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Wo asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

Le Creuset cookware- is it worth the money?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That would be a big no.

    All-Clad and Caphalon (NOT the kitchen essentials crap they sell at Target though.) are both pretty good and are a lot less money.

    It really is not worth paying the extra money just to say that something is French.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with the others. I have an enameled cast iron pot, made by cuisinart. It was a gift because I have wanted one for a long time and couldn't afford the heafty price. My mom found this one at a discount store for about half the price of a Le Crueset.

    I love it. It retains heat better than any other cookware and is an easy clean up. Great for braising and I also plan to make jam in it this summer and membrillo in the fall. It is the best soup pot.

    If you buy a brand other than Le Crueset be sure that it can take high heat and basically has the same specifications as Le Crueset. Because Le Crueset commands such a high price, there are lots of cheap imitations out there that are priced way higher than their value.

    I have lots of different cookware and I wouldn't use this pot for everything. But like my other cookware, it has its place. I must admit, though, that I would only want a dutch oven. The other Le Crueset pieces don't interest me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Le Creuset is just enameled cast iron cookware. It's very attractive, but once it's seasoned, you can do just as well with Lodge cast iron at a fraction of the price.

    BTW . . . cast iron is the preferred choice for some kinds of cooking, for example corn bread (skillets) or braising (Dutch oven). So consider your needs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, i usualy use cheap cookware because it all ends up in the sink anyway and i definatly do not buy any cookware cheap or expencive that has any kind of nonstick paint on it because i do not want to eat paint or have my family eat paint. all paints eventualy chip or slowly come off into the food on cookware. i like a good strong metal or glass cookware that i dont have to worry if i scratch it and i can scrub it if something burns. i got some pots/pans as a present and they had the nonstick paint on it but i accidently burnt some rice in the pan and even though it soaked in the sink for a while half the paint came off when i had to scrub it.

    ON the other hand, maybe some of their decorative ceremic cookware would be nice to use for festive occaisons but isnt practical for everyday use.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you can afford it in the first place I would have to say YES, most definitely.

    This cookware lasts a very long's the kind of stuff you can pass down from one generation to another. It distributes heat evenly, cooks magnificently and looks great.

    I only wish I could afford an entire set - they do everything including oven to table casserole dishes and suchlike.

    Have a look at this website for loads of useful information about it:-

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it is,it's made in France,in the same town since it was founded,not in china.if your looking for a dutch oven or roaster,they are excellent,all clad is more money,I'm not sure what those other people are talking about.,it's great to .

    but for enamel ed cast iron cookware they are wonderful.Some french dishes just are not the same with out one.this purchase is forever,you will have this till you die,work it out year by are other cheap imitators but that's what they are "imitator's" ,go for the real thing!

    Source(s): chef
  • 1 decade ago

    YES-I have used it for years, at home and professionally--it is not an expense but a life time investment that will reward for generations. Forget the comment about the paint--never happen.

    Chef Jack Garrison

  • Susan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    NO! Way too heavy and overpriced. You can find affordable cookware that works just as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    No... just get cookware that is light and affordable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually Not....ALL-CLAD is hands down the best.

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