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A gentleman's inquiry.?

While I do not always open a car door for a lady (need to work on that), I will always open a door into, or out of a building. Even if the lady is a complete stranger.

My question is this. When you are faced with a building that has two sets of doors (inner doors and outer doors) spaced close together, what is the "proper" thing to do?

Do I open the first set of doors I come to and allow her to pass through, then let her open the second?

Do I allow her to open the first set, pass through before me, then try to get passed her to open the second?

Or do I try to open them both. Passing through the the first set of doors first, and holding them open for her. Then again walk through the second set of doors before her and hold them open as well?

Also, when opening a door that swings outward. Should I go through the door first then hold it for her? Or should I try to hold it from the inside and allow her to walk through before me?

Thanks everyone.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you mad !


    Do whichever and however you please in each and every situation,but beware the feminist backlash !

    Some will be flattered and some get annoyed at "gentlmenly conduct."

    I have been physically and verbally abused for such considerations.

    I now do not bother doing it at all ! Unless for relatives,elderly or if i happen to have passed through the opening and would be virtually slamming the door in someones face !

    Never allow a woman to pass under your arms in summer ! whilst holding a door open.

    Never allow your lower body to brush against theirs in a doorway ! (its not unwanted pregnancies you have to worry about its the right hook you may get) :-)

    Seriously,i would advise opening the first door and awiting reciprocation of the second door.No point in squeezing in and bufooning about these days old boy !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It s really nice that you are such a gentleman. You have put some serious thought into this! I don't think it should be a gender thing at all though. From my perspective as a woman I can say that the opening of the first door is enough to show respect for the other person. (That is what this is about after all.) In situations where there is a second door, it is their opportunity to show respect for you.

    Relax and don't worry about it.

    Or, you could avoid all buildings with vestibules. It's a weird word anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Step One: Don't freak out.

    It's kind of you to open the door for anybody (male or female.) However, in the aforementioned case, the best choice is to follow this simple rule: Whoever gets to the door first should open it for the next person.

    It's reciprocity and it's fair.

    However! If the lady freaks out that you didn't open the door (first or second), obviously she's a nutter and there's no point in making a good impression anyway. However, if you wanna be a nice guy, you can open the door for her.

    I have a sneaky move at our local Tim Horton's. I open the first door, meaning they open the second door for me. Not only does the person feel gentlemanly, and I have served my door-opening duty, I end up in line before them. (insert evil laugh here.) Does this make me a bad person?

  • By occupation I am a Doorman, but even b4 I was, this issue used to puzzle me...and still does quite frankly. The way I see it the challenge is try to get BOTH doors with a measure of smoothness, at the same time not looking like a desperate pimp. Here's what I try to do:

    1) Open up the 1st door to yourself, but DON'T go in, put your bod between her and the door (provided you or her aren't too fat to turn this a perverted transaction)

    2) Now you're half in, and one and half steps closer to get at the 2nd door than if you were totally outside, almost behind the door. Now you can get there at the same time she gets there (or if you're quick you'll beat her) For Heaven's sake No RUNNING!

    3) If it's a tie and she grabs the handle before your hand gets there, for Heaven's sake don't touch's creepy, you go for the frame, and slowly pull it from there.

    4) If you cannot get around her to get to the 2nd door (i.e. people coming) ABORT. ABORT. Do not attempt the 2nd door. Any further attempts at chivalry risks injury to yourself or others, and will only annoy her..if she even notices your useless flailing.

    Hope that helps, I'm going to go visit my doctor now because I'm obviously O.C.D. I hope there's only one door at the clinic.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Open the first set of doors and let her open the second of door then walk in behind her and hold the second door while she walks through. Never walk in front of her to catch the second set. That's respectful.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd reccomend opening the 1st set of doors and following her out. She'll see that you're polite, but if you rush to get the second as well, you'll seem as though you think she's incapable of doing it herself. And for an outward door, you should go through first and hold it open.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the double door situation I generally get the first door and the lady gets the second. Not because I don't try to, she just beats me to it and gets it before I can.

    When it comes to the second, it much easier to pass through first then hold it. It works better for the both of you and is no less courteous in my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! that was long and detailed!! Just open the first door, ladies really appreciate that!! You dont have to over do,,then you might seem too aggressive,,the car door is a must though! I love my gentleman and it makes me feel nice when a stranger opens a door for me! One door is good enough so take a breath and relax kind sir!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    two sets of doors question. you open the first set, let her walk through. in today's time if she is full of herself she'll wait for you to open the second set of doors. if she isn't she'll begin to open the door, but by then you'll catch up and hold the door open for her to walk through. that is the proper etiquette. (sp)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh man.....RELAX!!!!! it's good to know that chivalry still exists in the world, but you dont need to stress over little things such as the 2 sets of doors dilemma. Just as long as you hold one of them, you're fine. Most people nowdays dont' bother, either because they're in a hurry or they just don't want to feel awkward about it

    and about the car door thing, personally I would be kind of annoyed if a guy walked all the way around the car just to open the door for me since I know i'm capable of doing that myself. just a thought...that's just me.

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