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What if I don't like ANY of the candidates?

I've heard it said "If you didn't vote, then you have no right to complain". And I beleve that is a very good point.

But can someone tell me what I'm suppose to do if I don't like ANY of the candidates?


I want to thank everyone who lent an answer, oppinion, and/or information.

When it comes to politics, as with religion, there is no real right or wrong. This is going to make it very difficult to pick a top answer.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you just need to do a little more research! Try the candidate calculator and then use the other web-sites to check into your top candidates for more information.


    The other sites will help answer any questions about the candidates the issues or the election process. As well as registering, and voting.

    1.Answer the questions on this site to find the 2008 presidential candidate that best aligns with your beliefs.

    2.It only takes three to five minutes!

    3.You may also “Click” an issue to LEARN more about it and discuss it with other voters.

    4.Which 2008 Presidential Candidate Agrees With You?

    1.Presidential Election Resources; including each candidate's voting record and position on all issues.

    2.State Presidential Primary Dates

    3.How Does the Primary Process Work?

    4.Electoral College Votes per State

    5.What is the Electoral College?

    6.Political Party Information

    7.Other Internet Resources

    1.This site compares candidates and issues in matrix form.

    2.You can vote for your candidate by issue on this site.

    This is yet another site for information on the 2008 election!

    Absentee Ballot Request and more 411!


  • 1 decade ago

    I vote for the candidate that has the least chance of winning. I know he won't win, but I do hope the fact that the winner recognizes the people who voted against him as people who are trying to tell him something. To NOT vote is a complete waste and a cop out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, yes. Voter apathy. I've had it for years. Same old garbage people running the country. Democrates, Republicians, doesn't matter. Old man whitee looking out for old man whitee. Doesn't care about the people really.

    RON PAUL cured my apathy.

    All politicians are just the same old cookie cutter crap. Except this one. One day while I was channel surfing, I heard Ron Paul talk for 1 minute during one of the debates . I didn't even know what the question was. And I said "What???? Who is this???" Couldn't believe someone running for president was just stating the plain truth.

    Want an example? Can you handle it? Ron Paul said the reason 9/11 occured was because WE, THE GREAT USA were over there messing around IN THEIR COUNTRY! WE BROUGHT IT ON OURSELVES. Most couldn't dare say wonderful USA did something wrong, but there you have it. All the 9/11 reports that answered "Why did they attack us?" said this same thing - we were over there, not because they hate us for our freedom (as may others say).

    Does this piss you off? Make you happy? Find out more at the link below. FIND OUT WHO RON PAUL IS, THEN SEE IF YOUR ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS THE SAME.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, at least you have the choice of wether or not to vote! Here in Australia its compulsory. Today Ive gone with the rest of the sheep and made my mark, and I cant say that I think a whole lot of any of the candidates. I used to write legnthy letters on the back of the form as to why I thought our political system was wrong. Now I just get it over and done with as quickly as possible. There is NO democracy in a 2 party system.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I do not support someone

    I vote 3rd party to voice my displeasure with the staus quo.

    If everyone who felt this way voted anyway for a third party candidate it would make the 2 main parties take notice.

  • john c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The only honest action you have is not to vote. If you vote for the lessor of the evils, you are defrauding yourself. You can do something, that being, work for a third party, a party that truly represents the people, and not bought and controlled by big money, special interests, and big corporate criminals. Tell everyone you know,; use every medium to tell people to read THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, and circulate the Declaration of Independence, and we will wake up America and the controlling. corrupt, and criminal politicians who rule us today.

  • mickbw
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    At some level, we should be voting not for the person we like but the best candidate for the job.

    Maybe you should start by using this web site I saw recommended on yahoo answers that will return the candidate which most closely matches your views based on the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks for your post ,now I know I'm not alone

    I also believe that my vote doesn't count after what happened in 2000 & 2004 elections.

    I don't like Republican or Democrate and if I vote

    as an independent my vote will be down the drain

    it's better not to vote this way I'll not feel guilty about putting another one of the same....

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whoever came up with that BS about don't complain if you don't vote is a huge JO! I'll complain all I want and nobody

    has anything to say about it (vote or not vote).

    If you don't like any of the can-idiots then don't vote period, but complain all you want, it's your right!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reconsider Ron Paul Vote for liberty

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