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Lisa T
Lv 6
Lisa T asked in Society & CultureRoyalty · 1 decade ago

Paul Burrel: Do you feel sorry for him that because he worked along side the Princess-?

that he is expected to tell all her private details, or do you think he is enjoying the attention at the moment?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll laugh like a drain when he gets caught out telling some of his day-dreaming porkies in court - they'll have him for dinner, you just wait and see ! ! !

  • 1 decade ago

    He has enjoyed the attention ever since the Princess died and sometimes he appears to have verbal diarrhoea when talking about her. Remember this, he was a paid servant. Maybe he was no where near the confidante he pretends to be. It could be he spent too much time eavesdropping.

    I am not the least bit sorry for him at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He enjoyed working with Diana and he's enjoying the attention he's receiving. And he has written several books about the princess so he has absolutely no problems telling the court what he knows. He's even entered excerpts from his books as evidence!

  • 1 decade ago

    Poor Paul.

    His money is obviously running out, so hence the new publicity stunt. For a person to hold such a prestigious position as he did, then loyalty is expected "As it was"

    However that type of loyalty no longer exists, this is surly a reflection of our society today I am afraid to say. Historically in the past our Royals would have signed off an execution letter for such a breach of trust.

    The person in such a breach would have been:

    Hung until close to death.

    Tied onto a disembowelment slab.

    Have a gut knife (hooked) inserted into the navel to a depth of 3 inches.

    The knife would then be slowly thrust in an upward motion until the base of the ribcage.

    Spreader tongs would then hold open the incision wound.

    The intestines and bowl would then be placed onto the persons stomach.

    The victims head then raised to allow a clear view of his own organs.

    The victim would then be left to die a slow and very very painful death.

    The body would be left on public display as a warning.

    Rooks and other birds would then feast on the internal exposed organs.

    Eventually the head would be removed and placed onto a large pole that would be placed above the famous Traitors gate.

    I'm not asking for that but, it does make one hanker for the old school methods.

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  • itsa o
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think he is a leech

    He and Prince Charles should get it on together

    They deserve each other

    As for CAMILLA

    Why have they not done the same for her as they the have for Charles

    They named a dog after him did they not The Prince Charles Terrier or something


    If anyone deserved a dog to be named after them it should be CAMILL-PARKER BOWLES

    She is a real dog

    But then which dog would like to be named after her

    A new name for the dog could be


    then there is BURREL the ROYAL LAP DOG


    they are all unworthy to be associated with DIANNA or HER NAME

    She was a real LADY

    A TRUE PRINCESS as in the fairy tales

    Who married a FROG but found it was not a real PRINCE but a DIRTY BACK STABBING PIG

    Who is not fit to be A KING

    if he becomes



    We should have a King or Queen beyond reproach

    as long as he lives I hope our QUEEN lives to stop him getting the throne

    Pass the throne to someone who can KEEP THERE VOWS

    not betray the person (( WIFE -DIANNA)) or people who trust them

    that is us who would be there subjects

    I could not trust him

    as Dianna did

    put BURREL and CHARLES where they belong


    then throw away the key

    sorry for going on


    well they both annoy me to hell

    they are SCUMBAGS the pair of them

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure he simply loves the attention. He has shamelessly used his connection to advance his career as yet another celebrity whose only real talent is a willingness to do anything to remain in the public eye. His opinions don't deserve the attention they get and we should all refuse to watch any television that involves him - or indeed any of the other vacuous celebrities that "grace" our living room today.

    Rant over .. and thank you for the asking the question, giving me the opportunity to vent!

  • no I dont feel sorry fro anyone who makes money off the back of tragedy.

    I feel sorry for all the rest of us that after 10 and half years we still have to listen to people going on about her. She was an embarassment to the monarchy and an example of what happens when they are not choosey enough about whom the marry just ask anyone who was in the life guards in the 80's and 90's what she was really like. Its about time everyone bucked up their ideas and realised that she like many unfortunate people died in an accident nothing more. Drink drivers kill 1000s of people every year. Forget the conspiracy theory there was no guarantee she would die in that accident.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the guy that tried to steal her cloths and personal belongings with in hours of her death.

    This is the guy that cashed in on her death by writing (or ghost writing) a “tell all” book. He’s the guy that does the after dinner speaking for a huge fee.

    This is the guy doing the “z” list celebrity rounds for cash.

    Do I feel sorry for him “NO” You watch he will try to cash in on this as well.

    My one hope is that the Coroner finds him out for the liar he is.

  • 1 decade ago

    A little from column A

    A little from column B

    Plus I think he'll enjoy getting money for being able to sell his story to new papers again...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel sorry for anyone who worked alongside the princess.

    She was a crashing bore, and a f u c k i n g ugly one at that.

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