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Lv 4
lobo asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Would you support a bipartisan third party?

Mayor Bloomberg with support from a number of repubicans and democrats is proposing a third political party. Given the dismal results of our current Congress, in fighting, bickering, self interests, is it time for major change. I would support it if the platform was to promote the interests of the Country rather than state and personal interests. Second platform, get rid of earmarks for special projects, if the project can't stand on its own merits, it has no business being paid for with public money. Third platform, no legislation that takes effect through non action (example: current Congress pay raises take effect unless Congress votes no), this is pitiful ledgislation. I think we are overdue for political reform.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we changed the way government officials were elected then their might be a chance.

    I for one would like to see the electorial college be retired in favor of a popular vote. This would allow the persons vote to really matter. For those states like NY who always vote Dem, roting REP is a waste of your vote.

    Since the vote would be done by the people third parties would have greater influence as they would be taking votes away from the other two. If the person is popular enough (like Perot) then they could get elected. Third party canadates with strong topics (environment, abortion, fair tax) could actually make an impact

    As far as congress, they should be paid the same as a new enlisted troop in the military because they are serving the people and not themselves. there should also be term limits to no more then 12 years.

    There should be a spending cap on campaigns (say 10 million) for all canidates. Spending my third parties in favor of the canidate should be included in that number as well. This would put them on equal footing and maybe some outside the polital system could participate.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only way a 3rd party will be successful is if it becomes a Reagan-like conservative party. If someone with the same principles, ethics, and ideals as Ronald Reagan were to start a party, almost half of the democrat party and 2/3 of the republican party would join. It would become the majority party from the outset. Those not in the new party would be liberals who would struggle to get candidates elected to anything.

    I for one would never support a 3rd party started by Mayor Bloomberg. He is a liberal, not a conservative, and we have too many of them in government now. And just look at what we get from Congress because of that.

    EDIT: A bi-partisan 3rd party is an oxymoron. If they are in the same party how can the be bi-partisan? Please think about what you are saying. We have 2 philosophies of government, liberal and conservative. Trouble is that both parties contain members of both philosophies. If the conservatives would stand up and be real, true conservatives, a third party would form all on its own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Mayor Bloomberg with support from a number of repubicans and democrats is proposing a third political party."

    I knew a guy who tried the same thing when I was in college about four years ago. Result - absolutely nothing. We already have third parties and none of them can get an edge in, and they've been around for a while. I'd love to see a bipartisan third party get a chance, but I don't honestly see it happening. =(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's time to get away from the "two party" system. We need an independent to "shake" things up. Kinda like Perot did in '92. I don't know that Bloomberg is the right choice though.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would. I always though a Hagle/Biden ticket would be a sure winner.

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