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Lv 43,810 points


Favorite Answers24%

Potter,painter,artist,sculptor and carpenter/joiner. Visit my 360 to view some works or visit artsig jameswolf/simon( in the membership).View a ten foot sectional totem pole made from crank clay.

  • Who produces the most reliable power tools ?

    I own mainly DeWalt,but have found their blade change system on the jigsaw to be a pain.

    it's a twist to clamp and when the metals heat they let the blade out and i am forever putting it back in.(bloody frustrating during a job)

    All the other tools have been fantastic for reliability and wear.

    But you may know different or a best brand.

    Carpenter/joiner power tools (uk)

    9 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Solitude ! Is it a crime to you.?

    I like my own company and am quite happy on my own.

    Why do other people have difficulty with an indivduals happiness within themselves.

    I do not mean i am a media version of "dangerous" Loner.

    I am not morose/depressed or suicidal.

    I am an Artist that is more than happy to be in solitude.

    I join the pack when required/needed and have a partner i would not be without.

    Why is it so hard for the Majority to comprehend.

    16 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How come people ask a question and then just leave it to a vote off !?

    Why can they not be bothered to choose one.

    (i know i have had many answers and can not decide on one over another occassionally,but a lot are just asked and left)

    This means in effect that the first answer usually is voted best, as most who vote are just in it for the 1 point they earn.

    when you vote on undecided questions,do you get bored and just click on any or the first one for speed.

    This system is very weighted toward the early answer,whatever the question,especially if the asker cannot be bothered to find the time to go through all the answers themselves.

    The more answers to a question,the more likely a voter will pick the first.

    Come on people,if your going to ask a question,please try and find the time to pick a BEST answer.

    If you must leave it to a vote because you cannot decide,just edit/add details to show that.

    it costs no more in points and did you know you earn points for actually choosing the BEST answer.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Comments on questions seem very little used,when would you comment?

    I will go and coment if an asker has voted mine as a best answer,sort of as a response or thankyou.

    Do you ? if not why not ?

    When else would you just comment or when else would you comment as well as answer ?

    It seems a very little used and possibly a great unused asset.!

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What makes you add someone to your contacts list.?

    I have added people that gave me best answers.

    made me laugh.

    Given coherent and sensible arguments to things i may not agree with,but have changed my mind or influenced me.

    Added one or two from previous clubs/sites.

    What makes them worth adding to YOUR contact list !.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Should we all pull out of the up coming olympics.China in our hands.?

    What with their Human rights record,the current situation with Tibet,Nepal,Darfur,etc etc.?

    Is this really a suitable Country to hold a sporting/peaceful contest.?

    Would our participation condone their outrageous actions.?

    Or should as most "sportsman" put it ,Keep sport out of politics ! ?

    15 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Organ donor recipients.DNA reincarnation memories.Your thoughts.?

    How come some recipients feel and act differently after their bodies accept the organ.

    Some report being interested in sport/football (even a women who got a young mans heart)

    A man who got an artists eye and who never painted before,now paints oils as i he had done it all his life.

    Whats occuring,urban myth,coincidence,DNA memories effecting the brains desires and actions.

    How do orphaned/or left to fend (like turtles etc) animals still behave as their forebears without parental guidance !

    Go on have a guess,or use your DNA intuitions to answer !

    You can have two goes,as i posted a similar question 24 hrs ago and have had NO ANSWERS (society and culture)

    6 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • DNA is it like reincarnation or memories carried forward.Organ donation,memories too.?

    I sort of got this idea off jackolantern,hope he does not mind me being inspired by his answer to the question i asked earlier today about which era you would like to have been born into.

    Anyway,with body parts that are donated,some describe that they have desires or abilities that they did not ave prior,so what goes on here in the DNA/memory of tissue.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Whos the mean MF that doesnt thumb up.?

    Worse whos the but tt wipe that thumbs down !

    Even meaner who goes telling tales and reporting !

    Come clean,make my day .

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Other than now,what time/era would you have preferred to be born and live in.?

    Or have you an inkling that you may have lived previously !

    Tell all,get it off your chest.

    I was apparently a highwayman in the 16/17th century UK.A native American in the 18/19th .(well according to a "gypsy" type psychic)- funny thing is i did actually meet/see myself in a painting of a highwayman in a pub(i was Sober),long story.

    If i could choose i would go for being born in Warmer climes and non-hostile times.Any suggestions there!

    13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Religion a necessary evil?

    Without the smugg nutters who like a good mystery story ,do you not feel that religion wraps itself in so many enigmas and unanswerables that it is evil in essence.

    Is it just a necessary evil that humanity accepts.

    If any religion is "right" why are there still so many of them.?

    If your God is the true God then why can you not prove that to all and we can all go live in paradise. ?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Scrodled to scrod,scrodded .Meanings,true or false.Have a go !?

    I recently came across this term for a particular interest of mine .I have not found it in any of my vast library of books on that interest.

    Never heard it in fifteen years of practice in this interest.

    But it was used as a quiz question on Eggheads (U.K)

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • why do house-flys always fly in rough formation around light bulbs !?

    And if poss,can you say how they are able to turn sharply and fly in zig zags like triangles.

    also i did hear that they live in a different time scale to the rest of us,which is why and how they avoid being splattered when you try and hit them with a paper etc.

    6 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Money and slang terms,why is a monkey 500 pounds and why is a pony 150 pounds?

    Seems to me that the poor horse is undervalued compared to the monkey :-)

    Seriously,can anyone out there give a good answer and add the other meanings too.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • why a flue for a gas fire and not for a gas cooker?

    Surely a gas cooker burns the same gas and can produce the same fumes.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Home,would you buy a barn to convert or a home thats done and ready to move into?

    If you had the opportunity to buy a barn for conversion with half acre(four bed) to your own spec costing your total budget


    A semi detatched 3 bed cottage not quite to your spec quarter acre but suitable enough and finished and ready to move into(slightly over your budget but stretchable)

    Which and why?

    British cornish countryside(for those who wish to know,this is a real life change situation,so please feel free to give your dreams a vent too)

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Give a celestial Star a Name.?

    If you could name a star what would you call it and why ?

    I have had a couple of names in my previous question and chose Klato (from the day the earth stood still,the robot with absolute power over life and death)

    I only got 5 answers and am certain there are as many as there are actual stars.

    Give me a Star too if you like !

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Name A STAR for me,but give me a star and a name please !?

    I only have a total of 5 Stars so far (boo hoo)

    I noticed that some are begging for and getting STARS.

    I want some of course,but thought i would ask for a name for your star and decide on a best answer by choosing a Novel name.

    if i get more than a shortlist of three,i may leave it to a vote.

    I am a Carpenter,artist,painter,potter and sculpture and often name my works after celestial bodies,so beware i may pilfer a name or two for some of my work's.

    Happy new year and thanks for any star's and names. :-)

    5 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago