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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Besides Hilary being a woman, can you give one good reason to vote for her?

If you read any of the factual books about Hillary ("The Truth About Hillary"), are old enough to have been aware of her mis-steps in the White House, have heard some of the stories about her... Or, ever considered what would happen if Bill is caught doing what he has been doing for the past twenty five years, and Hillary has a world changing decision to make at the same time? Why does she even have the opportunity, or want to run?


I think you are all pretty close to a perfect fit except "who cares" When we begin to believe everything that the politician says we fall into complacency. Not saying that Hillary is the only one who lies or exagerates but is definately one of the best. Besides, am I the only one who see's the none answers she gives?

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hillarys Hidden Hand

    by Sally Bedell Smith

    link is on the right

    I understand Who Cares and she speaks for many women and people who have chosen candidate Clinton. Many are educated and it baffles me why. Why repeat the same horrible mistakes. While in the WHite House the affairs played a significant role in crisis situations. Like you said that is fact. From people who were there at the time. Once the Secret Service documents are released and other Clinton emails etc the public will be shocked to know the truth. Hillary Rodham ran the show and Bill traded his infidelity for her decisions. Important matters best let to the President, not the wife. Emotionally she appears a wreck. Not what we need again. Read how Russia sold missles to Iran and Putin is bringing on a Cold War. How the hell can Clinton deal with this when she can not handle a marriage?

    No I can name no reason to vote for candidate Clinton.

    Source(s): alot of research Google
  • 1 decade ago

    I think she has always been one of the most supportive people as far as things that many Democrats care about. (gay rights, racial equality in the workforce, healthcare etc...)

    I actually have paid attention to her record - I agree with almost every one of her votes in the senate.

    The only thing that I ever had a problem reconciling was her affiliation with the Rose Law Firm (defending Wal-Mart). But she has addressed that issue to my satisfaction now.

    I think some people don't like the way she has voted in the Senate and so they try to paint the picture that there is something "else" about her.

    They just need to face the fact that she is a Democrat and they don't like that.

    End of story.

    It's tough to defend her though for 2 reasons:

    1) Republicans attack you when you defend her.

    2) The things she HAS taken care of are actually non-issues now... so it's hard for people to see how much she helped without sending them back in time to see how things were BEFORE...

    Not too many people remember why "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and "Ryan White coverage" were so important in the 90's...

    People were dying of AIDS left and right and gay people were being literally CRUCIFIED.

    Republicans in congress at the time were so concerned with pleasing the "moral majority" that they did everything they could to prevent democrats from reducing the threat of AIDS.

  • Alan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    unfortunately I can't give good reasons, only lousy ones. those reasons are all the other people running. Once you cull out all the ones you don't want then hold up those left, the opinions don't leave anyone standing above the rest. Sadly, at that point, her experience as first lady gives her a plus as to the goings on in the whitehouse and in the obligations of being president.

  • With the exception of Bill Richards I see no reason for voting for any candidate of either party.

    Bill is the only one that made sense in the Jim Lehr extended interviews with all know candidates.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, i does not vote for her and it has no longer something to do together with her being a woman. I do purely in contrast to her plenty. i think of she does not have an extremely heat character, i do no longer agree together with her positions lots of the time, and that i think of she relies upon on polls rather of non-public convictions to elect her positions. i think of she is greater involved in skill than superior. a pacesetter is somebody who stands up for what they suspect in, even in spite of the fact that if it extremely is not universal. Hillary isn't that guy or woman.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will vote for the person that is the best candidate as far as i am concerned.

    I have only seen two out there that interest me so far, i vote independently, and don't follow the blind idiots that can only follow what the party wants or what my church says, i desire viable, intelligent, strong willed candidates with a good idea and a strong plan.

  • Iguana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    She's all for socialized medicine, and being a person who has no medical insurance, that may seem like she is my ideal Candidate, however I think it would be easier for her to move a mountain than to fight that giant.

    People say that socialized medicine, would be bad for patients,ie: long waits, lack of doctors, but for a person who has nothing, anything would be good.

    All that being said, I still don't support her, and in fact am leaning towards the other candidate from Hope, Ark

  • 1 decade ago

    I cant for the life of me think of any reason to vote for her. Im on the ABC ticket...the "Anyone But Clinton" ticket.

    I plan to vote Democratic in the primary, but if Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, Ill vote Republican.

    She is the single biggest disaster facing this country today, and hordes of people are lining up to drink the Kool-aide. Hey, I understand you want to stick it to the republicans, but we still have to live in this country. Hillary is completely unqualified and shown time and time again she's incapable of sticking to a single set of ideals or capable of rationale thought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, if you dream of a socialist utopia like the one Hillary proposes. As long as you forget where the money is going to come from.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. A good reason to vote for Hillary Clinton is because she believes in the ideals I believe in. She wants to change the misdirection that government has taken in the past seven years. She feels that what we're doing in Iraq is not doing anybody any good, and she wants to explore our options.

    Notice how I never mentioned her gender, or her husband?

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