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So my little princess is due in 6 days.. I've been doing some research about all this vaccination business and thought I'd see what kind of opinions and information I can get here.. What vaccinations do you think are the "vital" ones and which ones do you think are dangerous and which ones do you think are unnecessary? Thanks a bunch!


LEGALLY, your children do NOT have to be vaccinated against anything, even to attend public school, you simply have to sign a wavier.. there is no such thing are "required" vaccinations..

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    many people are exposed to the live virus of measels,polio,mumps,pertusis,diptheria and NEVER have adverse reactions to them ...... but would have adverse reactions to vaccines and vise versa .......

    I have seen people get ran over walking across the highway ..... I have not gotten hit,but that doesn't mean I just go blindly walking across the highway into oncoming traffic just because someone says they made it alright ......

    there is a rise from one in a hundred thousand children being diagnosed with Autism in the 70's to 1 in 155 now ..... last year it was 1 in 166 ......

    something is going on ...... did they start reclassifing Autsim last year also as so many people dismiss the jump since the 70's ?????

  • My daughter is 6 months old, and I didn't have her recieve the rotovirus vaccine. All the other seemed like she'd either need them for school in a few years, or that they'd been around long enough to know that they were safe. The rotvirus one however is not even 2 full years old, it came out in the middle of 06'. There had been a different vaccine that is no longer used. The older vaccine came out in 04' and was recalled in 05' because kids were developing bowel obstructions from it. Since the new version is so new I decided that I wouldn't have her get it. Rotovirus is something that we all had as kids, it gives you bad diareaha and a little flu like symptoms. Rarely is the diareaha serious enough for hospitalisation, and less then 20 children under age 10 die from it a year out of the millions of kids in this age bracket. Also, they have a shot called the "five" shot, it's a bunch of the regular ones combined (like the DTP and manengicocil, ect.). The made it into one shot becuase it's basically easier on the baby to get one shot instead of five. However they have shown that this one shot (which is then followed by another don't remember what it is), can cause fevers to go even higher. This leads to unnecassary ER visits. The more time a baby is in the ER the more chance they have to get a real sickness. So I had them give my daughter all the shots individually, I just took her to the DR two different days that week. More shots for her, but makes my mind more at ease.

  • You know, I was quite concerned about the vaccinations myself, then I did some serious research. I foudn out that if you're concerned about the autism factor or any other things, the link in the vaccines with the disease is with the perservitives they use. I also found out (that for a few dollars more) you can ask your doctor for perservitive free vaccines and they can order it, they don't have as long of a shelf life and are a bit more (your insurance may or may not cover) but it may be worth look into for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whooping cough is quite nasty. I highly recommend the DTaP vaccine which produces much less reaction than the former DTP shot. Polio vaccine is highly desirable. My career in pediatrics antedated the Hib vaccine, and I saw several children die from Haemophilus meningitis. Get the Hib. Some of these come in combination with other vaccines.

    Most lay persons and even most doctors today have never seen a case of measles. People think of measles as a normal childhood disease. Almost every child who gets measles is very sick with high fever. Pneumonia is a common complication. Until the latter half of the 20th century, measles was one of the ten leading causes of death in children in the US. It still is in underdeveloped countries.

    I would call those the "most vital" immunizations to get. The rest are certainly desirable. I hope your baby's doctor takes the time to answer your questions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Let it be known, there is no link between autism and vaccinations. The same vaccinations have been given for the last 50 years and autism is a newly discovered genetic syndrome. It is part of a chromosomal deletion, which is something that is formed in the egg and the sperm. It is something that the children do not get from a vaccination after they are born. Read more about it through research. But again, there is no connection between autism and vaccines.

  • 1 decade ago

    I learned in my microbiology class about what is in vaccinations. They have high ammounts of murcury whivh is thought to trigger autism. Scary! with all the vaccienes a baby gets at one time is 3xs the ammount an adult can handle so this is a lot. What I am doing is splitting the vaccinesupo so that my son doesn't receive so much murcury at one time. Insteat of 5 vaccines at once I will go in 3 times and only get one shot each time and once he will get one shot and one drop vaccine. Your pediatrician will work with you for whatever you choose to do. Mine starts getting his in 4 days and I am also nervous about it, but knowing we are going to split it up eases my mind that he won't be receiving such high doses of the murcury at once.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, if I had a child I would get ALL the vaccinations I could get.

    Why? Because even though they say some diseases have been exterminated they are stored somewhere that could be released into the environment by bio-terrorist.

    These are some of the agents they would use if they could get their hands on it.

    I would want my child as safe as I could give him/her.

    I know there are some risks with vaccinations but most vaccines are now dead viruses or fabricated. You could always ask that question about live or dead viruses before getting your child vaccinated & the risks too.

  • Tammy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    One vaccination I believe absolutely ESSENTIAL is for Poliomyelitis. Many people think this disease is totally under control, but it is ONLY under control because of the vaccine. As to the others I'm not sure, but there will be others who will advise you more on them.

    ONE NOTE, when your' baby has had the Polio vaccine, take care when changing her nappy (diaper). Wear surgical gloves because YOU can contract polio from the stool. There have been three cases reported of a parent being caught that way. No-one should take the risk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both of my boys got all of them and they went fine with all of them. They both are healthy boys. Six and a three year old.. I give them their first Hep b shot before they came home from the hospital. And with all the vaccinations I see no problems. They been protecting everything.

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    While I know very little about the new meningecoccal vaccine, the standard vaccinations have all proven to be of extreme benefit, not only to society , but to individual health.

    most schools will require them.

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