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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

3 years later, and still cant move on WTF?

I had a girlfriend for two years, we were both 18 and of course being so young, I thought she was "THE ONE". Everyone thought we were the perfect couple, and we made a very strong relationship, something beyond the typical highschool sweethearts.

But things went horribly wrong and we had a bad fall out, which caused all mutual relationships we had made to choose sides, her family hated (hates) me, mine hated her (but got over it), and yea basically everything that could go wrong went wrong.

We tried "hanging out" on July 4th 2004, which was stupid.

About 6 months after that, she met a new guy and moved about 600 miles away with him and couldn't be happier. She has a great relationship and I hate her for it for some reason. I have had great relationships since her and have made something of my life, but I still hold resentment and anger towards her everytime I hear her say something positive about her life. Someone slap some sense into me.


She calls me every now and then to say hello, I never iniate the contact. So I'm civil but inside I wanna scream at her that I don't give a **** about anything she has going on.

On Halloween she drunk texted me,"do you still love me? will you always love me like you said you would?"

I didn't respond but I called her out on it the next day, asking her why she would even care, she said it was to "see where i stood, because i have moved on."

I didn't give her an answer.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stop thinking about all the good times that you had... and remember why it didn't work.... if you can remember why it didn't and why it is honestly better that it didn't than you will be able to move on much faster...

    Also remember that was HS... by now your have both grown a lot... and the idea that you can go back, is nothing more than false hope

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was in a similar situation where I dated a guy when I was about 17 and we had a very strong relationship, I would even go as far as to say we were in love (if it is possible in high school). He broke up with me, and similar to you, we had a horrible breakup, etc etc, and we tried to be friends after and it didn't work and he found a new girlfriend recently. Anyway, my advice to you would be to just give it time. Try to move on with your life, get up and do something everyday. This will not be easy, but if you get up and get out you'll meet new people and eventually the hurt and anger that you feel will start to fade and one day you'll wake up and just know that everything will be ok. This might even require not talking to her for awhile, and where she lives so far away it will be easier since you don't have to see her everyday.

    Good luck. You can do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    What are the chances. Im in the same position as you. My exgirlfriend for 3 years lives about 2 hours away from me with some other guy but ive just convinced my self that if it was ment to work out then it will. I mean its best to just move on and try to find something new, although its tough. Im telling you just focus on what you want in life and dont worry about the ladys. The biggest mistake i made in life was spending all my time trying to keep a girl. Spend your time working and accomplishing goals and trying to move on. If you ever see her again in the future and she sees you've moved on maybe it will turn her on to you. The more you think about her the worse off it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband is the same as you, but worse, cause it's been 10 years since he was with his H.S. sweetheart, and when he found her again on, he said everything he used to feel about her, came back. They also had a split up like yours, but I ask him, after him and I being together for 9 years, and that it's been since they were real young, how does he know that he really still loves her, or that she's even the same person? She plays mind games with him, saying she wants him back, then later, says, I love my husband and I have to stay for my daughter. I just think they both missed something about the younger days, but MOVE ON, at least try!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    You feel resentful...because you still feel like you want to be with her but can't right now. By feeling this way, you aren't doing justice to anyone, most of all yourself. Your peace of mind is essential. You need to work on "acceptance". It is OK to feel those feelings, but just let them pass, like ships from a harbour. Life is full of changes, and just because she chose another relationship, does not make her a bad person. Everyone is looking for their happiness. Just as you deserve to be happy, so does she. And isn't love about wanting another's happiness. Widen your heart and accept it. It is hard I know. Afterall you loved her, and wanted to be with her. Chreish it for what it was and let go. By holding on, you are holding up ur life yourself with ur own shackles....and no one should have the power to hold up ur life and emotions. The fact that she has moved on, is a strong motivation enough to accept the change and completely move on yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im in the same boat your in but I was the guy she moved for. After a year we broke up. You feel those things because you still have feelings for her and are upset that she is happy without you. I know, I feel the same way. The girl I think is my soul mate and I dont talk anymore, she moved across the country back home. If you still talk to your ex than figure out what you want and slowly see if you can get it back. Come clean about everything, get your closure. Let it all out, write her a letter or tell her in person, its the only way. Good or bad, you cant hold it in. Good luck and.....theres plenty of fish in the sea

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! You sound really heartsick over her! Does she know you feel this way?? I wish, I could give you some life-altering, time changing advice. But, there isn't any, at least that I've found. Maybe, you just have yet to meet the real "one". Maybe, she was just the closest you ever came before. I like to think that if someone is meant to be yours than they won't be someone else's once the "connection" has been made. But, then again, who knows?? Good Luck!! 8-)

  • 1 decade ago

    It's normal to have those feelings but to hold on to them for so long is a little concerning and I'm sure it can't be healthy.

    Do you dwell a lot on the past? Compare your new girlfriends to your ex? You really need to focus on letting go. I think you've already made the first step by realizing you need to get over her. Put your mind to it, when she pops into your head, block her out, let her go, tell yourself that she's moved on (which she has) and so should you. You shouldn't be suffering in the past, it only puts up walls in new relationships.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dude that has happened to lots of people. U get ur high skwl sweet heart n then lose her. it happens 2 everyone. u just need 2 realise that she wasnt the one 4 u and ur still goin 2 find the right one if u havnt found her already

  • 1 decade ago

    You'll always remember your high school sweetheart, but try focusing on the future. If she's happy, then let her be. You'll find someone that will make you just as happy as you were with her or even better. Just be patient and it will happen.

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