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Bomoon asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

All is too much, the problems are overwhelming, I can't see them as challenge any more. Can you help? Please!?

I answered yesterday the Yahoo question: "What are the different reasons that make situations and conditions seen as a Problem or as a challenge?" with the following:

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I experience the subject of your question strongly at my present life situation: I'm tired of people. I know that being with people is a challenge and I see it like this, but at the same time it is a problem because I simply have enough! Yes, I am aware that this has to do with my expectation how I would like people to be and then confronting people who are every thing else but not like this. Probably I don't want to see the reality and so clinging on an image that comes from my upbringing, when I was told that humans in their essence are good, honest, brave, caring, loving and all those other beautiful things. Now I am experiencing in a close encounter, that hardly anything of this is real and true. People are dishonest, they lie and pretend, they suck, steal and cheat whenever they can, they are cowered hiding or escaping, but not confronting a problem. Caring? They don't even take care of themselves, doing all kind of damaging things. Loving? They are projecting some emotions out of their needs and then call it 'love'. How can love exist between people like this?

That is the daily reality I have to deal with. So I need to protect myself constantly and I don't want this. I want to be open to people and have a real communication, - that seems not possible. People don't listen, they just want, in the best case, express themselves with the purpose to receive confirmation for their self image. I'm getting tired of this and don't want to be with people that suck my energy. That's my problem that I don't want this kind of challenge any more. What might be a creative solution?

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I answered this yesterday and this morning I woke up with depressions, what is kind of new for me. Is this because I have moved something that is too much for me to deal with? I do every day meditation and yoga, I like it and it feels good to do it, but I don't know if this really helps, although I don't know how I would be without doing it. I am confused and don't see what I could do for a solution, it's a problem now for me and I can't see it as a challenge. Can some body give me an answer that gives me a hint to get out of this? I see Yahoo Answers as a great place, there are people who not just hunt points, but really care for others. That there are people like this gives hope. Thank you!


3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bomoon, your writing touches me, although I might not be able to tell you something that gives you a solution. You are right what you say about people, they are even worse... but yes, we need to find a way that keeps us going. Let us see the positive and enjoy life and all what can give us joy. The negative is there and we can't avoid it, so let us accept it as part of reality. We don't need to fight against it, but we must watch out and not allow that others take advantage.

    We are all in the same boat and somehow we must accept the other, but being aware of their limitations and this is only possible when we recognize our own boundaries and deal with these in the first place. This might not help you, because you are in a valley and you can't see the sun, but just continue to walk and you will reach new spaces...

    Remember: You are alive, you exist and you are experiencing yourself as a being connected with spaces you still need to explore...

    Take care and cheer up!


  • 1 decade ago

    What I do for me is create compartments for everything in my brain. Simply put one for the good, pleasant, beautiful things, also my love of the God spirit. I have another compartment that I put the stuff in that make me feel as you do about people. I got to the point where I now believe that everyone is doing the best they can based on what they have to work with, and some don't have much.

    I worked hard on not having expectations, not getting angry, accepting others as they are and overlooking those things about them that I don't like, taking measures to protect my heart but not close it off.

    Living as though this is the only day I have ever lived and there are things that can happen that I can't possibly know about. Perhaps something that will be wonderful. I can be whoever I choose, I just have to fight for it. I need to not look towards others problems, but focus on my own. It's easy to love those who love you back, it takes a lot of work to love someone who is not very nice. But this kind of life feels so much better.


  • 1 decade ago

    people are awful creatures in general. when you're growing up your parents tell you about all the good qualities in life because you're little and you wouldn't understand and it would scare you if you did. so you're taught to be good and honest and respectful. of course now you know that not all people kept those same values. you're taught to be like this so you don't end up the complete opposite. of course you can be like everybody else and be a scumbag, but if this all bothers you then of course you can't be like that. i hope this is making sense haha i'm really tired and kind of rambling. but yeah, i realized this too not that long ago and it completely freaked me out. what i do is just be myself and be nice to people and polite. i don't stoop down to the level of liars and thievs and cheaters and it gives me some solice that at least i'm not like all the stupid people out there. just don't surround yourself with people like that, even though they're everywhere. it's better to not be around anyone than be around fake, evil people. i'm sure you have a few genuine people in your life and if you don't you'll come across some eventually. just try to keep in mind that no one is perfect.

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