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Christmas the 25th december?

Why do people still believe that Christmas is the 25th December? Yes i know that majority of Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on this date. I was always under the impression that it was common knowledge that a this was just a date. The Coptics have it more or less correct celebrating Christmas in January. I am Christian.


Come on people the birth of Jesus was actually later than December, the educated thought would be more in January.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one really knows the actual date of Christ's birth. However, pagans celebrated the return of the sun (S-U-N): the winter solstice, when the number of minutes of daylight gradually begin to increase, around December 25th. When Christians decided they wanted to celebrate the return of the Son (S-O-N) they chose the approximate same date and festival--anticipating His second coming by celebrating and remembering His first coming.

    More support: When John the Baptist told the people about Jesus, "He must increase and I must decrease," people applied that to the celebrations mentioned above as it related to the sun. Thus, the celebration of Jesus' birth around December 25 and the remembrance of John The Baptist on the day when the sunlight begins decreasing: around June 24th.

    Source(s): The Gospel of John (I think)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All I have been told is that December 25th, is a Sun God or Pagan date or ritual, I think from memory to do with bringing in good crops for the year or something. But I as a person, am unaware of Jesus Christ actual birthdate. I don't think anyone knows, and he has done that through the Bible for a reason. The Jehovah Witnesses think it's some date in April, but I don't contend with that. We don't need to know a date, but just celebrate Jesus Christ everyday. P.S. Who or what are Coptics ???

  • 1 decade ago

    No one knows the exact perfect date but they do know it did not happen in the "winter" time of the year. The birth of Christ was not originally celebrated but when the Christian faith was declaried as the religion of Roman by constantine things began to change and the Catholic church was born. They took pagen holidays like the winter solstis and turned it into celebrating the birth of Christ. Halloween was a pagan holiday that never sucessfully was turned over to a Christian holiday.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well we also have the crazies come out of the wood work to debate about the exact date and time for Ied. Mr. Momo follows the shiite who celebrate their Ied a day ahead of us the sunni. So rule of the thumb is after a day of celebrating by the shiite, we took out our AK47 and RPG then oiled them all down and practise on the near road which was rigged with road bombs the day before by the shiites

    Source(s): Hassan Nasrallah January's 15 diary entry
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  • Josh D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because that the actual date of Christmas Day. The Coptics must want to have Christmas later for some reason and I don't know what that reason is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, it was a date for the pagans to celebrate the winter solstice

    now it is a tool for the capitalists to make billions of dollars at once before the years end to raise stocks, cause economic displacement (maxed credit cards and surges of spending so much at one time), and also create havoc globally on a local level by the media advertising last minute items that spoiled kids want

    ever stop to think the guy is in red and named santa (satan), he gets the credit for the gifts that the parents and family members work so hard for

    not to mention, who wants a tree in their house?

    what kind of sense does this make?

    to cut down somethin gof the Earth and put it on display in your home as it dies...

    Source(s): life, truth
  • 1 decade ago

    I thought Christmas was earlier in the fall?

    Source(s): I'm not religious, I just read/heard that somewhere recently. WTH do I know? LOL
  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    They can't leave anything

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