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Is it realistic to think that we can actually deport 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants?

Or are the politicians just pandering to the citizens resentment toward illegals?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    is not even possible when it comes to all the Asians and i don't mean to be rude but how in the world can we possibly return around 2 million undocumented Asians when most Asian countries would not even receive them back . for them in particular is situation in which they have to stay not matter what . of course most who would like to see that happening IGNORE that fact .

    i wanted to add a fact which some more seem to IGNORE which is that in1953 they took every Mexican looking person they found and sent them back with out even asking about their status , so it is impossible that would happen again , plus most of those deported later came back once they were able to even when they sent them as far as they could ( no to the border but to Mexico city ) .

    one more fact to all those who IGNORE : the number of jobs we have in the USA is determined in great part to the number of people which lives here , so therefor less people not necessarily means more jobs but becoming less productive .

  • 1 decade ago

    If they are pandering to my resentment towards illegals they have it backwards.

    I resent the politicians for not doing their job for the last 20 plus years so that the problem has gotten out of control and then use the fact that the problem is out of control as an excuse to not do their job now.

    It is a much more difficult task not that they have looked the other way for so long, and it will be much more painful for the American economy for the same reason.

    The longer they wait, the harder it will get, for the politicians who replace them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Few if any want to deport all illegals, but if as the illegals say themselves they are only here to work, and the work dries up, they will return on their own. Clearly they preferred their native language, flag, and way of life, so going home because they are unable to find work, is a win win for all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You do not deport those who are here already until you find out their different conditions, those who are willing to go back on their own, then those that will need assistance and those that might need a little push. Then you take the rest and you classified them in different conditions, like can they speak the language, can they work, are they educable and so on.Another thing that can be done is limit the quotas for the countries that have to many illegal immigrant here. The US can also hold monetary on assistance to the countries that have to many illegal immigrants here. That would make these countries to whatch closer for illegal immigrants .

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. It is realistic to deport 2 million who have committed crimes though. Giuliani and McCain were the only two Republicans logical in the debate on the issue.

    Make illegals pay a fine, learn English, and pay taxes and they can stay if they have not broken any other laws.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is totally realistic,if we choose to enforce our laws,and if we decide to do it. I always laugh when people try to say that it's unrealistic for America to be able to do something. Mainly because we have proven over and over that when we set our minds to a task,nothing can stop us if we work together. If we decide as a nation that the Illegals must go,guess what,they're gone.


  • 1 decade ago

    They know if they crack down on the employers with harsh penailties the incetnive to stay will go. A huge fence is mainly a polticians gimmick to act as if they are doing something - but they could end the illegal flow overnight by penailties - harsh ones for employers who employ ilegals and undermine US citizens in thier own country.

  • 1 decade ago

    no. big business and politicians have allowed it to happen, and its coming back to bite them. it also comes from a society thats either too lazy, or just dont care, to monitor what their reps. are doing. funny, its only when a financial crisis comes about, that people notice this stuff. i work with illegals. theyve been doing this for over 10 yrs. what does that tell you about our reps. if they dont know this has been going on, they dont deserve to be where they are. they are not doing theyre job, which is representing the majority. most of us get fired for not doing our job. prostitution is supposed to be illegal. what are these guys?

  • 1 decade ago

    no your right its not realistic but what we are aiming for is to make living here as rough as possible can you say self deportation from what ive even seen around here they are packing up and shipping out if they wanna do it the right way then thats fine i have no quarrels.the way i see it is if they make 2 million legal thats 2 million less that we have to support

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's give it a TRY & FIND OUT!

    During and After WWII, we did! Deported the Japanese and interned others in Prison Camps........It's not like it's the FIRST TIME WE DID IT!! (over 12 Million).

  • 1 decade ago

    You know all you people in favor of shipping out illegals just because it makes you feel better seem to forget 1 thing....Your forefathers STOLE this country from the Native Americans first and then the Mexicans! Would you all be in favor of building a border if we gave Mexico their land back first? (i.e. Texas, California, New Mexico) and everyone living there was then forced out to make room for Mexicans?

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