bibles out? Which does the Complete Jewish Bible?



8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The so-called "Messainic Jews" (Jews for Jesus and the like) are actualy part of the Evangelical Christian movement. They are not Jewish.

    The Jewish religious movements are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist.

    JPS is non-denominational. It is a scholarly Jewish publishing house that includes scholars who are afiliated with all the Jewish movements as well as non-religious Jews.

    Artscroll (aka Mesorah publishers) is a large Orthodox publishing house.

    Sonsino Press are also non-denominational with a focus for Orthodox.

    Also Feldheim.

    I have never seen "Hebrew Publsihing Co."

    I believe that the Workmen's Circle have their own small publishing company.

    The Workmen's Circle is non-denominational with a focus for non-religious cultural Judaism.

    There is a large Lubavich Hassidic publishing house - but I forgot their name.

    They have a very good reputation for their scholarship among all branches of Judaism.

    I have also seen books published by a Reconstructionist publsihing house. But I don't remember the details.

    There are also a number of smaller Orthodox publishers. They are almost akin to self-publishing. I do not know their names.


    The so-called "Complete Jewish Bible" is an Evangelical Christian publication.

  • 9 years ago

    The Messianic Jews and Jews for Jesus are two separate groups, but they are both Christian organizations.

    Judaism isn't divided into different denominations, like Christianity. They all teach the same Judaism. The biggest difference is how strict the group is with respect to keeping the traditions and commandments.

    The Jewish Publication Society is the major publisher in America of Jewish materials. There may be others, but I don't know who they are.

  • BMCR
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is only one Jewish religion, Judaism.

    One may label Reform, Orthodox, etc. as "denominations".

    Messianic Judaism is really just a weird for on protestant Christianity with Jewish trappings (i.e. it is not Judaism despite their insistence that it is).

    One major publishing company (Orthodox, USA based) is Mesorah Publications (aka Artscroll).

    Another publishing company that publishes (in my opinion) a nice Tanach is Koren Publishers (Orthodox, Israel based).



  • DS M
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    ***I know there are Messianic Jews***

    The non-Messianic Jews have again produced a fictional answer based on their inability to study or think about beliefs they have been taught are different than theirs. As you can tell, they gave you their opinions and dressed them as facts for you to be suckered into believing.

    They demanded you believe without producing ONE quote or supporting piece of evidence which any honest inquirer would want. So the uneducated want to sound educated but fail to produce posts that would allow you to make an intelligent/educated decision.

    If non-Messianic Jews were more than people who felt it is their obligation to express their uneducated opinions as fact and that everyone is obligated to believe them because their mothers are Jewish or they converted, then they would be able to say when Jesus the Jewish Messiah stopped being Jewish and started being a Christian.

    The logical assumption would be after the resurrection but they don't believe in the resurrection. If the historical Jesus didn't exist, how on what basis do you prove Elijah, David, Moses or Abraham existed?

    This is why non-Messianic Jews can only give you their personal opinions based on their prejudices and not give educated answers complete with sources as Y!A instructs.

    ***are Messianic Jews (are Jews for Jesus the same group?)***

    Jews for Jesus is a publisher and publishes its own material. Its founder, Rosen, continued to print his own gospels tracts long after copiers came along. So instead of doing the work of an evangelist, many long nights were doing the work of a publisher....and Jews for Jesus still publishes as much of its own materials as they can.

    Jews for Jesus is a company of less than 100 employees world wide. They will go in churches and raise money for advertising campaigns. If you look at their dollars spent to people reached with the gospel, you would know why you can't call them evangelism campaigns.

    Hope this helps


    Kevin7 says: ***All mainstream Jews consider Messianic Jews to be nonJews***

    Why? Can grizzle bears and black bears vote that polar bears aren't bears because they are white and eat seals? Educated people would define Judaism and say, these are Jews because....and these are not Jews because.... Then, having done that, all people can understand why and not just that non-Messianic Jews are extremely prejudice and can't rationally state how Orthodox Jews and Polydox Jews are ***There is only 1 Jewish religion. There are several movements of observance*** (Melkha above)

    As Alvin J. Reines, former American Reform rabbi, philosopher and theologian taught, "Polydoxy is presented as the opposite of orthodoxy. A religion can by a polydoxy or an orthodoxy. Reines calls for a 'Polydox' approach to Judaism and religion in general."

    So I find it quite comical to listen to those who don't know enough about Judaism to say that polar opposites can be Jews but Messianics can not. I guess there will be an uproar from the non-Messianics about how they are allowed to define Messianic Jews as non-Jews with no better reason than their mothers were Jewish but we aren't allow to quote how other non-Messianic Jews defined Judaism. After all, they source their authority as being Jewish which simply means, they have a Jewish mother and therefore, have been authorities in Judaism since birth.

    As Judaism 101 says,

    ***Who is a Jew?

    A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism. It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do....a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox***

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is only 1 Jewish religion. There are several movements of observance.

    Messianics and J4J are xtian and have nothing to do with Judaism

  • 9 years ago

    JPS, Artscroll and Soncino are legitimate Jewish sources.

    "Messianic Jews", as noted, are **not** Jewish. They are apostates at best and have been totally repudiated by every legitimate Jewish organization on the planet.

    Source(s): I'm Jewish.
  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    answer: "messianics" are CHRISTIANS that have no place in Judaism. ALL branches of Judaism agree on that.

    The "complete jewish bible" is an affront to Jews and Christians and is published by those seeking to deceive Jews and delude Christians.

    Source(s): and there's the typical dishonorable behavior from 'messianics' with trying to bury JEWISH answers.
  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We all ONE JEWISH People!!!All mainstream Jews consider Messianic Jews to be nonJews.The Samaritans, the Karaites, the Hasidim are legitimate examples of internal Jewish sects

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