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Lv 4
me asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Legal Americans only please...America and other countries.....?

should we as Americans stop helping other countries in time of need (we are always the first responders and rarely thanked) and supporting others with our billions. Especially the countries that are never there to support us in times of need?


From the sky proves the point. Thanks Sky, now you may go back to your planet

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    The United States does not make a habit of supporting other countries on the basis of irrational and senseless goodwill.

    The United States gives large amounts of resources to other nations when it is seen as necessary to support the strategic and economic interests of the United States.

    Take Pakistan, for example. The United States has decided that it is necessary to support secular, anti-extremist governments in the Middle East in order to protect our vital economic and strategic interests in that area.

    Take the Marshall Plan. With a cold war looming, it was perceived as vital to our military interests to support and rebuild the economies of European countries, so we sent over billions of dollars (approx 90% of which was, incidentally, used to buy industrial products from American factories).

    South Korea, Panama, Batistan Cuba, Viet Nam, Turkey, Taiwan, Iran; in every case, the United States had what it perceived as vital security interests which needed to be protected.

    Although the US does engage in a comparatively small amount of charity (both economic and military), the amount of pure charity pales in comparison to the aid which is given to support our strategic interests.

    Frequently, our intervention can be conveniently framed as "bringing the blessings of democracy" and it is understandable that our own citizens would mistake it for charity, however the United States will just as happily support a brutal dictator if it serves the interests of Americans at home and abroad (our support of Al Qaeda predecessor groups during the 1980's illustrates this clearly).

    Do not be mislead. The United States is great not because Americans are Blessed by Providence, but rather because we have established a true international economic empire, and we are prepared to fight to defend it. Our assistance to countries in "time of need", is, in 9 1/2 out of 10 cases, just as much for our own benefit as theirs.

    Why do you suppose our military has troops stationed in over 100 foreign countries? Only to protect their interests?

    Why do you suppose we give trillions of dollars to our military and economic friends? Sheer charity?

    Why do you suppose raw materials flow into this country so much more cheaply than they do in others? Why can you afford to buy two cars when, if you moved to Moldovia, you might not be able to afford one?

  • Ua
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's what makes us so great! To answer your question, no, but we do need to start spending our foreign aid money more responsibly. If we're generous enough to help others, at least we should do it right. This may seem like fighting a loosing battle now, but give it a couple decades. The countries we are helping will be there to support us. Sometimes they don't come out and say "Thank you." Maybe it's too soon, maybe they want us to assume that they are thankfull, I don't know. But I'm sure the majority is thankful. The good we are doing now is more for the long term prospect anyway. Look at WWII. We defeated our enemies at that time, helped them rebuild, and now countries like Germany and Japan are our closest allies.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    except you're a diplomat, you're to maintain on with the regulations of the country you finally end up in. If that's criminal to drink at 18 in Spain then an American 18 twelve months old can legally drink in Spain. For very almost each and every thing else it rather is likewise actual. Your regulations do no longer commute with you. There are some aspects the place US regulation WILL keep on with you although. Sexual tourism is very against US regulation, so whether you do no longer wreck Cambodian regulation you're breaking federal regulation. Sorry adult males. in case you take part in activities concerning to terrorism or drug trafficking then you could anticipate rates besides. There must be regulations approximately mercenary interest yet i'm no longer completely specific and am no longer inspired adequate to look it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    The US has its true friends and allies. And we keep them close with support and trade.

    There is nothing wrong with helping the truly needy in times of need. Without a global response...many, many countries would be gone from those times of need.

    And by the way....From the Sky....Why don't you get off the American website Yahoo and go back where you came from?! You don't like us...fine....LEAVE! We didn't invite you here!

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  • Bob G
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Our government should put US citizens before the well being of the rest of the world.

    That doesn't mean that we should necessarily stop helping other countries. Helping other countries builds alliances and trading partnerships that wind up being good for both countries in the future.

    It just means the priority in any of our relationships with other countries should be how the relationship will benefit the American people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe we are over-generous in our support to other nations. We do it on the premise of goodwill but that is not returned by many. With either Islamic or Socialist press dominating public opinion and fomenting anti-American hatred abroad, there is little chance our goodwill will be received as such.

    Let those who wish to be on good terms with us ask us politely and let our generosity be a bond of genuine friendship. Otherwise, let them seek generosity elsewhere.

    I have heard from more than one foreigner that Americans are considered stupid - giving all sorts of wealth to people with open hands and mockery in their hearts towards us.

  • 1 decade ago

    i havent totally decided yet

    and the from the sky person is just ignorant

    it seems like we have good intentions and it turns out well in many situations like Japan

    but it also seems like it kicks up in the butt sometimes like russia or iran

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you help other nations????

    please tell me that you laugh!

    usa is a killer nation which hate other way of thinking than your. You are racist and you kill people of the world only for your interest. I know that american people are stupid but like you, i never met before.

    You should be punished by (for example) being bombed and destroyed.

    You are worth hell and you stink outside your country. That's why the people of the world hate your arrogance and your lake of culture.

    You are nothing without europe, russia, china, saudi arabia,...

    If you disappear from today to tomorrow, we will easily replace you, dont worry.

    We have just mercy for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, considering no one ever cares to help us back and we have to give "aid packages" for cooperation, we're better off re-investing in America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends on what your defintion of need is. We should always help those who need food and refuge. We should not help those who need weapons or soldiers.

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