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Have you ever had to rescue someone from their personal hell?

Did you make it out alive?

33 Answers

  • flip33
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Robin Williams did in "What dreams may come".

    Fundamentally, you cannot do this for someone, but you may be called upon to choose that role in another person's drama. It would then become your drama too, where you would hope to "make it out alive"!

    When you help your brothers and sisters, you are rescuing them from their personal hell, and it is a symbol of a larger story.

    As a human being, I have not had a supernatural experience where I was transposed into a hellish underworld to retreive a "victim" who needed to be rescued.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, some successfully, & some not so successfully. It is called mud slinging, to go down into some ones personal hell & bring them out. There are those among us that this is their purpose here. There are rquirements to be able to do this & survive yourself.

    Usually the ones that do this have been there themselves. Because they have been there & got out, the one they will work with on some level will recognize them, & therefore be more honest, open, & trusting. They sense that the person helping knows them, having experienced it for themselves.

    The one who is to help must be very strong & grounded in light, if not they risk getting lost. It requires that you join with the one you are attempting to help. In a very concrete sense you become them & the majority of the rescue is done from the inside where a real change can be affected.

    Anyone can offer true love & support, but if this is not your calling, if you are not 100% sure, or if you doubt at all, don't. This does not mean you don't support them, walk with them, or believe in them. But to really enter into their world & pull them out is a whole different thing.

    Even those that it is given for them to do know their own limits, you will not help them if you get lost or hurt in the process.

    This is a full time one on one project with someone. They become the most important, they become you, & you will feel every aspect of them.

    Choose your battles well. Some can work with others on the inside well & both emerge, others help best drawing them back from outside the Hell. Only you can really know. There is nothing lost to those that are not able , everyone has differnt talents.

    Much Energy, Light, & Blessing to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    One must understand that the other's personal hell is of their own making, and ultimately they cannot be "rescued" my ignorance i have been involved in some of these rescues, and they do not bear fruit, for the rescued one does not then look to their own choices and conditioning that buried them in the their personal hell. i have also seen others attempt rescues and have it all turn to worms, burying the rescuer in what seems insurmountable financial and emotional hell themselves. The key is to use skillful means if making effort on another's behalf; it must be done in increments and done carefully, rather than full bore, which is taking on complete responsibility for the other. It is easy to mislead oneself, to be a martyr filled with good deeds. But none of this matters if the one being rescued does not see the error of their own choices and does not consciously participate, with full commitment, in their own rescue, willingly following guidance offered. Help is useless when the rescued relies on the rescuer to bring about change. Change must come from full realization that change must come...that previous choices did not work. Then, and only then, can a cooperative effort between rescued and rescuer be effected. There is much heartbreak for a rescuer whose efforts either fall short or are merely temporary fixes. The sense of frustration and/or failure can be overwhelming; unless one does not disillusion oneself as to outcomes. So it all comes back to the rescuer "getting real" with themselves and with the one whose personal hell they enter. The other's flames of ignorance can consume one otherwise.

    i am Sirius

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello Sunman.

    Anyone's life can turn around, literally overnight. You'd be surprised. Being there for another is of course a part the human experience and always to be applauded. There is another, less selfless aspect of it though. As Arnold was fond of saying, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

    The part he doesn't mention is "what you aren't prepared for, most likely will kill you".

    By shining-on that friend in need you may just be shining-on whatever higher power you believe to exist's attempt to prep you for the personal hell of your own waiting just down the road.

    It could mean the difference whether you come out stronger or at all.



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  • Monk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, on a daily bases. Most used technique is called a Zen Slap; developed about three years ago. Many times a simple sounding board and with follow through recommendations, or taught techniques.

    Due to required circumstances, Zen Slaps are 40% successful, however, have immediate results. As an example, no planed Zen Slap works; it must be in a spontaneous moment for both. The technique must bring the mind to a state of no thought, while the recipient is in a state of confusion, or bewilderment. Complete trust and confidence to the outcome is required. Failed Zen Slaps hold, at times, undesirable consequences. Physical slaps are not necessary to bring about revelation to another. The deeper the buried issues in the mind of the recipient, the more shocking techniques are required. In that moment of light, darkness is not. When the radiance, of that light within, is uncovered, pure love, contentment, and joy is revealed, and become self evident.

  • Lyra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ah, a philosophical question! I am responsible to my own soul's progress, or path, and rescuing is only for knights. Any attempts at "rescue" would violate that soul's chances of working through it themselves and achieving a higher state of being, or consciousness, whilst embodied on earth. Life is a choice and each moment is ripe with choice. One may walk the path of self destruction and also choose otherwise at any moment.

    The best I may offer the world is to live by example. Each soul has chosen, before incarnating, it's life path. Life is merely an experience.........there are many experiences to choose from.

    Personally, I do not let fear dictate my life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, in the past. What happened was very strange, because I didn't know where he could have been at this hard moment when he was dying, how to look for him… However, in the end I found him by chance and I called an ambulance immediately. After he had recovered from his suicide attempt, he kept going to his personal hell… Who knows where he is right now, but no matter!

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    No one can rescue someone else from their personal hell. Only those in hell can rescue themselves because they have to decide to get out.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. My computer. I poured have a beer inside and it got cracking. Now I'm waiting on it to rescue me. I guess that's what I'm doing. And just wishing I could go back to sleep without going to the beer store again.

    Actually Zelda I cannot rescue anyone but I would give my life for a couple of people if I could.

    Edit: oops! I'm sorry Sunman. I thought I was talking to Zelda.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Does the Bible ever communicate of somebody being placed into hell alive? Hell is only the grave. definite, Jesus will resurrect human beings from the grave on the final day. Hellfire is a faux doctrine. The verses that folk use to attempt to teach hellfire exists are symbolic of finished destruction in basic terms. not literal torment. "Christian" religions have been a enemy of God." showing him as fiendish, ignorant, loveless.

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