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Dawg Winfrey asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Roger Clemens...?

It is reported that Clemens may not agree to testify at the upcoming Senate hearings on January 16th. If he doesn't testify...would you accept that as an admission of guilt that he knowingly took steroids? I would. Please answer and state why or why not.


I did see his interview today. And he did say he would tesify...but...he could also invoke the 5th in the event his lawyer tells him to. He says he'll answer any questions, but that could change.

Update 2:

Also, why would you inject someone and not tell him what it is. Clemens claims that McNamee injected him with B12 and Lidocaine.

McNamee said during the phone conversation that he would go to jail for him. That implies that he really loves and respects Roger...with that being said...why inject him with a illegal substance without his knowledge?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you guys need to remember that in our system you are innocent until proven guilty. Lets wait until he testifies in the hearings Now that it has been postponed rumor has it that he might not testify. If he doesn't I think you can fairly say he is as guilty as OJ

  • 1 decade ago

    B12 and lidocaine get injected in the arm, not the 'lower back' as Clemens said. McNamee is desperate, he's lost his family and job. He called Clemens as a friend begging for forgiveness and Clemens taped the call and tried to use it a against him. McNamee never said on the call that he lied. Clemens is a gutless puke.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure were you are getting your information. I'm watching Mike & Mike right now and they have just reported that Clemens said he WILL testify under oath with no plea bargaining for immunity. He has also filed a defamation law suit against the trainer.

    This gives credibility to the interview last night. If he is innocent, this is exactly what he needed to do. Let's see what happens.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not testifying makes someone look guilty, but in a criminal trial the defendant should not testify because the attorneys can make anyone look bad.

    Today, Clemens says he will do anything to clear his name so I assume that means he will testify in congress.

    Does anyone think that anything congress does will help with any problem?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldent accept that as a admission of guild, but i would see it more as you have some explaning to do.

    He claims the shots he was given was b12 and lidocane but his trainer is very experienced and knows the difference between that and steroids. He also is claming his innoncence by sueing him for deffermation but wont testify infront of congress to discuss the mitchell report findings. I would think if i was totaly innocent of serious accuations like this i would do everything and talk to anyone who wants to listen to tell my side of the story but hes just not doing that and it does raise som serious doubts

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it was one of those agreements between him and his trainer where no words where really exchanged but he (roger) knew what he was being injected with. You know what I mean? When you beat around the bush to ask for something with out really saying it, plus if these two where as tight as they say then the trainer would have no probelm "reading" his buddy and knowing he can't really ask, but want's it. Ether way, he f*ucked up, be a man and come clean. Nothing is worest then a grown man avioding the turth after he has been caught red handed.......BONDS.......

    Source(s): Yes, guilty if he doesn't testify. Also, I take B-12 everyday, by a pill, seems like a better method then a shot??????
  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Cary, I believe where there is smoke, there usually is fire.

    and you are right about the size of the baseball player now as compared to 20 or 30 yrs ago. But keep in mind how advanced legal training methods have come. Kids start earlier now and have strength and conditioning coaches now. That wasn't true 20 or 30 yrs ago. Also in this country you are innocent til PROVEN guilty. Anyone can say anything about anybody, that doesn't make them guilty!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he refuses to testify under oath, that is an admission of guilt. If you're going to scream your innocence and then run when you have to scream it with your hand on the Bible, something is wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were accused of doing something I didn't do I would go anywhere and talk to everyone about my innocents. If Clemens elects not to do just that it would tell me something about him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Last I heard, Roger will testify.

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