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Plano asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

If JFK were to come back right now would you vote for him?

Given all that you know would you still put him in office? For me that is a hell yeah. That man had more leadership in his thumb than all the presidents since his death.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. After he was killed, we were told great tales of what he would have done had he lived, but he almost certainly would have done more of the same things that he'd been doing. He got himself elected by playing on fear of the Soviet Union, and then effected bad economic and military policy as a politically necessary continuation of that theme. Thus, for example, he told America that the USSR would out-grow us economically if we didn't start deficit-spending in good times as well as bad, to keep the economy pumped-up, and he got us further entangled in Indo-China.

  • 1 decade ago

    In point of fact JFK was a marginal leader who practiced many bad leadership traits. Having his brother involved so heavily was one, being immoral was another and letting the Bay of Pigs happen was perhaps His most glaring mistake. It was JFK's projected weakness that prompted the Soviet to put nukes in Cuba. Permitting the crisis to occur is not a sign of good leadership. Lucky we did not get wiped out while Kennedy was chasing women around. Come to think of it Perhaps He was the role model for Clinton. At least Kennedy picked good lookers, not Monica types.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remember him well and would not vote for him to dog catcher. He did nothing, but look good. He lied he stole and election, he cheated on his wife, he lied about Cuba, and Central America. He was on the take from organized crime. No. I would not vote for him. He had no leadership ability and did absolutely nothing for the country. You did not live then so you only know what you have been told. Sorry kiddo, they lied to. you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not hardly. He was horrible as president. Kennedy almost got us involved in WW3 for being upset with the Soviets on stuff we were doing to them. They wanted to put missles in Cuba. All he had to say was one missile harms 1 person in the USA accident or not Cuba will be dust and the Soviet Union won't be much better. Instead he blockades them and makes a big circus out of it.

    In the mantime we had and still have missiles in Europe and other places pointed at Moscow and they don't say anything about it.

    Johnson was just carrying out Kennedy's wishes on Viet Nam. It was Kennedy that should have been hounded out of office and not Johnson.

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  • 1 decade ago

    In a New York minute man! I agree with everything you said. The country is STARVED for a real leader!

  • 1 decade ago

    If he came back today he would not be able to even run as a Democrat. He would be perceived as being to conservative by what is not the democratic party.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would vote to put the the first zombie in office

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course I would. He was too good of a President. Thats why his assassination was a big cover up. His secretary of defense secretly proposed a plan to stage a terrorist attack to justify war with Cuba called operation northwoods. He said hell no. Irael wanted nuclear weapons for no reason. He said hell no. Weird how they got the weapons once he was out of office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he were alive now, he would probably be a Republican, and most people are tired of Bush so he would have a hard time winning.

  • 1 decade ago

    He would be assassinated again since he would try and take down the Federal reserve again.

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