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is it legal for a parent to have a lock on their child's bedroom door?

If the child is being really bad and hitting the parent, is it wrong to put the child in their bedroom and lock the door for punishment?

17 Answers

  • Mrs. L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No I believe by law that it is not illegal unles the child is being abused by being left in their room for hours at a time! and not being fed or well taken care of.. And I guess it depends on the age

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm assuming since you want to put a lock on your child's door, you're planning to lock him in there. I have to say, I think it's a terrible idea. What if there's a fire and he can't get out? (unlikely, but still possible). Plus, I just think it's wrong to lock up a child like a prisoner. Think back to when you were a would you feel if your mother used a lock to keep you contained? If he's aggressive, there's a reason for it. Figure out what's going on with him - either by yourself or with the help of professionals - and come up with a plan to deal with it. Don't just stick an angry child in a will only get worse! If that doesn't convince you, think about what's going to happen when he tells people at school that he's being locked in his room.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if it's legal or not but I don't think it will correct the behavior. The child has to learn what else he can do when he is angry besides hit. Until he is taught how to handle his emotions and what to do when he has those feelings, nothing will change no matter how many times you lock them behind a door.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thouroughly agree with Betty B. It's not illegal, but it's not effective. 100 years ago there was no standing in the corner etc etc, people gave a spanking. With hand or some other item and we didn't have people going on shooting sprees in malls or schools.And yes lots of people owned guns, a higher ration then. The fact is parents have lost control of their children and children have lost respect for their parents. I am only in my 40's and we got spankings in my childhood, and I never spoke back again. I would never ever have thought to hit my mother! Children need to be under their parents authority and you liberals can thumbs down as much as you like, but it is a Biblical principal that is proven every day by the way kids are acting out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you own the house, you own the door and the lock. So yes you can lock it, but how long you leave the child in there is what determines abuse. Also, that is not really fixing the problem. A child who hits it's parent has no respect for their authority,,and oddly enough, spanking will fix that.

    Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

    Proverbs 23:13

    Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

    And my personal favorite, because I didn't like spanking but then read this verse and realized that if I didn't spank I was actually not showing my son I loved him.

    Proverbs 13:24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

    Granted it's best to start young, my 2nd child is a world apart in better behavior because I started younger,,but my son I started at 5 and by 8 he was in control. The key is not a beating not a screaming is you two having set up the boundries. They have to have broken a specific rule, a talking to about the behavior that broke the rule, and then the have to be totally calm or it's not in God's will that it's done.

    Source(s): King James Bible and life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ILLEGAL! It is illegal to put a lock on a child's bedroom door. If you don't believe it's wrong then call Children's Services and ask them before you do it. I know someone that put a lock on a child's bedroom door once and they got investigated by Children's Service because of it. They was told to remove the lock at that very moment, because IF your house gets on fire and your child is stuck in their bedroom then how would they get out? Good luck in figuring out what appropriate way to punish your child.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that "forced confinement" is completely legal. It's going to depend on your state....and also how belivable your child is when they tell the cops that you lock them in their room 24/7 for no reason.

    If your child is hitting you and not obeying's time for you to consider medical intervention like therapy or anger management. Locking them in their room isn't going to solve the problem and can actually make it worse by giving them the impression that you're scared of them or worse...that you don't love them.

    You can put a lock on YOUR door and lock yourself inside when your child becomes unruly so that you don't get hurt....and I would also consider calling the police if they get that out of hand. Sometimes it just takes on time with cuffs on to get the point across that certain behavior isn't acceptable. BUT if they are already hitting retaliating by locking them up is simply reenforcing their idea that YOU'RE the problem and not them.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): mom of 3 and one on the way
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it is. A parent does not HAVE to subject themselves to physical violence from their children.

    "100 years ago there was no standing in the corner etc etc" Bullshit. My father was growing up 100 years ago. Yeah there were spankings, there were also sons and fathers beating the crap out of one another because son's learned how to hit back when they were spanked. My dad's aunt would make him stand in a corner or she would make him go out and shovel the horse stalls when he misbehaved. He learned how to shovel horsestalls when he was 4 years old.

    You can spout "the bible" all you want it's a nice account of history written by humans. Religion itself is a human concept and Christianity is only one of those concepts, besides it has only been around 2,000 years what did they do for discipline before Christianity came along and dicated how people should live? I'm 54 years old and I was also spanked as a kid, got a few beatings in there too. I never respected my parents for it, I don't respect anyone who would hit a child. It only proves they don't have the intelligence to parent any other way. As a species we're supposed to become more intelligent rather than stooping to the intelligence of apes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No its not illegal, however for safety issues I dont know that its the best idea....and if the child is hitting the parent its probably a good idea to get some counciling for him/her. If this gets waited off and not addressed properly the chances of the child being a more violent person as they grow is much more likely. Get some expert advise as each individual is different.

    good luck.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Yep. Perfectly legal. What works better is simply taking a potholder and closing the door on it. Difficult for a child to open. You would, of course, check on the child frequently, especially if they are whacking stuff in the room. I would not use this as a primary form of punishment, but it can be effective for some kids to just calm down.

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