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Bomoon asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

How can I stay healthy in this sick making environment?

When I look around, I'm observing that hardly anybody is really healthy and most people are getting sick when getting older. But even young people are already sick.

I don't want to be able to keep going with the help of medication. I'm still pretty healthy and of course I'm avoiding the most obvious things that make people sick, like junk food, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

Also I observe that most people live under a lot of stress, that makes them sick sooner or later. I want to avoid this and so I'm thinking about this. Can somebody give me some hints how I can stay healthy?


@Rahmona and InkyPinkie:

A great suggestion to find a creative answer all together. I see already something showing up, we might just put the puzzel together. The few missing pieces will show up, I'm sure...

Update 2:

@Alexander: This link you are giving doesn't answer my question. I don't want to loose weight or find the best pill angainst something...

To stay healthy one should probably in the first place stay away from every thing that is connected with money or money maker. I'm not saying that every thing they sell is junk, but it is just disgusting to observe that about the same people sell you things that make you sick and then they or their cousins sell something to fix you...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks for your question that makes me think about it...

    What does it really mean to be healthy? Indeed: How can one be healthy in a sick environment? When we feel 'healthy' then we mostly mean that our body system functions well and we have no disturbing symptoms, but even though we might be sick without knowing it. What about the other levels of our existence? Ones body might be 'healthy' but when we are emotionally out of balance, then we don't feel good and if we are mentally disturbed then it is the same that we don't feel well. And then there might start a chain reaction from one level to the other and sickness shows up all over. So it is clear that having a healthy body doesn't mean to be healthy.

    Looking at it like this I must conclude that hardly any body is *healthy*. So then I come back to my living situation and must ask: How one can be healthy or become healthy in a surrounding that obviously is sick?

    Then out of these thoughts there comes out, that it is not just the question "how I can stay healthy?" but the even more important question: How I can become *healthy* in my whole being? Has this to do with *growing*?

    This opens a lot more questions...


  • 1 decade ago

    This is so true what you are telling here. I had ask myself the same question and came to new questions the same mentioned here. I though to withdraw myself and live somewhere by myself without all those sick making influences, but I think it is not yet the moment. I still need people, not that I depend on them, but I see that I need human contacts, probably because I still have expectations. What shows when I'm reacting out of disappointment. So I'm working on this...

    I'm glad about the fact that my health is ok, my energy is strong and let me go ahead. Obstacles are no problem for me, I see them as a challenge that makes me stronger. That also makes, that the stress that is showing up, I can transform in a creative way. I see that this is a question of having the right attitude, - that will help to stay healthy.


  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you that stress makes people sick and so it would be the most important to avoid that stress can show up and that this accumulates. People use food, tobacco, alcohol and drugs to suppress their stress. We know that this doesn't really work, it just serves so that people can avoid to look at themselves and that they don't need to confront the stress making situation and condition. The conclusion will be that one avoids stress situations, but we also know, that this is not possible. Indeed: What can we do? We can't avoid stress, because we are dealing with daily happenings and this cause stress. But why? So maybe we need to find out the real reason and then do something about it. Good suggestion, that we should do it together... Let's see!


  • 1 decade ago

    I am forced to take strong chemical medication every day, otherwise I wouldn't be able to continue with my life as a normal person, with my job, family etc. So what can I do? Can I jump off a train in high speed even though knowing, that it goes nowhere or worse, if we all go to hell? This society seems to be damned, people seem to be blind, there is hardly any reasoning and common sense. It looks to me, that here we can find the cause for this sick making environment. People are too dumb and dull to look at the situation in a critical way, they just do what every body is doing: Following the herd. They don't know, that they are all guided from their 'pastor' and the watch dogs to the slaughter house...

    Is there any chance that people might wake up? It doesn't look like...

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's a good question, although it seems that nobody is interested in answering it. Maybe that's already the answer: If you want to stay healthy, then you must be conscious about what you are doing, that means what you are 'consuming' and receiving from the environment. Yes, but how one can be conscious when one is part of the big game of this 'consumer society'? It seems that there is no way to step out of it...

    That this society with their consumer habits makes us all sick is obvious. Where is the solution? I don't know, so I can't answer your question. But thanks for asking, it makes me think about it...


    @Foolproo, I like your answer. It is good to see a thoughtful person here!

    @Hu, the same with you: That this question triggers so many new questions is with out doubt a good sign, let's think a bit more about it and maybe together we can find a creative answer...

  • 5 years ago

    do not take Air Borne, lol, that stuff does not artwork and that they are being sued for fake commercial. in any case, the desirable thank you to stay healthful is often wash your palms for no less than 20 seconds to kill each and every of the germs and save your palms away out of your face as much as you could when you consider which you could capture the germs on your palms and once you rub your eyes you will get contaminated via the germs and get unwell. Drink truly some water too and stay far off from unwell people!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have found a really great Essential Oil Blend called On Guard. It works great for boosting your immune system. They also have On Guard hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes to take with you.

    If you have any questions feel free to email!

    Source(s): Modern Essentials A Contemporary Guide to the Thereputic Use of Essential Oils
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