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Were Adam and Eve REALLY the only two people on earth?

Has anyone out there really read Genesis? That is the very first chapter in the Bible. I've read it and all I came up with is a question that not even my pastor can answer.

It says that God created the world. Then created man (Adam). Then created woman (Eve). Supposedly they were the only two humans on earth. Eve gave birth to two sons (Seth & Lot). So now there are 4 humans on the face of the earth correct? This is what the Bible is saying. Correct me please if I am wrong here.

So it goes on to say that Seth and Lot leave the garden to go out into the world. Later they return each with a wife. I'm not making this up read it for yourself.

So by now you can probably guess my main question.

If Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth and only had two sons then where did these wives come from?

Please don't answer this by telling me I just have to believe because no I don't. How can anyone believe a book that, in more ways then this, tells you one thing then goes on to tell you something completely opposite?

Please don't get me wrong here. Your faith is your faith. And that I won't question. You are entitled to your faith. But this is a simple straight question that I've never been able to get a straight answer to. Please, what is your opinion on this?


Ok, I may have been wrong with the names of the sons. I was under the impression that Cane and Able were the sons of Seth. But Like I said I may be confused. Maybe I should go back a re-read it.

One thing I seem to remember is the mentioning of the wives being Egyptian. So I believe the sister, niece, cousin thing is probably wrong.

Thanks to everyone who has answered so far. Most have really put some thought into your answers.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course not it's a preposterous myth and the actual meaning is ethnocentrism at its worst: Adam and Eve weren't the first humans on earth, they were the first Hebrews, the progenitors of the tribe of Hebrews which to the authoritarian religious mind means the only people worthy of being called people, leaving everyone else animals for the slavery, slaughter, raping and pillaging, free from any moral restraint. Go read your Bible and see the truth: God told them to kill everyone who wasn't a Hebrew, to take the women and children for themselves, to impregnate them and thus make their offspring Hebrews. It makes me physically ill to think people teach this horror to their children and believe it their entire lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Were Adam and Eve REALLY the only two people on earth?


    2) Has anyone out there really read Genesis?


    3) Eve gave birth to two sons (Seth & Lot).

    Admit it - you haven't read it, have you?

    4) So now there are 4 humans on the face of the earth correct?

    Not necessarily. The bible tells us that Adam had "many sons and daughters". By the time they had Cain, Abel (who was murdered) and Seth, we know that there were **at least** 4 people on the Earth. How many daughters had they had by the time Seth was born? The bible does NOT tell us!

    5) So it goes on to say that Seth and Lot leave the garden to go out into the world. Later they return each with a wife. I'm not making this up read it for yourself.

    It is quite clear at this point that you ARE making this up. This is NOT in the bible. If you're going to claim contradiction in a book, you should at the very least read the portion that you claim is in contradiction.


  • V
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    During the 1st week of creation, yes, Adam & Eve were the only people on earth. Where does it say that they only had sons? My Bible says they had daughters, too.

    Genesis 5:4 - "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were 800 years: and he begat sons and daughters." The creation was new & without sin. There were no laws against marrying close relatives. That came after sin degraded the race and disease became a factor.

    Find a pastor that knows the Bible.

  • Nawni
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They're first two sons were Cain and Able, and later Seth (Lot was Abraham's relative). But yeah, Cain went out and got married (after he killed Able). And Seth had kids too. The thing is, the Bible doesn't say that these three were the only kids Adam and Eve had. Usually when they give genealogies in the Bible they don't mention every kid someone had (they tended to have a lot), just the important ones. Presumably they had lots and lots and lots of kids (and since Adam lived past 900 he had plenty of time to do it). Obviously they married their sisters.

    And yeah, you can say, eww incest, but that wasn't instituted until later. If you look at it biologically, Adam and Eve would have had perfect genes (without any genetic defects or errors) so their kids would have only very, very, very minimal mistakes in their genes, so marrying close relatives wouldn't get you things like deformed children, like it would today when all those generations of genetic mistakes have accumulated in us. Incest is bad because close relatives have a greater change of having similar genetic mistakes which are then exacerbated in their kids.

    Source(s): I know my stuff.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >>So it goes on to say that Seth and Lot leave the garden to go out into the world. Later they return each with a wife. I'm not making this up read it for yourself.<<

    Anyone who has even glanced at Genesis knows you are making this up. For one thing, Lot is 19 generations after Seth.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a simple one. Genesis 5:4 states that in addition to Seth, that Adam had "many other sons and daughters". So they were not the only four people in existence at the time Cain had his son Enoch. If you read the story of Cain, he was considered that "anyone who found him would kill him". That implies a larger then three other people population.

    At the time when Cain killed Abel, Cain was 130 years old. Both he and Abel could have had multiple children, grand-children and even great-grand children by that time. If you read the story in Genesis 4 of Cain's exile, it says that he moved to Nod with his wife and there build a city for his son. So apparently he had other relatives alive willing to move into the city with him.

    Nothing in scripture suggest that Cain and Seth were Adam's only children. In fact, it specifically states they were not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I truly think that there are a lot of loose ends in the Bible, but then again you got to remember for just about 1,000 years in the medieval times no one could read the bibles but the Catholic priest. and when it finally was translated to i think please don't take my word on this, Hebrew in the 1500's there had probably been many changes made in the Bible.... hence comes in all these loose ends. I'm not saying anything bad about Catholics because many others had a hold of the Bible before them, i just think some people made slight changes to the bible to their satisfaction (and since only people who knew koine Greek, again don't quote me on that particular language, it kinda just worked out.). well i hope i have helped you some what.

  • 1 decade ago

    Genesis 4:17 says, "Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch." Who was his wife? It is implied in the biblical text that Cain married one of his sisters. Several facts lead us to this conclusion.

    First, it is clear that Adam and Eve had a number of children. Genesis 5:4 says, "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters." Since Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and since God had commanded them (and their descendants) to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28), it seems reasonable to conclude that Cain married one of his many sisters. It is also possible that he married a niece or even a grandniece.

    One must keep in mind that in the early years of the human race there were no genetic defects that had yet developed as a result of the fall of man. By the time of Abraham, God had not yet declared this kind of marriage to be contrary to His will (see Genesis 20:12). Laws governing incest apparently did not become enacted until the time of Moses (Lev 18:7-17; 20:11,12,14,17,20,21). Hence, there was no prohibition regarding marrying a sister (or niece or grandniece) in the days of Cain.

    Gen 20:12 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though rot of my mother; and she became my wife.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind the genesis of Genesis. It is, at best, a condensed compilation of a lot of oral traditions that Moses put together to give us some semblance of modern man's earliest history. It is far from complete and gives us only the barest of a glimpse of that first family of modern man.

    Note that I used the phrase "modern man" in my explanation. There is archeological evidence that other species of man co-existed for a period of time with modern man. DNA evidence suggests a common ancestor, but not that we are descended from those other humans (such as the Neanderthal).

    It is also unlikely that Moses recorded the names of all of Adam and Eve's children. I suspect they had many and those children had many and that they freely copulated with each other (for survival of the species, if nothing else). That is a hard concept for most modern people to swallow, but that's about the only way it could have been... if you accept the idea that modern man started with Adam and Eve.

    Of course, modern man had to start somewhere. Two people (or one evolved person and another) would have been the way it happened. Where they came from is really not known and outside of the story Moses wrote, we have nothing but speculation.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    God was there. for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. ~ 2 Peter 1:21 God spoke to Moses to record the book of Genesis. Obviously Moses was not alive in the garden. Good question. God bless!

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