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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Are you offended easily?

What was the last thing to offend you?

107 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah actually I think I am.

    The last thing that offended me was, I was walking down the hallway at my school and this older guy I don't even know asked me if I was new there, I said no, and then he's like, "You're hot." I mean, seriously, does anyone else find that rude?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The last thing that offended me was this foolish computer. I compressed some files from (are you ready for this one?) 50 days down to 30 days (how long should the system wait before compressing old files? &c.) and whamee! No computer! God, did that scare me! And then I realised how sad I felt and how offended that this computer would dare to let me down like that. How do you spell dependency? Or maybe even co-dependency? So funny now, but it wasn't funny then. So many times we can look back and see how foolish we were being and how we reacted, but when it is happening for real the first time through it is real and it hurts and you don't know what to do.

    Source(s): I am not offended easily, to answer your question. I have a quick rebound time and I do not hold grudges and am a dream to have as a friend because of this. I can reset my compass to true North again virtually overnight. At 64, that isn't too bad. Some older people are so stuffy. Anyhow, thanks for posting a great question, James. Sent with steady care from Chris in South Portland, Maine, U.SA. where it has been in the fifties for the last two days in Maine in January - !!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I'm not offended easily, and I cant remember the last thing that offended me.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, i am not offended easily. nowadays the only people that can offend me are the people that i care for and the ones that care for me. the last time i was offended was only a couple of days ago, something that a very good friend of mine did to me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do get offended easily and being of the Cancer sign makes it worse. Cancer is the most sensitive horoscope sign.

    I get offended at people I am talking with - referring to some one first by their race and then saying their name. I always ask them why do they do that? I just see people as people, that's all. Also when I hear the "wet back" remark, I am Hispanic but it would bother me if I wasn't. I am not a racist,

    I get along with everyone.

  • Shrew
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The last time I was offended was New Years Eve. My family went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. My husband didn't even set by me. He set by my niece instead and that hurt my feelings. I'm sensitive about certain things and he knows this, but he has to play dumb and act like I'm over reacting. I should have gotten up and went and set with total strangers. I probably would have had a better time.

  • 1 decade ago

    No i'm not offended easily. I'm very thick skinned. Not one of those people who go crying to mummy or friends every time someone says something that could be taken the wrong way.

    Some people are just too touchy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Check out your first page of answers and notice how EVERYONE has been given a thumbs down by some juvenile troll. That really offends me. Other than that, I prefer to have a good-nature bit of banter with people and dont get offended easily,

    Update.... oooo look.....there's another one working their way down page 2!

    Update #2.....there we go.... the little darlings have caught up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nothing really offends me except one thing!!! thats when someone insults my intelligence by saying im stupid in some way (only when they're serious) the last time that happened was at work when some old geezer got pissed at me for asking "where is the schematic at so i can find out what type of screws this needs?" man, this dude went off the deep end!! Keep in mind this place i work for has specifications and uniformity standards. Soo, i wanted to make sure before i put any old screw in... instead im called stupid basically...

    thats about all that makes me mad tho.

    other than that im a really mellow dude.

  • 1 decade ago

    -It depends. I can be, but I've learned to keep my cool and not to show it. Some people always have something smart to say, some lack common sense. I just have to learn how to move on and not let it show. Also, criticism used to bother me, but there's always room for improvement.

    -The last time I was offended was today after school. I stayed after to make up a test, and my ride wouldn't be there until 3:30pm, so I went to the bandroom to practice piano. Next thing I know, these kids (2girls and 2boys) came in there being loud and rude, and kept throwing tennis balls in the classroom, and it was really distracting (especially when they were flying over the piano and stuff). Then, some kid was knocking on the door to get in (instead of going around to either of the two doors that were open), and everyone was looking at me like it was my job... so I stopped practicing and went to go open the door. On my way, the guy saw me coming, but he kept jiggling the handle and was acting impatient. When I opened the door, he just he didn't even say thanks or aknowledge me. I found offense to their rudeness, but I didn't let it bother me too much, and I'm proud of myself.

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