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Son is suddenly peeing at least once per hour?

My son is about 7 weeks old. Today, he's been up (with the exception of one 30 minute nap) since about 8am; it's now almost 7pm. He's been crying much more than usual, and he's only eating maybe 2.5oz at a time (whereas he usually eats around 6oz per feeding) and often cries during feeding. He doesn't have thrush, and he's pooped once today (so I don't think he's constipated). We've given him gas drops twice, but they don't seem to have helped. He's also suddenly peeing at least once per hour, which isn't what he normally does.

Any ideas as to what could be wrong? Any ideas to help him get some sleep, as well?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Frequent urination and crying could mean that it burns to pee combined with not drinking makes me immediatley think - bladder or urinary tract infection. With these, it hurts to go, go constantly, and the bladder can't fully empty so you always feel like you have to go. It's painful. Treatment is antibiotics.

    I would make an appointment for today or tomorrow with your Ped to have him checked out. He needs to be seen right away to make sure. They only get worse and more painful if you wait.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you eaten something different, babies can have food sensitivities to foods their breastfeeding moms eat. My daughter chokes and cries a whole lot more if I eat strawberries. if you have any expressed stored b. milk give that to him for a day or so ( if you have it) If you think this might be the problem you can look into the yahoo group called foodlab. It is all about dealing with allergies. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Try pamol. Crying during feeding maybe due to him not get enough feed, if your breast feeding check whether your supplying enough for him, may need to top him up with a bottle if you dont already bottle feed him. Otherwise consult a doctor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Does he have a fever? If not, he is probably just having one of those days. Babies are unpredictable at the age and just when you think you have an established pattern, they change it up. If you are really worried about it, call your pediatrician.

    Source(s): mom of 3; pregnant with #4
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