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Lv 6

LDS - what is different about your gospel?

From the website - "In 1820, as He had done throughout history, Father in Heaven again chose a prophet to restore the gospel and the priesthood to the earth."

LDS claim to have restored the gospel. Therefore, it is a different one than the one I believe in since I believe in the Bible, right? When I try to point out differences to LDS members though, I'm told that it is the same gospel as in the Bible. But then I'm told that the Bible has been compromised because of apostasy over the years and I cannot rely on it.

So, I'm kind of confused on what you believe. What is the gospel according to you? What part of the gospel has been restored and how is the gospel of the Bible wrong according to LDS?



ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Consiglieri - Thanks for your answer, but I'm not claiming that Mormonsism is wrong, because it differs from Christianity. I'm curious about what they think is the important difference between their gospel and mine, because I don't know.

Update 2:

Nobody is answering. Perhaps I'm not being clear. The gospel according to the Bible is:

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; (2) By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. (3) For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; (4) And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

What needed to be restored? What is different between what LDS believe and what I believe on this that makes it wrong?

Update 3:

"Gospel" means good news. The good news is that Jesus died and rose again for our sins. What needs to be restored?

Senator John McClain - Thanks for you answer, but what was restored. Those denominations all have the same gospel though. They will all agree with 1 Corinthians 15 as being the gospel. They differ on minor theology and worship styles, but the gospel is the same.

Update 4:

So, taking what Senator John McClain, Nora Explorer and Kerry said together, I'm understanding that LDS believe:

There is absolutely no difference between the gospel that I believe in and what LDS believe. Nothing was restored of the gospel. What was restored is the authority to teach the gospel. 1 Peter 2:9 is incorrect about all Christians being priests now and the real priesthood authority is restored through LDS.

Is that what you are saying?

Update 5:

I think it would help me if an LDS member would summarize what they think the gospel is. I see references to celestial marriages and priesthood authority in several answers. To me, that is not part of the gospel at all.

For me, the gospel is that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected. If we believe that, and ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and be our Lord, we can go to heaven. (Romans 10:9). What do LDS believe is the gospel and how has it been restored?

Update 6:

Please! Will an LDS member tell me what they believe the gospel is and how it has been restored?

Saying the gospel is simple does not tell me what it is. Stating other differences between our beliefs does not tell me what the gospel is. This is basic stuff. Why won't anyone tell me what LDS believes the gospel is?

I can't imagine the apostle Paul just going around saying his church is the only one to have authority to preach the gospel and then when asked, just says, "The gospel is simple and complete".

Update 7:

So, let me get this straight. Forgive me if I'm not getting it.

LDS believe the Bible contains the fullness of the everlasting gospel according to Sen John McClain's quote of the Book of Mormon.

This gospel of the Bible includes what I consider as the gospel, plus a whole lot more. Stuff like:

* God the Father and Jesus are separate beings.

* Authority of the priesthood

* Baptism

* Eternal marriage

* The power of God given to man.

This must be the gospel that Paul preached and so the curse in Galatians 1 is for me and not for LDS.

Does that sum it up?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I’ve read your additional comments and I can see your confusion.

    Here’s an analogy

    What is math?

    But what is the difference between “math” and “algebra"…?

    To Mormons, there’s so much more to the gospel than Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection (your reference to 1 Corinthians). We agree on that, but there’s oh-so much more to it!!! Sadly, until you’re willing to see that there just might be more that God has to offer, you won’t be ready for the full answer to your question.

    What you have is like a picture of a diamond (like the diamond on a face card). Nice as it is, it's NOTHING compared to the real thing. There's just so much more- the power of God, given to man.... eternal marriage.... continuing revelation... But you aren't quite ready for that much, yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    The restoration included reinstatement of continued revelation, of having prophets, apostles and the full priesthood on the earth. It also included greater understanding to the nature of God and Christ, and how we should live our lives. This was lost after the last apostle died after Christ.

    The bible is the word of God. We believe in it, and believe that many great truths and many great examples come from there. We do believe that man has changed things over time, and that has changed some of the meaning of things. That doesn't mean the bible is wrong, just that certain things have been lost that were originally meant to be part of it.

    After Christ, there were no prophets on the earth, as there had been through most of the history of the bible (and the Book of Mormon, I might add). God has always used prophets to teach His people, and to give us continued guidance and teachings. This has always been the way God works. After Christ, those principles were lost for a time. It has happened before, even in the bible.

    We believe, just as any church does, that we have what we need to be saved. To me, the gospel that I believe in is simple, wonderful and complete. There are truths in this church that I haven't found anywhere else, and believe me, I looked.

    Everyone believes that their church is the right one for them, and they should. If they have found what they need to feel complete, then that's what matters. We believe that everyone has the right to believe as they may, and we can offer them the gospel, but it is up to them whether they want it or not. If they don't, that's fine. We just hope that they find somewhere they belong, and somewhere they feel complete.

  • Ender
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Fair question.

    We believe that there is one and only one Gospel. Moses taught this gospel. Christ taught it, and Joseph Smith taught it. Even between the Old testament and the New testament there are MASSIVE differences. Animal sacrifice, strict commandments, more justice than mercy, etc. One could argue that these are two different gospels.

    So, there is a difference between "gospel" and "practices". Just because we don't do animal sacrifice any more doesn't mean that we have a different gospel than Moses did.

    We believe that Christ has always chosen men to teach his truth on earth. The practices have changed over the years. What makes the gospel the same is that the basic truths have not changed. Animal sacrifice is a practice, and not an eternal truth.

    What makes it the Gospel is that it is consistent with the eternal truths that have been taught previously AND it is directed by men that were chosen BY Christ and do his will.

    After Christ left, there were 12 apostles. One of them died, and they replaced him. This happened several times that we know about. With that pattern, shouldn't there still be 12 apostles on the earth 2000 years later? The problem was that they were ALL killed. Much of the New Testament was written by the apostles to different congregations correcting practices and beliefs that were off course. Clearly there was direction needed by inspired and chosen men.

    The Bible prophecies this apostasy that would eventually come. Eventually all the apostles died. The Christians that remained were killed and persecuted. They tried to maintain some of the practices, but eventually without the leadership and the guidance, they were just making their best guess as to what to do. 300 or so years later the Catholic church made a move to merge paganism with christianity to reduce problems in the empire. Things like "the nature of god" were voted upon by a council of men. This was not the same gospel that Christ had established.

    Take 3 or 4 minutes and read the short story of Joseph Smith. He was searching for the "right" church. They all used the bible but had radically different teachings. Eventually he read in James where it says "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God" (paraphrased). He did just this.

    God and Christ appeared to him and told him that none of the churches were Christ's church. Eventually he was called to be a Prophet, like Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah of old. Christ gave him HIS priesthood and his authority. Christ led him and taught him.

    There are LOTS of translations of the Bible. It's impossible to agree with all of them as some of them are contradictory, yet they are all the Bible. In Hebrew there are 3 words for "love". So when it says "love" in the Bible, which version of love does it mean? There is always something lost in translation. Additionally, the Catholic church edited it to their liking. There were things that were removed. The Bible refers to books that today we don't have. If we had them they WOULD be part of the Bible.

    Most of the discrepancies are small. If you get an LDS King James bible, at the back there is a Joseph Smith translation. There are a number of verses that were revealed to him and he corrected.

    As the Gospel of James says, we encourage all men to learn of our teachings, read the Book of Mormon, and then pray, humbly, sincerely, and with faith to find out if it is true of if it is false.

    I hope this has helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, a number of things were restored. In addition to a full understanding of the priesthood [the power and authority of God on earth -- a good analogy would be a power of attorney], there are ordinances which must be performed [like baptism] with the authority of the priesthood. There are ordinances and doctrines which were lost to the christian world [like celestial marriage and forever families]. These things needed to be restored. Then there is the nature of God. The Godhead is three personages - God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. These are among the plain and precious truths which were lost and needed to be restored.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The church is organized as Jesus organized it originally. It was changed by the time the Bible was compiled. Also at that time many things were omitted or overlooked as the Nicene Council set the tone of the Bible.

    We believe that with the deaths of the original apostles the priesthood authority conferred by Jesus was no longer upon the earth. We believe that this same priesthood authority was restored through Joseph Smith Jr. on May 15, 1829.

    We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please go to for factual and accurate information.

    The gospel that was restored includes:

    God, Elohim, our Heavenly Father and

    His son, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, our Savior and Redeemer are two separate and distinct beings.

    The Priesthood of God, lost to the world during the great apostacy.

    The knowledge of the pre-mortal and post-mortal worlds.

    The rest of it you can read in the 13 Articles of Faith, which states the above and a more abbreviated version of what we believe. We do believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the book of Mormon to be the word of god. We use the KJV bible, like most Christian sects, and it is considered one of the standard works of the church. In nearly every case, the Book of Mormon and the bible agree - they both testify of the divinity and atonement of Jesus Christ, whom we believe stands at the head of the church.

    Please, don't take the opinions expressed in this forum as fact, most of them are completely biased, inaccurate, and based on propaganda. Do go to the source, and if you are sincere, and have real intent, you will know the truth when you hear it. Bless you.

  • 5 years ago

    Or better yet, how do they know that the angel that John sees in Revelation isn't a 'different gospel'? See Rev 1:1 I agree with you that the "Mormons preach a different gospel" argument is a weak argument at best.

  • 1 decade ago

    In short: authority, revelation, and clarity were restored.

    The long version:

    The Book of Mormon was sent by our Heavenly Father, and Christ to restore the clarity that was muddled in the bible, as well as purposely twisted in some cases by evil men. The Book of Mormon is intended as a companion to the Bible, and does much in clarifying difficulties and indescrepancies therein, joining with the Bible (as it exists in God's bosom) in bringing all men unto Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel.

    Consider for example the crucial differences over faith vs. works. We do not have that problem. We understand that after all we can do (which isn't much but it is our all--like the widows coins) then it is by grace we are saved.

    Revelation, or having those such as prophets who can be God's mouthpieces to guide His flock in our day; even this has been restored. (A flock requires a LIVING shepherd, with a living voice, not just a memory or record of where they have been before)

    This leads into authority. Christ organized a church, His church, with His disciples, commissioned by Him. All other denominations claim the right to lead through some assumed or presumed means. What has happened to that structure set up by the Lord? Certainly if it was important then to have Apostles etc... then we must need them now. Just as we still need Christ to lead and guide us today, we still need those authorized to speak for Him.

    The gifts of God were restored. The gift of the Holy Ghost, as the rest of the Christian world does not enjoy was again, by proper authority, given again to man. This is not just a happy feeling, but a COMPANION, a comforter, that actively helps, teaches, purifies, molds, and bestows Christlike abilities and characteristics (which can only be given by God) in a more complete and full way.

    Traditional Christians (in our view) also don't understand the Godhead, and therefore themselves or their true relationship to God. Because they do not have a true knowledge they do not know if Christ is merely going to allow them to do whatever and He'll forgive them, or if He is some demanding dictator quick to avenge. Understanding God and our relationship to Him, and therefore our purpose gives us the hope, faith, and meaning to our actions.

    Because of our knowledge which has been restored Christ is no mere figment we observe from afar. We honestly feel His guidance, actual guidance (directions), in our lives, we feel His healing presence. Indeed we interact with Him daily, in ways real yet unseen. Because of this we more fully enjoy His love, proclaim His truth, and truly invite all to come unto Christ, for He is THE way, the one and only way, and He has already specified His way. Feel free to email me any other questions, that any of you may have.

    Source(s): Born into an LDS family, raised LDS, and a convert to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and one who strives to bear His name, in example, in witness, and by actual authority given through His chosen servants.
  • 1 decade ago

    It isn't that the Bible does not contain the gospel or is wrong. In fact, here's a quote from the intro to the Book of Mormon. "The Book of Mormon ...contains, as does the Bible, the fulness of the everlasting gospel. "

    But which church has the gospel as God intended? The Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, JW's, SDA's, AoG, Lutherans, Calvanists, Pentecostals, etc. They all use the Bible and all have a different gospel, so to speak.

    I like to use the analogy of the arrow. The gospel of Jesus Christ is like an arrow that points the way to heaven. The Bible is like a nail that supports the arrow (like a one-way sign). However, when a sign is supported by only one arrow, it can be moved to point in any direction in a circle. (Like on cartoons where they twirl the arrow so someone gets lost) The Book of Mormon is like a second nail. It also supports and contains the gospel. With a second nail, the arrow can't be turned. It only points in one direction.

  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I will share a brief response; but hope it is enough to answer your questions.

    Mormons believe that Christ "authorizes" his disciples to administer his Gospel. However, after the apostasy, the true authority of God was taken off the earth. Hence, no authorized representatives of Christ remained. This authorization, or priesthood authority if you will, needed to be returned to the earth.

    Mormons believe that such authority from God was indeed returned, beginning with Joseph Smith.

    I can go on, but I promised I would be brief.

    Source(s): Lifelong Mormon
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