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Muse - Viktor's Mommy

Favorite Answers23%

I'm a musician and college student, and I just had my first baby (a boy) on March 12th.

  • Long-time skin issue?

    When I was 6 years-old, I one day found that I had about 10-15 oval, white, raised bumps on each of my arms. These bumps looked like mosquito bites and felt a bit painful (each one felt like a needle was being stuck into it or that the skin was being pinched). They appeared very quickly during school one morning (as in they weren't there when I left the house that morning but were there during the morning hours of the school day), and, a couple of hours after they appeared, they were gone and had turned into/left a rash of small, raised, red bumps. These also appeared on my legs (especially upper thighs) within a day or two of the incident.

    I'm now 25 and still have the red bumps. It's nothing majorly bad, but it's rather annoying. The bumps tend to get worse during the winter months (due to the dry air), but they're there all year round. I've been to a couple of dermatologists over the years, and none were able to figure out what this was (or offer a treatment for it). I was mostly wondering if anyone else had experienced this and if they were ever given a diagnosis.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Computer not recognizing WD My Book external HD?

    I own a WD My Book Essential, 160GB, external hard drive and have been using it for three years with no problems. My computer's OS is Windows XP Home Edition.

    I use my external as a secondary hard drive, mostly for storage space. Today, I unplugged it to take it to a friend's house. When he tried to plug the HD into his computer, his computer didn't recognize it (calling it an "unknown device"). He then tried plugging it into his laptop, which had the same result. Upon getting home, I tried plugging it back into my computer, and it did the same thing (says "Unknown Device").

    Normally, whenever it's on, it's displayed on My Computer as the J: drive; ever since this happened, however, it doesn't recognize it. When I go into Device Management, it says it needs a new Driver; however, there's no driver on the WD website for the My Book Essential when run on anything above Windows 98.

    I tried plugging other USB items into each of my five USB ports, and those devices worked. So, it's not a problem with any of the USB drives.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • What are some pieces I could audition with for a musical?

    I haven't done theatre in a few years, and so I've decided to audition for my university's Opera Workshop production of "Oklahoma!", which will run next semester. I need ideas for a song to perform for the audition, which is about a week and a half from now. It should be from a musical, preferably one from before 1965, and it should be for a medium to high Soprano (I can handle lower things, such as "So In Love", but I'm technically a soprano).

    5 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Please help me remember the title of this movie (or any of the actors)?

    This may be a tough one, unfortunately. I happened to catch a small portion of this film on tv (on AMC) late one night. Here's what I remember of it:

    It's in black and white, and I'm guessing it's from the 1940s or maybe very early 1950s.

    The part I saw was a woman singing a song onstage with a lot of "Middle Eastern" sounds in it. The best word I can think of to describe it is Arabian.

    Also, the camera was fixed on her face pretty much during the whole scene.

    The woman who was singing seemed to have dark features (at the very least, she had dark hair).

    I remember that after the film, the Host (who introduces the film and then speaks a bit about it at the end) said that this actress was known for her deadpan (ie. not much emotion shown at all) style of acting.

    Any good help at all would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Son is suddenly peeing at least once per hour?

    My son is about 7 weeks old. Today, he's been up (with the exception of one 30 minute nap) since about 8am; it's now almost 7pm. He's been crying much more than usual, and he's only eating maybe 2.5oz at a time (whereas he usually eats around 6oz per feeding) and often cries during feeding. He doesn't have thrush, and he's pooped once today (so I don't think he's constipated). We've given him gas drops twice, but they don't seem to have helped. He's also suddenly peeing at least once per hour, which isn't what he normally does.

    Any ideas as to what could be wrong? Any ideas to help him get some sleep, as well?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Drug pusher doctor?

    There is a doctor members of my family went to for years. Most of us stopped going to him. My brother (who is 34 and under the guardianship of our mother due to mental illness) has been going to this doctor regularly over the past year or so to get pain medication. My brother has no condition which would cause him pain, nor has this doctor examined my brother in at least a year. However, this doctor will prescribe my brother everything from Clonopin to Morphine to Lorcet.

    My brother has OD'd on medications prescribed by this doctor on three separate occasions in the past 10 months. Our mother has called this doctor and told his office to put a red flag notice on my brother and not give him pain medication any longer. However, his office has once again prescribed him excessive amount of pain pills (even filling the prescription in office), resulting in another overdose.

    My question is: Is this enough of a reason to report him to the DEA or AMA and have his license taken away?

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Feeding issue with my newborn?

    My son is a month old, and about two weeks ago he started eating more at one sitting (he'll eat from each breast and then be supplemented formula at least 2 1/2 ounces before he seems satisfied).

    He's continued eating around this same amount, but about a week ago he started this little game of eating for five minutes and then stopping. We'll wait and keep trying to feed him more, only to have him refuse it; so, we'll then put him down (either in the bouncer or swing or bassinet), only to have him start crying again about five to ten minutes later, asking for more food. He'll keep doing this until he finally gets full.

    What used to take us no more than 40 minutes to do now takes almost an hour and a half. By the time he's finished eating, it's only a short amount of time before he's asking for his next feeding.

    He does have a very mild case of thrush, but it's clearing up; and he doesn't seem to be in pain. He does get gassy.

    Any ideas of what we could do or what could be wrong?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Episiotomy healing issues?

    I gave birth to my son on March 12th. He was 9lbs 10oz, and I had to get an episiotomy during the birth (and I tore a bit, as well). They stitched me up and all that, and I've been healing rather well; I have no pain at all anymore. However, a couple of days ago, I noticed a very foul smell coming from that general area. At first I thought it was the lochia starting to smell, but I've pretty much stopped bleeding. Then tonight I took a sitz bath and, as I was drying off, I noticed the skin between my thighs and pubic area was raw and peeling. I then realized that the bad smell was also coming from those areas.

    So, I have the peeling skin, foul smell, and that area has been itching like mad since last week. I'll be seeing my doctor soon, but I was hoping that someone on here might have some clue as to what this could be so I could try to alleviate the smell and itching.

    Any help at all would be great.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ok, this may be a stupid question . . .?

    I posted a question a few days ago about eating before having labor induced. I got the chance to talk to my doctor today and asked him, and he said to not eat anything solid after midnight tonight but liquids are fine.

    My question is this: would a milk-based product be ok (ie. chocolate milk or a milkshake), or would that be a bad thing to try to drink? My mother said something about doctors considering milk to be a solid, and I just wanted to see if that's true.

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Eating prior to being induced . . .?

    I've looked up this question on here, and each time it was asked, there was about a 50/50 split in the answers. But I figured I'd ask for myself, as well.

    I'm 40 weeks and 6 days. Last week, my doctor went ahead and scheduled an induction appointment for Tuesday, March 11 at 6am. I didn't think to ask if I would need to not eat prior to the induction. So yeah, would I be allowed to eat before the appointment? My mother insists that I shouldn't eat after midnight, in order to avoid throwing up the food during labor, but I don't see how I could possibly get through labor without having some kind of nutrients in me from eating.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What REALLY happens during labor . . .?

    Ok. I've asked so many of my relatives, read so many articles, and looked at so many websites, and I've yet to been given a real, true, and accurate description of what will transpire once I'm at the hospital to deliver the baby.

    So, be as descriptive and/or blunt as you want when you answer my question:

    What should I expect to happen/to be done to me once I've gone to the hospital during labor?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Monitor display not working. Please help.?

    I just moved my computer from my parents' house to my boyfriend's apartment. When we set it up here, the tower would turn on, the speakers worked, the mouse and keyboard turned on, and my external harddrive would turn on. However, my monitor (Mitsubishi DiamondScan 50) would not show the display screen. The power would turn on; the green light would appear when it was turned on, but then it'd switch to the orange light each time.

    We tried switching from the main video hookup to the one in my graphics card, and there was no change. The computer and all its components were fully operational at my parents' house; it wasn't until he moved it over here that it started with this.

    We've also tried:

    - monitor in the on board with the graphics card in and out

    - monitor in my graphics card (cant test my card in my boyfriend's computer)

    - my monitor on his computer, and it works

    - his monitor on my computer, which does not work

    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks pregnant and have caught a cold?

    As the title says I'm 36 weeks pregnant, and I've suddenly caught this cold that's going around. My throat is scratchy (kinda sore), and I can feel a fever coming on. I'm also just generally woozy and have some sinus pressure.

    Is there anything, other than Tylenol for the fever, that I can take to relieve the sinus pressure? Or any non-medicinal ideas would be nice, as well.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mental health care in Georgia?

    I have a brother who is a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and is also bipolar. He had a psychotic episode back in the beginning of the summer when he took ecstasy; it caused a bad chemical reaction which made him have to be hospitalized in the mental health ward of the local medical college here. After a week of being there, he was released.

    Ever since then, he's gotten progressively worse. In the past two and a half months alone, he's overdosed twice (nearly dying the first time). He's spent about $8000 on prescription medication (obtained illegally through "friends") and crack cocaine, as well as using his Internal Medicine doctor to get prescriptions for vast amounts of Clonopin and such.

    He's been put in a drug rehab facility twice and the "regular" hospital once in the past two months. The other night, he flew into a rage, stole medicine from my parents (morphine, soma, etc.), and physically attacked my father. He also verbally threatened to physically hurt the rest of

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Hogfather (tv movie)?

    So, did anyone else happen to catch the wonderful tv movie "Hogfather" last night, on the ION channel? I've been a Terry Pratchett fan for many years, and I wasn't even aware that a film version of my favorite Pratchett book (Hogfather) had been made.

    I thought it was wonderful. It's probably the closest book-to-movie adaptation I have ever seen in my life. The characters were so well-played, and the actors chosen were perfect. It was also good to see Nigel Planer (my favorite "Young One") in something new.

    Anyone else happen to catch it (or see it prior to now)? What did you think?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • 3 hour glucose tolerance test?

    This is my first pregnancy, and, I don't know exactly what to expect from this procedure (other than having to fast prior to the test and such). I'm hypoglycemic already, so I'm nervous that I'll end up being like my mom was when she last took this test (she was also hypoglycemic and nearly passed out after drinking the liquid they give you). So yeah, any answers about the procedure would be useful and very much appreciated.

    Also, I somehow scheduled my GTT on the same day as a concert that I'm performing in. As long as I do the test in the morning, would I be back to normal by the time the concert comes around that evening?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Itchy white bumps when I take showers?

    For the past few years I've noticed that I often get these itchy bumps on my body (usually on/above my breasts and on my neck) when I get out of the shower. They fade within about 30 minutes of taking a shower. They look exactly like mosquito bites, and, so, for a while, I thought I was somehow being bitten while in the shower. However, when I moved to a new house, the condition continued and also reoccurred when I recently took a shower at my boyfriend's apartment.

    Any ideas as to what could be causing this?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How should I do my makeup for my upcoming performance?

    I have a performance (choral ensemble) in a few days. The attire is a solid black, nearly floor length, long sleeved dress (and no jewelry). I'm very pale and have blonde hair/blue eyes and, thus, always end up looking washed out, no matter what I do.

    Any tips for how I should do my makeup, specifically ways to make my face not look so ghostly? Also, eye makeup tips would be beneficial.

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago