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What is the cause of disease? What is the connection to personal conditions built up in ones life?

It is known that stress is the cause for 80% of all diseases and stress is caused because the personal conditions, especially ones self-image and established concepts, inhibit a person to relate to daily life circumstances in an open way. The conditioned person reacts all the time to what is encountered and so stress is caused in the first place and then affecting the whole system. How can one get out of this vicious cycle and be healed from symptoms of disease that already has been manifested?



When my personal condition is that I need attention to feel good, that means to feel my existence, then I will be disappointed if I don't receive attention, especially when I do some effort to get what I want. The emotionally reaction because of my disappointment will produce stress. Not so much as if a bear is hunting me, but it will cause stress every time the same situation happens and as long this continues, there are reactions. The produced tension will accumulate and then might cause physical symptoms. Probably any kind of reaction with a negative feeling like anger, fear, etc. will cause stress. If it is a positive feeling like joy, satisfaction, etc. then this will not cause stress because the expectations are fulfilled. So I would go so far to say that every thing causes stress if ones expectations are not completed, unless there is an additional attitude that can balance the feelings so that no reaction is caused.

Update 2:

We are experiencing in daily life that hardly anything is like we would like it to be. So this daily reality is causing stress, even we are used to it and we have learned to use tricks and all kind of manipulation to balance that we are not really content. But even though, stress is accumulating!

So the logical next question would be:

What can we do about the fact that stress is caused by every happening or condition that doesn’t fit our expectations that are caused by our self-image and our established concepts???

Update 3:

Programming or reprogramming ourselves is the usual way to manipulate ourselves but is no solution. It seems to me we need to go a layer up or down to solve the problem.

Update 4:

Sorry, it seems I can't prolong the expire date, so you need to answer within two days.

Update 5:

I'm astonished that there are not more responses! To solve this question would be the most important. Isn't disease the most serious issue we have on this planet? Disease doesn't effect only on a personal level, the whole planet in all aspects is involved: Air, water, earth are sick and so as we all depend on this and are influenced by it, we are all sick. Countries, governments, companies, families are sick, - and so it goes down to the individuals, only there can be the solution! It seems that the lack of interest in this question shows where the problem comes from. And this might be good part of the problem: The established attitude about disease! As long as the fault and reason is given to outside circumstances and the symptoms are treated with all kind of manipulations, there will be no real healing and no change! As long as the individuals don’t look at themselves, there will be no real healing! If only symptoms are treated, there will be no real healing. And not for the whole!

Update 6:

I agree, the cause of disease we can find in the condition of ones personality, been fallen out of the whole. To heal oneself one must 'connect with the whole', what ever this means. If faith and believing is the right way, I don't know but have some doubts about it. Meditation or the 'StressReleaseExercise' seems to be a good way, at least I don't know something better or what else could it be? Releasing ones stress for sure is a good step, then being more relaxed one can be more open, not only to receive but also to relate to what shows up and - when one has cleared up ones personal unconscious background, then one can respond in a totally different way. This seems to be the most important. Then one will find a new attitude to life and a new worldview. Yes, I see, this is the way to heal myself! Thank you to all who participated in answering my question.


6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The cause of disease is that during evolution of humankind the individuals have developed their 'personality' in a way that the 'Ego' has blown up itself to such an extent that it has lost the connection to the 'whole'. The illusion of Ego exists by being identified with mental concepts supported by emotions. 'Ego' is a self-image that is built during lifetime through experiences and during this process provoked reactions, confirming and strengthening ones self-image. All gathered concepts are forming ones worldview, how things are or should be. And exactly here it starts to be conflictive, because all concepts are images and these try to fit to reality but often enough doesn’t. So then what happens? When the individual goes through life, what means encountering daily happenings and conditions, then ones concepts doesn’t fit to what is encountered. As the individual is identified with ones concept, so needs to defend oneself and reject the reality. There are many ways like ignoring the facts or trying to manipulate the circumstances. If this is not possible, then only the possibility is left to manipulate oneself by hiding or giving the fault to the outside conditions. That’s what mostly is done. All this is causing stress; because there is no direct relating to the situation and any response is filtered and conditioned through ones own condition and that is ones self-image.

    So the problem is that the established system called ‘personality’ is constantly defending itself and doesn’t want to change anything about itself. To keep up its established structure against what shows up, this needs a lot of energy and is causing stress.

    That means tension is building up and accumulates, effecting the whole system, with the result that the system gets out of balance, what shows when there are emotional swings, in extreme cases going into depressions, fear attacks or outburst of anger. The accumulated tension manifests on the physical level and the function of organs are affected and the immune system is suppressed, until disease appears. Disease shows up on all levels, mentally, emotionally or physically. We know that all levels are connected even though the disease might affect only one aspect strongly.

    These facts are so obvious that it is astonishing that the health professionals don't see or don't understand these! Why doctors only treat the symptoms where these show up, but never even ask for the cause? And for sure they are not looking at the root cause and that is the distorted personality caught in limited conditions of human nature. As we all more or less are stuck in our limited human condition and that is being identified with our knowledge, that gives us security and the feeling of existence, forming the illusion of Ego, so it would be against oneself if one goes beyond the already established condition with sophisticated knowledge.

    How to get out of this vicious cycle? Who is seriously interested in this? I must tell you that this is dangerous because dismantling ones personality might give unwanted discoveries...

    OK, let’s say you want to know what you can do not to produce stress in your life. Well, we know by now that it is not the right thing to do to give the fault to the outside, other people and circumstances. Indeed it is nobodies fault not even our own, because it is just the consequence to have a ‘personality’. We can’t drop our personality to get rid of the problem, because we ARE the personality or the Ego. Making a split and saying we have a ‘higher self’ doesn’t help and also what is offered by religions that we need to trust in a higher power, etc. doesn’t help to reduce our stress because we know that we need to take self-responsibility and so we need to deal with daily reality. Knowing that the established system ‘personality’ is not capable to dilute itself, because it will always find ways and tricks to survive, so we better don’t even try. Most if not all what we might intent turn into a game turning around ourselves.

    There is a way and I have practiced it for many years, it is an easy exercise one can do every day twice for about twenty minutes, I call it ‘StressReleaseExercise’. One should do it regularly for some time and better not expecting any result and one will find out that it works: Stress will be released and one will find a new way to deal with daily reality. You can start right now with the advice given at the link below. Just do it, we don’t need to talk more for now; you can ask me if there is something not clear.


    Out of this there are coming new questions. It would be interesting and good to be able to continue, especially after all are doing the 'StressReleaseExercise' because then the intuition will open up and understanding on a new level can happen... But the time for this question is running out and we are forced to shut up for now. We might meet each other another day with another question. Of course there is always the opportunity open that you email me if you want.



  • 1 decade ago

    Of course I'm interested to heal myself and I'm aware that in the first place it must come from myself. The main problem might be, that we are all so much in dependency of the established system that claims to have the solution. The health system has nearly untouched authority and so we depend totally on it. But is there real healing offered? Obviously not, as only symptoms are treated!

    It seems to me that there is a kind of 'taboo' about any thing that is part of the established system, including ourselves. Maybe we need to overcome this taboo and ask critical questions! This might not be the solution, but somewhere beyond our limitations there is a solution! I'm willing to go for it!


    Edit: I went to the Stress Release Exercise Web page and shortly after I read the advice how to do it I set down and did it. It seemed to be easy and the time passed pretty fast. After that I felt good and relaxed and I felt that this will be the right thing to do. I will do it twice a day how it is suggested and I will stick to it. I had tried once to meditate, but I didn't like the religious setup. I like especially about the Stress Release Exercise, that it is not connected with any religious, spiritual or other concepts. So I am convinced and will do it! Thank you Bei Yin and thanks to all!


    Edit: I did the Stress Release Exercise now for three days and I feel very comfortable with it. There are several more questions about it but I will ask about it later in a separated question. I can sense already the importance of this exercise and that indeed it releases stress and so helps to avoid disease.

    Source(s): Stress Release Exercise:
  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks for your response to my question last week regarding knowing oneself. I like this question a lot. You seem to answer your own question as to what causes disease and the connection to personal conditions. But how to heal and end the stress... I just don't know. And apparently neither do the other members who starred this question as interesting.

    I do think that Western medicine has often neglected to take the "whole" organism into account as it treats symptoms and cures instances of malfunction but rarely cures people. Are we curable?

    Total reprogramming is not really an option because what set of code is running during the reprogramming. So while total reprogramming is out, we can all work to reprogram ourselves and our society to promote health in small ways one day at a time. We can be tolerant and look to all sources for our answers.

    I'll be looking back to this question to see what others have had to add. My answer is not much, but the question is great.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Of direction I'm interested to heal myself and I'm mindful that within the first location it need to come from myself. The major challenge probably, that we're all such a lot in dependency of the situated method that says to have the answer. The wellbeing method has almost untouched authority and so we rely wholly on it. But is there truly remedy supplied? Obviously now not, as handiest signs are dealt with! It turns out to me that there's a sort of 'taboo' approximately any factor that's facet of the situated method, adding ourselves. Maybe we have to conquer this taboo and ask primary questions! This could now not be the answer, however someplace past our barriers there's a answer! I'm inclined to move for it! Rahmona

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I'm highly interested in this question, first to be able to heal myself and then of course I will be able to be better to do my part to heal this world, although I don't see clearly a solution. I do the best I can to help outside conditions to change for a better, but you are right, that's not the solution. I am working on myself, being critical about what is offered from this society, but this is not the solution. I am trying to relate and respond to daily reality out of my responsibility and I sense that there might come a solution out of it, but still I'm kind of floating around...

    I can say: I'm engaged and so I'm highly interested in this question!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stress is formed when one is out of sync with the natural order of things. When people begin fighting the natural current of the world, stress is formed. It comes from the frustration found when people try to do things like swim upstream, when it would be much easier to just flow down the river. Through the path of least resistence the rapids will cut their speed. The harsh oceans and large rocks, from these two powerful forces we get the most gentle of sand...

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