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tonydgr8 asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

Is it really a "Bowl Championship Series?"?

Let's all say it together, "%$&! NO!"

I for one find the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) name not standing for what the name implies ludicrous and ill conceived for failing to engage college football team fans in the game like a true playoff system would bring to the game of college football.

There is no actual bowl championship series as the name of the organization leads a person to believe.

BCS leaders have relegated well known bowl games into a second tier prominence with games that mean nothing in the overall picture of who is the best in college football.

Why even watch the consolation games played in the now less prominent Orange, Rose, Sugar and Fiesta Bowls? The end results of the once prominent bowl games for the winner lead to nowhere except to remind the teams playing of the

fact they could have beat the teams playing in the championship bowl game.


The BCS ranking system while working somewhat is not optimizing the fan

excitement that a playoff system would bring to the game.

Extremely important is the millions of dollars being left on the table by

not changing the Bowl Championship Series into a true bowl championship series.

Why are the leaders of the Bowl Championship Series reluctant to admit they are wrong and move forward with new plans to engage and entertain college football fans with a true championship series to crown the Number 1 team?

Some say money and a "We're not wrong mentality" are the main reasons the BCS leaders continue this charade of how the 2 teams are picked to play in the National Champion Game.

Regardless of why the BCS leaders continue on this path of not creating an

exciting bowl playoff series, the one fact that is known is the decision of

the BCS leaders to ignore the wishes of college football fans.

Update 2:

New bowl games can be created or the teams who are the winners of the various college conferences should have a playoff series to decide who is going to the Bowl Championship Series game.

An example of bowl series would consist of eight bowl games in the first weekend round for the top 16 teams then 4 bowl games in the second weekend round followed

by 2 bowl games the third weekend round and finally the true championship bowl game the following weekend will crown the true Number 1 team amd bring much needed excitement back into the game along with elevating the importance of the bowl games

once again.

Anyone else agree?

Not really a question per say, but just my first rant of the New Year on the fraudulant BCS.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you totally, even though my LSU Tigers are playing for it all this Mon. . You are dead on with everything that you said, college football desperately needs a playoff system. It is the only way to determine the true champion, what if the NFL just threw the two teams with the best regular season records in the super bowl at the end of the season? That would leave out a lot of truely great teams. Look what Pittsburgh did a few years back, making it in as a wild card and winning it all. What if the NFL would have had a college type system then, the steelers would not even have had a chance ( and I am not a steelers fan ). College football really needs a playoff system, I agree with the top 16 teams in the playoffs, then whoever wins can truely lay claim to the national championship. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "Series" refers to a series of years in which the championship is decided in a different Bowl Game each year. It does not mean a series of games in the same year.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    feel better?




    Can't wait until Monday night, no matter how flubbed up the system is that got them there!

  • 1 decade ago

    i can't read that me a headache.

    i agree.

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