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Bomoon asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Our values and goals are based on the interpretation and misinterpretation during history of mankind?


I can understand that because we are still at a low level of awareness, even though compared with plants and animals we are higher, - that our interpretation of the world must be erroneous. And I understand also, that we have established concepts about every thing that we have interpreted and out of this there has built up our 'mindset' that rules our way of life, our behaviour and makes us react to every thing we encounter in daily life. In this we are all taking part and so it feeds a common mindset, that we share and give to any body else. But I'm not yet clear about... Well, I just don't see clear and must think about it, finding an additional question...

Update 2:

I thought about it, - quite a lot, but I'm still confused, even more than before. I can see, that the values I have established are coming out of the given mindset of our society and I can see that most of these are fake and serve in the first place, to keep the system going... Now my question is: From where I can get values and goals, that are more *real* and not based just on survival, consume or confirming ones personality? Actually I'm pretty tired of all those social games, but where there is something different? (Please, don't point to religious or spiritual values and goals! Don't feel offended, if these are giving you something essential, but I only can see these as part of the worn out common mindset! Sorry, but please skip these!) Where I can find something that is not the product of the mighty, every where present MINDSET??? It seems to me, that humanity is contaminated all over by misinterpretation and manipulation and there doesn't show up a way to get out of this. Or is t

Update 3:

Or is it just not possible to get out of this condition, because we are totally trapped in our cocoon of personality? Is there anybody out there who can answer this? I feel really desperate about it and it is pretty clear that I'm not the only one! So please give 'us' some light in our 'dark hole' ...

Update 4:

Is there a way out? That indeed would be the most important to know, as it would give us *light* to find *real sense* in our life. So please, if there is any one out there, who can give a logical and realistic answer, then tell me about it. You can be sure it will be appreciated!!!

I feel desperate and I'm sure that I'm not the only one! So please give 'us' an answer!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In fact, most of the values and goals within our society are based on the interpretation and misinterpretation that is the resume of relating to happenings and conditions on the outside and were stored in the common mindset. These were given from one generation to the next from the beginning of humankind on, with little modifications up to our days. As we can see in our days, for most of people the earth is still flat... That this is erroneous is pretty clear, as all interpretation were done out of a limited awareness and no real understanding of oneself and ones surrounding and last not least the knowledge, that power and interest games were forming the opinion of the followers of authority, - to that the mass was and is obeying without asking questions or having doubts...

    Humankind is still at an early state of evolution. That shows from simple facts like that there is hardly any self responsibility. Without that people are told from an authority what they have to do and what they can't do, there would be a total chaos as there is hardly anybody who is capable to relate and respond to daily happenings and conditions out of ones own capacity. Only if there is a given frame. A simple example one can see on the road: Traffic signs all over! But even though, people are not capable to obey these advices, they just don't see them and drive like small children with their tricycle... If you don't believe this, then have a look at the statistics of traffic accidents!

    If it is more complicate like dealing with daily reality in ones work conditions and when having encounters with others, then all kind of problems are showing up and it becomes clear, that values and goals are very much interest oriented and that the fulfillment of ones own needs are the most important. So every body is interpreting situations and conditions out of ones own view and need.


  • 1 decade ago

    I understand what you mean. The wonderful thing, this creates a fantastic opportunity, to come up through the gaps created by the conflicts and have a wonderful life of our own.

    We can just kind of ask for ourselves, and the answers just come.

    Personally I keep it simple. At a very young age I just asked why people didn't seem to be as calm and content as I was. And the answers just came. (Switched to positive framing of intentions and questions soon after that.)

    I asked a similar question again when I was about 43, essentially asking why there's often so much persistence to the opposite effect. Because I was just kind of at a threshold, where I'd reached a limit on a growing snowball positive effect, And the answers just came again in a different way.

    The first time and from then on, the answers where all positive ones with positive experiences following. The second time I got both positive and negative answers simultaneously, and came into contact with people who had all negative ones and were convinced they were right. It just reinforces that the positive ones are all right.

    We don't really need to ask questions to people, though we can do if we like. It's never a final answer; we just have the answers ourselves.

    To express it as values:

    Self-empowered, equal, diverse (I use different words for the first one, but they amount to the same).

    Essentially it says that the power is within, with a little reminder that it also applies to everyone else.

    As long as start with something like that, unlikely to go far wrong I think.

    I like games. I like positive sum games. I just go for least harm maximum help on a universal scale. It kind of starts out no harm and grows up. Because as it's no harm at one level, it's harming by omission if don't go further. So it's an early switch, if there's no conditioning and/or conditioning has been cleared out.

    Cocoon isn't a worry. Butterflies emerge from cocoons. We kind of do that all the time, mostly full life-cycle of the butterfly all at once. It's just the people sometimes don't notice and don't let the butterfly come out, but tread on the cocoon instead (with themselves and each other) in order to keep themselves trapped.

    Confusion is fine. There's always a degree of that. It's just a part of the nature of the cocoon aspect at some level. Just positively as the mystery within. And more inviting, magical feel about it.

    I can't give you a logical answer, because as you've already indicated, the frame of reference wouldn't match and the logic would just conflict. The next level would always be going beyond current frame of reference and associated logic, so it simplifies and embraces more quicker.

    Each moment is a new dawn, where anything no longer needed can die and fade away, and anything new needed can arise and live.

    Humanity is experiencing and growing. And gradually moving beyond it's own walls. It's not a worry, we just do the same in that sense, we just go for getting a nose ahead or noticing another nose ahead in some way, so it's our little way of fitting and assisting in moving faster in our own little ways.

    Everything is fine. It's just the way it is. I'm not saying that it can't be challenging sometimes societal myths can result in emotional, physical and psychological damage. But as one wave crashes, another one rises. When this happens, we can just self-repair, from the inside out ... from the inside out. It's just skills honing. There is always light in darkness. It's always the light that grows and spreads out at the right time, when it's time for it to be received. It's like the way that a a plant grows underneath the soil and if there's an obstacle it may seem stuck for a while, but it finds it's way round the obstacle and still reaches the surface. (Trust.)

    But that's all rambling. And you seem to pretty much have it already.

    In terms of advice, the bottom line is just to meditate. Any way you like. What seems comfortable. I've just got confidence that you'll come across the right way for you and recognise it. It seems to me that you are seeing a lot very clearly; it seems to me that you are just doubting whether you are. (Logic just goes round and round. If in the instant it result's in consistency, fine, it's a check. If it results in being stuck and not progressing beyond a wall, then it's just helping us to stand in our own way.)

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    not necessarily

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