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  • Is this true about Tim Tebow? ?

    I heard that Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas, is this really true?

    C'mon, seriously. Is this guy not one of the best, if not the best college football PLAYER ever!!? I'm a die-hard Florida State fan and I absolutely love Tebow. Yeah, of course I wanted Everett Brown 'Tea Bag' Tebow when the Noles and Gators played, but hey I bleed Garnet and Gold...

    Do you consider Tim Tebow the best college football PLAYER ever? IF not, where does he rank in your eyes?

    17 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How to make dvd from mpeg, avi, wmv, or any other video files?

    I'm trying to burn a dvd from different files I have on my computer and I'm having problems. It took awhile to even find a program that will convert mpegs or other video files into dvd format, but I downloaded a program from cucusoft that is suppose to convert mpeg video files to dvd format. The file is about 900mb and it took around 2.5 hours to convert this file and then the program also burns the dvd. Once it finished it didn't work when I tried it in the dvd player. I tried it in every dvd player we have in the house, it didn't play in any of them. I need help! Any and all suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What's next for the U.S. Congress....Bill Belichick?

    I think it's hilarious that all the Patriot's fans are now eating their words, "They only did it for one game!" Oh yeah...?

    Since the United States Government thinks our country needs to waste time and money on baseball and steriods,(something they could send over to the People's Court and Marilyn Milian could knock out this case in 30 minutes!) they are licking their chops on getting their hands on this case.

    All jokes aside, as bad as I want Bill Belichick and his Patriots to go down in flames, it's not going to happen. There is too much at stake for the NFL. Goodell wants this to go away probably more than the cheater himself.

    Who thinks Belichick is going to get away with this with a warning or do you think he's going to get fired or even worse, banned from the NFL?

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • The Greatest 5 minutes ever!?

    Okay, quit with all the "Greatest upset ever" or "Greatest Super Bowl ever" comments. Super Bowl XLII wasn't either. Last night's game was terribly boring until the last 5 minutes of the game. But I must say, the last 5 minutes of the game was indead intense! But not the greatest upset or the great Super Bowl ever. Who agrees?

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who else is glad that the "Greatest Team Ever" didn't win?

    I'm not a fan of either team, but I am so glad that the Patriots didn't win so I don't have to hear all the fake Patriot fans gloating about how they're the best team ever and they did what no other team has ever done. And this would have gone on forever. I can stomach that the Giants won for their gloating is only going to go on until next season.

    The Patriots had a great year, you have to give it up to them. 18-0 and a GIANT loss isn't too bad, right?

    To all Giant's fans,

    Congratulations! Great game!

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • The SuperBowl and HDTV!?

    Is it just me or is it a MUST that any major sporting event has to be watched in HD?

    Can I get an AMEN!!??

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How disappointed is everyone(except Pats and Giants fans)of this year's SuperBowl?

    This year just doesn't seem to have the "buzz" that the SuperBowl usually brings. I wanted the Packers to play the Pats and would have liked to see Favre win another SuperBowl then retire "on top." Now that the Giants are in it, I don't really care to even watch it. Is this just me or does anyone(the majority, I assume)else feel this way?

    20 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will Julio Jones be a Sooner next year?

    Rumors coming out of Gainesville are that in Julio Jones' visit to Gainesville was cut short by Urban Meyer! Julio was escorted around campus by Tim Tebow and Tim told Urban that Julio was trying to get other Gator recruits to play in Oklahoma with HIM next year! Urban found out and sent Julio Jones home!

    Has anyone else heard this?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • 2008 NFL Scouting Combine?

    Does anyone know what channel is going to be covering the Souting Combine this year? I know 2 years ago the NFL Network covered it. I recently moved and my local cable company doesn't have the NFL Network and I really don't want to get Direct TV just for one channel. Hopefully one of the ESPN's will televise it this year.

    Does anyone know or has anyone heard?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Xavier Lee is entering the NFL Draft.?

    Lee was asked to move to Tight End, can you really blame him for wanting to enter the Draft? He would have been a redshirt Senior next year. Lee is an exceptional athlete, there isn't a doubt about that, but his inconsistency is the question. He has good NFL size, 6'5" 235, good speed, strong arm, but not very accurate.

    Will an NFL team take a chance and draft him and fine tune his natural ability or will he be the lastest highly recruited Florida State quarterback to be a "bust"?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will there be an upset this weekend?

    I think that the Seahawks against the Packers have the best shot at an upset. But who do you think will put the big upset?

    Jacksonville vs Patriots

    Chargers vs Colts

    Giants vs Cowboys

    20 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • If the NFL had the BCS system!?

    If the NFL had what Div 1A football has, the BSC system, Dallas and New England would be playing for the Super Bowl. No questions asked. Of course the Pats are undefeated, so they would be ranked #1 and Dallas and Green Bay had the same record(13-3), but Dallas won in a head to head tie breaker.

    So in the BCS Super Bowl, we have New England and Dallas.

    How well would this go over in the NFL? Not so good, huh? Then why in God's Green Earth can we sit back and let it happen in Div 1A football? The college sport that makes the most money is the only sport that isn't decided on the field with a playoff system! While Div 1AA and AAA have a playoff system, Div 1A doesn't?

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will Tim Tebow win the Heisman back to back?

    If he plays like he did this past season, how can he not win it, right? But there's only one ball and there might be too many QB's next year in Gainesville for Tebow to get the #'s he got last season. I think next year Meyer will implement Newton a lot more, like he did when Leak was the starter and brought in Tebow on 3rd,4th and short and goal line situations. Also, the have a JC Transfer, Waggener, who is 6'6" 240. So he might also get some playing time, too. And let's not forget about this Brantley kid that we've heard about all last season, will he get playing time next year, too?

    There are several players that will rack up BIG #'s next year and with quarterbacks galore in Gainesville, it will almost be a certainty that we will have a new Heisman for the 2008 season.

    Here's my list:

    Michael Crabtree - Texas Tech

    Graham Harrell - Texas Tech

    Chris Wells - Ohio State

    Knowshon Moreno - Georgia

    Sam Bradford - Oklahoma

    Kevin Smith - UCF

    Who are your predictions for 08 Heisman?

    20 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Boycott the BCS?

    Yes, it is time for college football fans to boycott the BCS, the bowl games and regular college games until a bowl playoff system is put in place to truly crown the Number 1 college football team in America.

    Year after year college football teams and their fans across America wonder why they are not Number #1 contenders instead of the two teams vying for the national championship game.

    With the BCS leaders continuing to ignore the calls to change how the Number1 college football team is crowned, the BCS leaders are leaving college football fans no choice but to boycott the games until our voice is heard.

    With only hundredths of a percentage point separating the top 16 teams in the official BCS standings; college teams and fans have a right to scratch their heads and say wait just a minute. Boycotting the college football games seems to be the only way to get the BCS leaders to come down from their thrones and listen to the college football fans whose love for the game

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is it really a "Bowl Championship Series?"?

    Let's all say it together, "%$&! NO!"

    I for one find the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) name not standing for what the name implies ludicrous and ill conceived for failing to engage college football team fans in the game like a true playoff system would bring to the game of college football.

    There is no actual bowl championship series as the name of the organization leads a person to believe.

    BCS leaders have relegated well known bowl games into a second tier prominence with games that mean nothing in the overall picture of who is the best in college football.

    Why even watch the consolation games played in the now less prominent Orange, Rose, Sugar and Fiesta Bowls? The end results of the once prominent bowl games for the winner lead to nowhere except to remind the teams playing of the

    fact they could have beat the teams playing in the championship bowl game.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where to find a black FSU jersey!?

    I have looked everywhere! Both of my local malls doesn't have one. I have looked online, no luck!

    I'm hoping somebody that lives closer that to Tallahassee or maybe in Tallahassee will know of somewhere that I can possibly go to their website and order one. It's going to be a Christmas gift, I need a youth large or maybe an adult small?

    I found some on Ebay, but I haven't ever bought anything on Ebay and I've heard several horror stories, so I want to stay away from Ebay!

    Thanks in advance if anyone helps me to find one!!

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What does everyone think about this 16 team playoff!!?

    Now this would be something to get excited about after the regular season!! I mean seriously, how can anyone get excited about Missouri and West Virginia playing in a National Championship game!? Or even worse, if one of those 2 teams lose their last game, Ohio State jumping up and playing in the game for the 2nd straight undeserving year!!!

    Just for a friendly argument....Look at the bracket and pick 2 teams that you think would be playing in "The Big Game!"

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • An UF/FSU question and a few comments.?

    This year's match-up between The University Of Florida and Florida State University is in the Swamp. The last 3 years the Gators have came out of this game victors, will this year be any different?

    I think yes, let me explain. The Gators are undoubtedly have a high powered, explosive offense.....when Tebow isn't pressured. Georgia showed everyone how to beat the spread. They did it with ease. You leave your corners one on one with their receivers and bring 6 or 7 every play. Let me tell you something, I've been watching Mickey Andrews for quite a while now, and my friends, Mickey knows how to bring the house! This year FSU has decent corners that will be able to handle Caldwell. Ingram might be a concern though. I think Harvin is out for this game....(fingers crossed!!)

    Anyway, with Parker and Smith at running back, we are going to have a field day running the ball. I think Bobby is going to have a few tricks up his sleeve too...

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • No more 'ho ho ho'...?

    This year Santas are advised to use the term 'ha ha ha' instead of the traditional 'ho ho ho' because it's offensive to women. Are you freaking serious? What is this world coming to when we have to walk on egg shells in order not to offend people? I can understand if this had any, any, ANY bit of grounds to stand on, but it doesn't! I'm sick and tired to the political correctness that is trying to be pushed on us then the government turns around and contradicts theirself.

    My question is:

    Wouldn't it be A LOT easier to change the slang term, rather than changing tradition? Does this also mean that The Green Giant's saying is out too? What about the gardening tool?

    Is this as ridiculous to any of you as it is to me or am I way off here?

    32 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Isn't it ironic how the Patriots are...?

    ...Accusing the Colts of cheating!! Isn't this the funniest thing you've ever heard!? What nerve they have! How can you continue to support this classless organization? They have the mindset of an 8 year old and think by accusing someone else of cheating it will make them look better for what they did! Come on Pats, this is why everyone hates you!

    25 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago