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  • Are all our belief systems, concepts about ourselves & life,- part of our consumer needs to find satisfaction?

    Are we all 'consumer' using what is offered in our society? And that includes all levels of our existence. We are very concerned about or body, trying to find satisfaction and well being. We are keeping our mind busy and there is a widespread offer that satisfies all needs to find all the knowledge we want. To satisfy our emotions, there is a whole industry that stimulates us when we don't find enough in our personal relations. Finding in this way motivation and sense that keeps us busy?

    This seems to be all, but are we really all 'consumer'. Or is there something else? More *real*?

    Please notice that this questions are posted in 'philosophy', so please stay in this and don't offer what you found satisfying as your beliefs, then trying to convince others...

    3 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • How can I stay healthy in this sick making environment?

    When I look around, I'm observing that hardly anybody is really healthy and most people are getting sick when getting older. But even young people are already sick.

    I don't want to be able to keep going with the help of medication. I'm still pretty healthy and of course I'm avoiding the most obvious things that make people sick, like junk food, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

    Also I observe that most people live under a lot of stress, that makes them sick sooner or later. I want to avoid this and so I'm thinking about this. Can somebody give me some hints how I can stay healthy?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Do people really have the freedom of choice?

    It is said that animals are bound and limited to their instinct and so have no freedom to chose between different possibilities. Humans believe of themselves that they have the freedom of choice, but observing people it seems to me, that they are not free. Why people for example chose to damage themselves, even knowing about it and even if they are informed with clear words they can understand, then still they continue with their 'choice'! Something is going wrong. What is it?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • All is too much, the problems are overwhelming, I can't see them as challenge any more. Can you help? Please!?

    I answered yesterday the Yahoo question: "What are the different reasons that make situations and conditions seen as a Problem or as a challenge?" with the following:

    - - - - Quote: - - - -

    I experience the subject of your question strongly at my present life situation: I'm tired of people. I know that being with people is a challenge and I see it like this, but at the same time it is a problem because I simply have enough! Yes, I am aware that this has to do with my expectation how I would like people to be and then confronting people who are every thing else but not like this. Probably I don't want to see the reality and so clinging on an image that comes from my upbringing, when I was told that humans in their essence are good, honest, brave, caring, loving and all those other beautiful things. Now I am experiencing in a close encounter, that hardly anything of this is real and true. People are dishonest, they lie and pretend, they suck, steal and cheat whenever they can, they are cowered hiding or escaping, but not confronting a problem. Caring? They don't even take care of themselves, doing all kind of damaging things. Loving? They are projecting some emotions out of their needs and then call it 'love'. How can love exist between people like this?

    That is the daily reality I have to deal with. So I need to protect myself constantly and I don't want this. I want to be open to people and have a real communication, - that seems not possible. People don't listen, they just want, in the best case, express themselves with the purpose to receive confirmation for their self image. I'm getting tired of this and don't want to be with people that suck my energy. That's my problem that I don't want this kind of challenge any more. What might be a creative solution?

    - - - - end of quote - - - -

    I answered this yesterday and this morning I woke up with depressions, what is kind of new for me. Is this because I have moved something that is too much for me to deal with? I do every day meditation and yoga, I like it and it feels good to do it, but I don't know if this really helps, although I don't know how I would be without doing it. I am confused and don't see what I could do for a solution, it's a problem now for me and I can't see it as a challenge. Can some body give me an answer that gives me a hint to get out of this? I see Yahoo Answers as a great place, there are people who not just hunt points, but really care for others. That there are people like this gives hope. Thank you!


    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Concepts inhibit to relate to reality? Concepts about God make their realization difficult if not impossible?

    There is obviously a discrepancy between concepts and reality. This causes disappointment, frustration and a lot of stress in most humans. The high number of diseases, suicides and depressions are the result. Spiritual concepts about Love, harmony and Oneness and religious belief systems about God and how to live to go to heaven, for sure give a certain frame in which people can live, but their own reality is different and living their concepts doesn't really work to make them fulfilled and happy. What's going wrong? Is it that humans need to wake up and realize that they are caught in a game with themselves?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why wild rats come in the night and bite me?

    This night early in the morning a rat bit me in my food, it hurts very much and is bleeding. Why did she do this?

    Might it be because the rat sees my room as her terretory and had made a hole in the wall and tries to live there permanently, but I have closed the hole and taken out any kind of food of my room? This rat seems to be very clever, because she doesn't go in any trap and doesn't eat the rat poison. I told her to leave my room, but she stays. What can I do?

    Once there was a rat living in my bathroom, she was chased by other rats and was injured. I could not kill her when she was sitting behind the toilet seat and looking at me. So I gave her food and after a few days she wasn't afraid of me. After two weeks she left...

    6 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Socrates in the street in daytime with a lantern, asking: "Where is light?" What he really wanted to express??

    Socrates wasn't silly, he wanted to express something that maybe was difficult or impossible to tell people, so he was demonstrating it his way. Can some body explain what he wanted to express? Probably he was kind of fed up with people and their silliness and wanted to show them how silly they are. In our days nothing has changed about the capacity of people to look behind the illusion of appearance, but maybe at least a few of us can look a bit further and use language to explain Socrates way to express himself.


    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What is the cause of disease? What is the connection to personal conditions built up in ones life?

    It is known that stress is the cause for 80% of all diseases and stress is caused because the personal conditions, especially ones self-image and established concepts, inhibit a person to relate to daily life circumstances in an open way. The conditioned person reacts all the time to what is encountered and so stress is caused in the first place and then affecting the whole system. How can one get out of this vicious cycle and be healed from symptoms of disease that already has been manifested?


    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What is the cause of disease? What is the connection to personal conditions built up in ones life?

    It is known that stress is the cause for 80% of all diseases and stress is caused because the personal conditions, especially ones self-image and established concepts, inhibit a person to relate to daily life circumstances in an open way. The conditioned person reacts all the time to what is encountered and so stress is caused in the first place and then affecting the whole system. How can one get out of this vicious cycle and be healed from symptoms of disease that already has been manifested?


    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Why change is always resisted in organizations?

    It seems that development in any direction is so difficult because there is so much resistance to any kind of change. Why is this so?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What is the real impact of writing?

    Do people receive something new or are they only willing and able to be open for something which confirms their already estableshed knowledge? It might be that they are open for something new, but then this must somehow fit in their established concepts and world view. To be able to receive something really new there must happen a shift in their consciousness and this can't happen through something written.

    We can share common thoughts and feelings but I guess it is an illusion to believe it is possible to transmit in ones writing a push towards a transformation or a shift.

    So when writing is mainly done because of the need to express oneself, there is often the hope connected that this might change people for a better...

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is a 'transformational change'?

    In answering this myself I would answer: A change that makes one start a completely different lifestyle. One where the person is so certain that what he/she is doing on the deepest level is right and for good that there is no room for fear, or wrong actions and decisions. All actions are completely in tune with the rest of the universe.

    This is my understanding, I am interested in hearing yours.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think happiness is the best "goal"?

    I don't think I understand. I should stop chasing goals? I should stop turning around myself? I should stop looking to the outside for confirmation? I should stop messing with my environment? I should be peaceful?

    So what? I want to be happy like every body. I need confirmation to know that I'm right. I'm not very peaceful I must admit, some times I'm angry even furious, although I don't express it. There are so many 'you should' and 'you must'. I'm confused: I want to be what I am, I want to be happy...

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Adult Attention Deficit Disorder?

    Is there any information about 'adult attention deficit disorder'? I'm a candidate for one of those new drugs they have out on the market for it, but I refuse to take those kinds of chemicals which just cut some symptoms, but have side effects which on the long run make it even worse...

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is change possible?

    I mean 'real' change. Observing people it seems that they all turn around themselves, adapted to situations but not really changing. On a global view there seems no change in many centuries. Is there evolution going on with mankind? It doesn't look like.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When there is balance and freedom of mind?

    There seems to people who are in balance, although extremely few. Is there a way to find balance in ones feeling and thinking? I don't want to hear anything about how I should be or which belief I should addaped. I'm real tired of all those religious concepts and new age images of love and harmony!

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Enlightenment exists?

    Does it really exist? Then where are theese people?

    Or is it just an sales argument, giving people something to go for...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago