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Star Wars Fans A Question?

Was Anakin Skywalker an only chid; or did he have a brother or sister? Luke is raisd by an "aunt" and "uncle" and if thy are true blood relatives then Anakin would be a brother or brother-in-law.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just a little "addition" to what Stephen K said : the truth is we don't know much about Anakin ... the addition to that ... Yet. You can bet there will be books coming out to add to what little we know right now.

    Anakin was, for all intents and purposes, a only child ... not only that ... he didn't have a father. I can't imagine them not giving this a couple books at least to flesh this mystery out. Anakin and his mother, Shmi, were slaves. After Anakin left Tatoonie with Qui-Gon Cleg Lars "bought" Shmi from Watto and he "freed" her. Then he married her. Owen Lars was Clegs son from a previous wife so that made Owen and Anakin step-brothers. At the time of episode II Anakin meets the Lars family in his search for his mother. At the time Owen's girlfriend, Beru Whitespun, is there also and he meets her. Sometime between then and the end of episode III Owen & Beru get married (no mention is made of Cleg at this time so we can only speculate that the injuries he received searching for Shmi turned out to be fatal). Obi-Wan brings Luke to them to raise and hide. Both Owen & Beru know who Luke is and who his father is and what has become of his father. They are starting to "flesh out" this time period of Luke growing up and there are more books to come.

    May The Force Be With You ...

    Source(s): WebMaster/Owner Star Wars Dockingbay Life Long Star Wars Super Geek
  • 1 decade ago

    Anakin is something of a "miracle child", who was apparently conceived by the midichlorians (the tiny beings that connect people to the Force). His mother, Shmi, had no other children , making him an only child. However, the man she married after Anakin's departure, Cliegg Lars, already had a son named Owen, who we see in Episode II when Anakin returns home to find his mother. We also see his then-girlfriend, Beru. So, technically, Anakin has a step-brother. Owen and Beru are the ones who raise Luke, so although they're not actually blood-related, they are his aunt and uncle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anakin was an only child because he was supposedly created by "midichlorians" (microscopic lifeforms inside everything) and the other explanation is that he was created by Darth Sidious or Darth Plagueis.

    The people that raised Luke (Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen) are not blood related to Anakin because Uncle Owen's dad (Cliegg) married Anakin's mum (Shmi) after Anakin was born.

    So Anakin does not have any blood-related brother's or sisters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anakin was technically an only child. The people who raise Luke are the son of the man who "bought" and married Anakin's mother and the son's wife (Owen and Beru); so, yes, technically, Owen would be a step-brother (and his wife would be Anakin's step-sister-in-law).

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  • 1 decade ago

    his mother conceived and gave birth and was then sold to another person as a slave, although she ended up marrying the guy and they had a son together. the girl in the movie was his girlfriend or wife or something. so technically, anakin had a step-brother. like was given to these two and leia (sp?) was given to the rich people... i forget their names...

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth is we do not know much about anakin.

    what is implied is that he is an only child and that mama skywalker is a single parent.

    Perhaps Owen and Baru are more friends than anything else and are willing to play a part

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they arent his true Uncle and aunt...luke was adopted at birth when padme died

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