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Spanking, Where do you stand?

I am so sick of people freaking out about spanking your children. I was spanked and I spank my children. I dont get out of control and beat them, never have and never will, my mom did use to beat us pretty bad, but I will never beat my children. However they do need disciplne, and I find that a swat on their butt does not kill them regardless of popular belief. I also beleive that if some of these sniffling brats now days were spanked more often they wouldnt act the way they do. I just want to know where you stand on spanking your kids.

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "You can spank a child without abusing them just like you can hug your child without molesting them" -Glenn Beck

    I was spanked as a kid and personally think I turned out great. I never smoked, drank, did drugs, had sex, went to jail, or got in any major trouble as a kid/teen. I always respected my parents and people were always impressed with how well behaved me and my siblings were.

    This new age parenting crap of time outs and "talking it out" with your kids is ruining our society. Kids are screwed up these days. Notice we didn't have shootings or metal detectors at schools until spankings were taken out of schools.

    If more people spanked, this world would be better off. God bless you for not being afraid to discipline your kids the right way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Same here, I was spanked, not beaten, and probably not spanked enough, but I have never been in trouble with the law, I went to college, I have a family of my own and though they are still a handful at times, they get spanked when needed, and they make excellent grades and their teachers and caregivers tell me all the time what a joy my children are. yes there are definitely some kids out there that would be in a lot better shape if they had been spanked.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have an 8 year stepdaughter and a 3 month old. We spank the 8 year but only as a last resort, she gets warned and knows it is coming. Hopefully our son will be more well behaved because he has a different, more stable home life than she does, but it will be a last resort for him also (not anytime soon, he can't talk back yet, lol).

    My husband and I were both spanked as kids and both learned what NOT to do because of it.

    I agree with several people here and think that is exactly what is wrong with society now days, you cannot punish your kids anymore so they get away with everything and that attitude follows them into adulthood. (I can do what I want, when I want and where I want and there are no consequences).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm with light spanking only to teach kids that you mean business. I've only done it when they were in danger and wouldn't listen. Time outs and taking away privileges are so much more effective. You might want to re-think your husband being the only disciplinarian, what will you do when he's not home and the kids are going psycho? I promise, it will happen... You should both be a part of your children's discipline. You should agree on rules and what tactics you use for discipline and be a united front. If you don't, your kids will have no respect for you and be afraid of your husband..... Being submissive to your husband is one thing. I don't suggest that it's something that you do with the kids....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Shoot, spank away, momma! I was spanked, I turned out great. All my friends who were spanked (not beaten) turned out pretty well. It just doesn't always work for all children. In which case, you gotta be creative. Spanking never phased my older bro. So 1 day my dad went to his rm w/ a screwdriver and removed his bedroom door. My brother freaked! He also was the most behaved young man in the world until he got that door back! It was plain 2 c what my bro valued most... his privacy. I agree that if spanking were not treated as abuse like it is in our country, we wouldn't have these dang kids shooting up their schools! You sound like you know what your doing with your kids. Don't let ne1 tell you otherwise... especially if their kids r rotten little monsters! :)

    Take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in several levels of discipline based on the age of the child. Preschoolers often need 1 swat to get their attention and time out. Preschoolers do not like being separated from their parents, so this is usualy very affective. As kids get older, I believe in discipline (sometimes a good swat), time out (my son is 7 and still does not like to be separated from us), and a good dose of pay back (cleaning up the mess, apologizing and helping neighbors, school, etc.). As kids head into jr. and high school, I also believe in a bit of shame added to the above. Once my daughter kicked in a door, so she had to wear the same shoes every day for 2 weeks. The same plain white tennis with every outfit - very difficult for a trendy young woman. I am happy to say, all my doors are hole free! Good luck, and don't just consider the moment, but consider what you are going to do from diapers to prom and you will be a great parent!

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to be the type of person who was against spanking, but that was before I had my daughter and she got old enough to get into things. Sometimes, with some kids, spanking is the only way to get through to them. Take my daughter for instance, i can tell her no, i can remove her from whatever she is doing, and she thinks its a joke or a game. The only way i can get through to her or teach her not to do something is to smack her hand (spanking is pointless because her diaper cushons it and she thinks its funny)

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree that you should spank your children but theres a limit on how had you hit them at a a certain age and like when there little aroud like 2 you dont spank them on the hand actually found out thatcauses nerve damage on there hands and they can have problems later on life with there hands but i was spanked and i turned out alright and my dad used a wooden paddle because thats the only thing that got thru to me and my brother spanking is a form of dicipline that i think is the only thing that makes kids relize they have done wrong but when there little you can raise your voice and they get all whiney so i mean but spanking is fine theres justa limit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am pro-spanking and I occasionally spank my kids. I like to avoid doing so, but sometimes, it seems like the best way to discipline is spanking. But, like all discipline, it should be done out of love, with the intent to shape your child, not a "vengeful act of the parent". That's my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in teaching my children, too. That's what the word 'discipline' means, you know. It doesn't mean 'spank' or even 'punish'.

    And, I don't see spanking as an effective teaching method. It is most certainly a *training* method, but I don't want my kids to just be 'trained' to avoid a punishment. I want them to truly understand what's right & what's wrong, what's safe & what's dangerous & why, so that that they can make good decisions whether I'm there or not.

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