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Screamin' Eagle

Favorite Answers50%
  • How do you seal a seeping battery terminal?

    I have a lead acid battery that is corroding one of my terminals consistently. It could only be a broken seal where the terminal enters the case as it does this even while on a maintenance charger. The battery is otherwise in fine condition and starts, and charges the vehicle just fine. All I need to do is figure out what I can use to seal it. Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • loud pipes for safety debate?

    Well I think it's time to open up a can of worms here. What's your thoughts on this subject?

    Personally, after being or the receiving end of a car driver (idiot) who "didn't see me" (yes that was a direct quote from the idiot). I can say that ANYTHING that will make someone go "what in the world is that?" is making them pay attention to where I am.

    I don't know how many times I've been darn near run over (no exaggeration here) by someone who run a light or pulled out from a side street with a phone in one hand stuffed up to the side of their face.

    I say if you don't want to look for us then we need to try something else. Noise! We'll make you listen.

    Now, for all of the opponents of what I just stated I welcome your input, but please just do me this one favor before you type in your opinion. Please answer this simple question.

    If noisy pipes don't save lives then why do they put sirens on emergency vehicles?

    Now think deeply about that. Don't just scratch the surface and say because they are emergency vehicles. Everyone already knows that. There was a reason the sirens were put on those vehicles. Why?

    And I WILL give a best answer to the most thought out answer weather it be for or against.

    17 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between using CO2/Argon mix, and using just Co2 or Argon when welding?

    I'm about to get a small MIG welder that is capable of using CO2, Argon, or a mix as a shielding gas. I can also use flux core, but I already know that flux just makes a mess.

    What I want to know is what is the difference between using either Co2 or Argon by them selves, or using a mixture of the two gases? Which works better?

    7 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How long should I wait to get an e-mail reply from a Governor's website?

    I had a few questions about some policies in my state (Maryland). I looked up the .gov for my state and submitted an e-mail to the Office of the Governor. Within minutes I received an automated reply stating that the e-mail was received. That was a week ago. How long should I give my Governor's office to get back to me before I press the issue?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between cork and paper composite motorcycle clutch friction disks?

    I own a 2006 Suzuki C90T (VL 1500). The clutch lever is almost full out when the clutch is fully engaging. It's a hydraulic clutch system so I believe I need to replace the friction disks.

    I have a choice between an EBC cork/aluminum kit and a Vesrha paper composite kit. What I need to know is what is the difference is between the two? Which will last longer? I sure as heck don't want to have to replace the clutches every two years.

    Barnett also makes a kit for my bike, but I don't know what they use as a medium for their disks. Has anyone had any experience with any of these clutch disks?

    1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Where is it written that a guy must initiate contact to start a relationship?

    This question isn't really for my own knowledge as much as it is for you young people to ponder. At 41 I've been there and done that maybe too much at times.

    It seems to me that I've seen allot of girls on here asking why a certain guy won't ask her out. Or say that they really like said guy, he seems to like her but he is shy about it. It happens.

    So why not ask him? Maybe he's asking the same questions about you as you are about him.

    Start a conversation with him. Ask him for a dance. Help him out a little. Give him something to start with. Sometimes that's all it takes. Maybe that's what he's looking for a girl who can fill in the gaps in a relationship. Speak when he's at a loss for words. Be his compass when he's lost.

    So there's your question. Why not?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Has any of you heard of the new form of PMS?

    It mostly strikes men but it has been known to get to women as well making it twice as bad.

    This new form of PMS is known as Parked Motorcycle Syndrome. It's when you have to put you bike away for the winter.

    (Yes I know you can ride in the cold but road salt does a really bad number on metal parts.)

    5 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Were Adam and Eve REALLY the only two people on earth?

    Has anyone out there really read Genesis? That is the very first chapter in the Bible. I've read it and all I came up with is a question that not even my pastor can answer.

    It says that God created the world. Then created man (Adam). Then created woman (Eve). Supposedly they were the only two humans on earth. Eve gave birth to two sons (Seth & Lot). So now there are 4 humans on the face of the earth correct? This is what the Bible is saying. Correct me please if I am wrong here.

    So it goes on to say that Seth and Lot leave the garden to go out into the world. Later they return each with a wife. I'm not making this up read it for yourself.

    So by now you can probably guess my main question.

    If Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth and only had two sons then where did these wives come from?

    Please don't answer this by telling me I just have to believe because no I don't. How can anyone believe a book that, in more ways then this, tells you one thing then goes on to tell you something completely opposite?

    Please don't get me wrong here. Your faith is your faith. And that I won't question. You are entitled to your faith. But this is a simple straight question that I've never been able to get a straight answer to. Please, what is your opinion on this?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Trickle down economics didn't work. What do you think about trickle up economics?

    So what happened with trickle down economics was that tax brakes and subsidies were given to wealthy business owners in "hopes" that they would in turn put it into their companies thus expanding them and creating more jobs. All the while giving raises to the people who were working there to begin with.

    What happened? They kept the money, pocketed the tax brakes, and outsourced the jobs. So NO trickle down economics didn't work.

    Now we went and bailed out banks and car manufactures and STILL left the working man hi and dry. Oh they gave us all $300-$600 to spend to get the economy going. That would have been like giving Chevrolet $60,000 and telling them that's THEIR bailout money.

    Here is what I think should have happened.

    They could have taken the $700,000,000,000 (that's seven hundred BILLION dollars) found 14,000,000 (that's fourteen million) households and given them $500,000 each with a few stipulations.

    #1. They would either have to buy a moderate new home, or have their existing home completely remodeled and updated.

    That would be either 14,000,000 new homes being built or rebuilt. There goes the housing problem.

    #2. They have to buy at least one brand new American made car.

    That's 14,000,000 new car sales. There goes a boost to the car industry. That problem solved.

    #3. They would have to hire a financial adviser and invest a sum of their new wealth in the US stock market.

    Stocks climb. Now the money starts to make money for them. This would put a bunch of accountants to work, and give our stock market a boost.

    #4. Put the rest in an American bank. Open an account that will be for a percentage of their stock earnings and interest from the bank holdings. Once that account reaches $500,000 you have to pay it back to the government.

    $700,000,000,000 deficit solved.

    Do you think this would work?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What type of oil in the final drive of a 2006 C90T.?

    I have a Suzuki C90T (VL 1500). The owners manual explains how to drain and fill the final drive, and even when it should be done. But doesn't tell you what lube to use. Is it 10W40 motor oil or 90W gear oil?

    Does anyone know for sure?


    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Which is better, flux core wire fed mig welders or stick mig welders?

    I'm trying to decide between these two types of welders to get. I'm only going to be welding mild steel (under 1/4 in.) and maybe sheet metal and am looking at two 120V input models.

    The wire fed welder is rated at 90 AMPs max while the the stick welder is rated at 120 AMPs max.

    I've done some stick welding in the past and have done very well with it. But is the wire fed welder more versatile?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • In Kingdom Hearts 2, how do you get on the Gummi Ship from inside a world?

    I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 2 on PS2. I'm at Disney Castle and it's telling me I have to go see Merlin in Hallow Bastion. But I can't figure out how to get back on the gummi ship to get there. Does anyone remember this game, and remember how to do it?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Does a 1999 Dodge Durango 5.2L have a cooling system bleeder on it's engine?


    A friend of mine had sent her 1999 Durango to a shop to get a water pump replaced (it needed it).

    When she got it back she was told that the system had been tested and it had been ran for at least 17 miles to test it. Everything was suppose to be fine.

    She had to drive it over 60 miles to get it home over mountins. Thank goodness it was 14 out that night she just got it home. By that time, all the fluid had leaked out under the truck. I looked at it and it seemed to be coming from around the front of the engine somewhere, but I couldn't tell from all the fluid that had sprayed in the engine compartment.

    I thought it looked like they had put one of the hoses on wrong or the spring clamps, that they reused, were just too weak.

    She called the shop back and they came up and picked it up.

    Next day they were telling her that it was one of the heads and she was going to have to pay for the towing and the new repairs which was $1500. There was no indacation that the heads were the problem before the water pump went.

    So the shop said that if she couldn't afford the bill that she could come down and sign the title over to them in return for payment for the towing and work that they had already done on the truck this time.

    Sounded a bit funny to me. So she called them back the next day and said that she was going to come up and get the truck and take it to another shop. Needless to say the first shop changed their tune. NOW it was a cracked water neck. Much less to fix it, but she still had to pay for the tow bill.

    NOW. What I woundering is weather or not the truck had a cooling system bleeder somewhere on the engine, and the first shop just left it open to cause this second problem.

    We know they tryed to, what amounts to, steal the truck. We're woundering if they got her for the water neck and towing as well.

    Thanks everyone.

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • What was the first gas price?

    What was the first price per gallon for a, comercialy sold, gallon a gas? And what year was it?

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • What is this country coming to? (a ranting question)?

    OMG! I just read a question on here from someone who asked why people smile at them. They called it "an invation of their privacy", among other things.

    I'm hopeing it was a sarcastic post, but in this day an age I doubt it.

    Why do so many people think that if something I do, or wear, or eat, or read to myself, or yes even smile, within their site happends to offend them that they should have any kind of right to ban, or in any way attempt to stop me from doing it?

    Has this country regressed to the point as to where we are ruled by a bunch of whine babies who go running to the police, or to the court system every time someone does something they happen not to like within their site? Or wears a t-shirt with an image of a flag on it that they don't like?

    And as for that last question. Do you beleve that a person, or any group of people, have the right to ban all representations of any flag from a public place because they don't like what it stans for?


    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • A gentleman's inquiry.?

    While I do not always open a car door for a lady (need to work on that), I will always open a door into, or out of a building. Even if the lady is a complete stranger.

    My question is this. When you are faced with a building that has two sets of doors (inner doors and outer doors) spaced close together, what is the "proper" thing to do?

    Do I open the first set of doors I come to and allow her to pass through, then let her open the second?

    Do I allow her to open the first set, pass through before me, then try to get passed her to open the second?

    Or do I try to open them both. Passing through the the first set of doors first, and holding them open for her. Then again walk through the second set of doors before her and hold them open as well?

    Also, when opening a door that swings outward. Should I go through the door first then hold it for her? Or should I try to hold it from the inside and allow her to walk through before me?

    Thanks everyone.

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What if I don't like ANY of the candidates?

    I've heard it said "If you didn't vote, then you have no right to complain". And I beleve that is a very good point.

    But can someone tell me what I'm suppose to do if I don't like ANY of the candidates?

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where did the 1% go?

    Ok, right now, if I go into my profile and look at "my stats" it gives a persentage value of the questions I've answered (91%), and the questions I've answered which have been voted as best (8%).

    Now I'm no math professor, but doesn't that add up to only 99%? So where is the missing 1%?

    Look at you own. Is it the same?

    I may have to take this to Dave and Jerry!!!!...LOL.

    Take care everyone. Have fun.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How to end a sentence with " " and ()?

    How would you end a sentence that ends in either a quote " " or in () ?

    Is the " or ) the last caricature, or do you still have to put the period, question mark, or exclmation at the end ?

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago