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Feeding issue with my newborn?

My son is a month old, and about two weeks ago he started eating more at one sitting (he'll eat from each breast and then be supplemented formula at least 2 1/2 ounces before he seems satisfied).

He's continued eating around this same amount, but about a week ago he started this little game of eating for five minutes and then stopping. We'll wait and keep trying to feed him more, only to have him refuse it; so, we'll then put him down (either in the bouncer or swing or bassinet), only to have him start crying again about five to ten minutes later, asking for more food. He'll keep doing this until he finally gets full.

What used to take us no more than 40 minutes to do now takes almost an hour and a half. By the time he's finished eating, it's only a short amount of time before he's asking for his next feeding.

He does have a very mild case of thrush, but it's clearing up; and he doesn't seem to be in pain. He does get gassy.

Any ideas of what we could do or what could be wrong?


The reason the doctor told us to supplement was because the baby wasn't gaining weight due to me not yet producing enough hind milk.

I bought gas drops today to see if those work, and I'm going to try to see if anything in my diet may be affecting him.

Also, he's on medication for the thrush.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like gas bubbles are building up in his stomach. Try positioning him so that your shoulder is at his diaphragm level and pat or rub his back gently to release the built up pressure. You can also lay him across you lap with legs on one side, use one arm to gently support his head and neck and rub or pat his back...the pressure of your knees may help him burp. If this doesn't work, get a baby blanket and lay him down on his back. Rub his tummy gently counterclockwise and then gently rotate his legs like he is riding a bike, this may help him pass the gas that is making him uncomfortable especially if its lower in the GI tract. These three tactics always did the trick for my little ones. I hope that relieves his discomfort. If he still cries and seems gassy, offer Mylicon drops an OTC gas relief drop containing Simethicone which can help relieve gas pressure in the stomach you can get them at your local pharmacy.

    Another thing it could be is lactose intolerance. Some babies become sensitive to the more complex protein found in cow's milk based formulas. I would suggest asking your Dr. for a recommendation of a hydrolysate formula which has cow's milk protein that is already broken down into more easily digestible particles. If this doesn't work, you could try a soy formula although they are not as nutritious as cow's milk formula as they depart even further from the nutritional makeup usually found in breastmilk.

    He also may have previously been going through a growth spurt and is slowing down appetite wise which would also be normal, as long as eventually his appetite picks up again and there is no weight loss. My children's appetites have fluctuated day to day and week to week and they always regain their interest in eating within a few meal times or so. If he is refusing food altogether though, he may be ill.

    Thrush needs medical treatment... is your baby receiving an antifungal medicine for this? I don't believe it will get better on its own. Talk to your pediatrician.

  • 1 decade ago

    You said you started supplementing with formula about 2 weeks ago and the problem started a week ago....

    Could be the formula or something you are eating making him gassy. If he is feeling uncomfortable in the belly he may eat less at a time.

    Try not giving the formula first. then see what you are eating, if it causes you gas it may be doing the same to him.

    Another thing... if babies nose is stuffy this can sometimes happen because it is work to eat or if his mouth is still sore

  • 1 decade ago

    My 8wks old son does the same thing:(

    He eats every 3-4hr, but he eats the first 2oz and then takes a break for 40-50 min, and then eats another 2-3 oz. Then takes 3-4hr break.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried burping him more often? Gas drops? Could be be having a reaction to something you are eating? Lactose intolerance? If you are using a milk-based formula he might be getting the gas pains from that. Talk to his doctor.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At one month a baby's stomach should only hold 2.5-5oz, however breastfed babies seldom consume more than 3oz at a sitting.

    Why are you adding formula at all during the crucial 6 weeks to build mom's supply to last the duration of nursing?

    Is he refusing the breast, the bottle or both? He could be developing nipple preference.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if anything is wrong at all. My daughter is 3 months old goes through phases all the time. It's weird but I guarantee it will change soon. I feed on demand and although it can sometimes be exhausting, it definitely works.

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