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Kid of a blind man was kidnapped by a deaf person &a dumb man saw it.How the dumb man will convey to the blind

It is a challenge to all of us in a crisis situation. The purpose of this question is to learn the communication skill through brain storming from my Yahoo friends. Good communication skill determines the effectiveness of a managerial function in Corporate houses.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I think he'll write it to somebody else and the other will say it to the blind, true?

  • If by dumb you mean mute, there are many options. He could use an electronic form of communication such as a computer or portable communication device for people who cannot speak... Or he could make a lot of noise by clapping, banging on things, stomping, or even just touching or tapping the blind man to get his attention and physically show him that his child is gone. Once he has the blind man's attention, he could find someone sighted and write down exactly what he saw and have the sighted person read it aloud to the blind man, and later to the authorities.

    ADDED: That computer bit is assuming that there is a computer nearby. ALL computers have some sort of accessability options for the blind already installed, so even if the computer isn't equipped with JAWS (screen reader that converts text to speach) it will have Microsoft Narrator and the mute man can use that.

    Also, many mute people know sign language... And blind people can learn sign language by feeling the hand shapes being made. I have a few blind friends who know it. If the blind man knows it then he can recieve the information through sign language.

    Really though, blind parents tend to be very careful about things like this, and if the child is young he/she would either have a bell on one or both of his/her shoes, or be on a child harness, or something similar. If the child is older, they'd probably be carrying a rape whistle or at least be able to scream quite loudly.

    Source(s): I'm blind, I know people who are blind, deaf, and mute (though not all at once), and have done a lot of research on alternative communication methods as well as how the blind handle being parents.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay so, it doesn't really matter that the kidnapper is deaf? The dumb guy could just could just call 911 and the police could take over from there. Litttle kids know how to call 911, so a dumb guy would be able to do it too.

    Wait a minute can't the dumb guy just tell the blind guy, I mean he's blind not deaf.

    Cassie and Ashlee-C. have a good point... does the "dumb" man mean that he is mute? I wouldn't have figured out what Ashlee-C meant though until Cassie defined the original defination of dumb being mute. I thought the deaf guy would be the mute. Deaf mute.

    Are you going to tell us the answer?

  • Cassie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Main Entry: ¹dumb

    Function: adjective

    Pronunciation: 'd&m

    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German tumb mute

    1 a : lacking the human power of speech <dumb animals> b of a person often offensive : lacking the ability to speak

    2 : temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment) <struck dumb with fear>

    3 : not expressed in uttered words <dumb grief>

    4 : SILENT ; also : TACITURN

    5 : lacking some usual attribute or accompaniment ; especially : having no means of self-propulsion <a dumb barge>

    6 a : lacking intelligence : STUPID b : showing a lack of intelligence <asking dumb questions> c : requiring no intelligence <dumb luck>

    7 : not having the capability to process data <a dumb terminal> -- compare INTELLIGENT 3a

    synonym see STUPID

    - dumb·ly/'d&m-le/ adverb

    - dumb·ness noun

    usage There is evidence that, when applied to persons who cannot speak, dumb has come to be considered offensive.

    Okay, assuming that by 'dumb' you mean 'can't speak' , or 'mute'. In current English usage, many people will interpret dumb as meaning 'not smart'.

    1.) The dumb( mute) man writes down or texts a message and shows it to a third ( speaking) person, who then speaks the message to the blind man.

    2.) The dumb man and the blind man both know Morse Code!

    The dumb man taps out a message on the blind man's skin

    3.) The dumb man mouths the words, and the blind man feels his lips to "read" them.

    I will keep thinking..this is an interesting puzzle!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Mano
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Thank for your interest in updating YIA friends.

    Regarding corporate communication skills, I would like to state:

    Ticking down the list of CEO's of Forbes 400 companies, you won't even hit an MBA until No. 22.

    There are only 4 MBA's in top 50.

    Life is a great teacher. Lessons are taught after examinations.

  • 1 decade ago

    The dumb man can make the kid shout at the top his voice because the kidnapper will not hear him anyway.

    Or now a days, there is a technology that blind man can read by touchin the paper. That can be used!

    By the way! Did you not see black? In that one girl was al the three!

  • 5 years ago

    Dumb can't see, in this case Dumb means blind and deaf

  • he should go grab the one being kidnapped.. duh☻

    have u seen the hindi movie, its called TOM **** AND HARRY.. one is blind, one is deaf and one cant talk.. so lol... when someone calls the one that cant talk picks up the phone and signs wat the guy on the phone is saying to deaf man.. same happens when they watch a movie.. its so funny... they meet the blind man later and he actually takes a picture of the crime scene and doesnt realize it... its so funny.. u should see it.. u could read subtitles....and when they were going to a party, the blind guy thought it would be nice if he brought some balloons... he goes into A CLOSET and accidentally grabs sum condems and he thinks they are balloons so he blows them up and takes them to the party and u should see the faces of all the parents at the party..OMG SO FUNNY..☻

  • 1 decade ago

    He could write it down with instructions for someone else to read it to the blind man

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ... you got it wrong. The mute man saw it.

    Therefore the problem is that none can communicate with one another.

    A dumb man can still talk.

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