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How do I re-affix veneer coming off furniture?
I live in a humid area. My dining room tables are made with walnut veneer which is starting to come off. I have read that I might be able to re-activate the glue with heat. How do I do that? I have both an iron and a heat gun. How hot, etc?
Oops, that the chairs that are having the problem, not the table.
I have tried the wood glue option and it causes the veneer to wrinkle and/or get too large for the place it came from no matter how securely I clamp it.
7 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
heat could damage the finish. do you have a way to inject some glue in behind with a needle/syringe and then weight it down?
- ozarks bumLv 51 decade ago
Used to be you could not buy long needles and syringes for injecting glue under veneer, but now there are kits available for this. Problem is, you have to have a separation between the veneer and the edge of the other material, under which you can slip the needle and inject to your hearts content. Then, just follow directions, weight the area and wait for it to dry. If you have splits in your veneer, you have a different problem altogether, since you will still see an imperfection unless it bonds terrifically well, and another problem is seepage through the split by the glue. Make sure you put something like waxed paper between the weight and the veneer if this is the case. You will still get a bit of material glued to the veneer, but it will work off with some very gentle scraping with a razor blade.
- 1 decade ago
I'd try using a towel over the area, and your iron to re-melt the glue and hopefully get it to stick again. If that doesn't do the job, or if there's not enough glue still, you can always get more at a place like Home Depot or Lowe's. Worst case, remove the veneer and paint the area a similar color to the table. It might not be the best option, but it probably beats the bare stuff underneath.
Good luck!
- Max SchnellLv 61 decade ago
Gorilla Glue would be my last choice. I see a lot of amateur repairs using this stuff and it's generally a mess. It must be clamped and use very little relative to other glues you might have experience with. It foams up, oozes out, and makes a mess. In addition, it has a short shelf life and frequently sets up in the bottle. It also requires a little water to properly cure. I regularly use about a dozen different glues and Gorilla Glue is not one of them.
- Amanda ILv 51 decade ago
Wood glue and clamps. That what I used when the veneer starting to come off of our guest bed frame.
- 1 decade ago
again ..I am confronted with fix it issues.( haha ) I had a veneer table..and again I turned to a glue called Gorilla Glue...great stuff! fixes dang near anything...from wood to glass to ceramic to wire to can find it on the internet or practically any truck stop or home depot...
Source(s): personal experience - Anonymous1 decade ago
You need CONTACT CEMENT!! Use a very thin coat on both sides of the area, let dry to tacky, and reapply . BE VERY CAREFUL. It will stick IMMEDIATELY, and you will not be able to pull it apart, so be sure both sides of the project are properly aligned.