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Poll: Are smokers being discriminated against?

Do the complaining non-smokers really believe they are going to get cancer passing by a smoker that has already been forced to go outside or do they just not like the smell of it?

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First question.... NO. Smokers are not being discriminated against. Second question... I don't think I will get cancer by walking by one smoker and of course I don't like the smell! Are there people who like that awful stench??

    Anywho, smokers are not being forced to go outside. Smokers CHOOSE to go outside, because they need their nicotine fix. They have the choice to wait until they are in their cars or in their homes to smoke.

    What I don't understand, is why smokers (when they are puffing away) feel they need to, let's say roll down their windows in their cars when they are smoking and it is 15 degrees outside. I know they're freezing their butts off, so the only other explanation is they don't like the smoke either. Right?? Well, now you know how everyone else feels!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To answer your question, I dont think its so much as they think they are going to develop cancer as it is non smokers hate the act, smell, and any believed health risk associated by it thus they look down upon any smoker. They consider them in the same class they consider people that are not clean, low income, low class, etc. Yes, it is discrimination but it is not unlawful discrimination. To be protected by law for discrimination you must first fall under a federal protected class. These consist of Gender, Race, National Origin, Color, Familia Status, Disability, and Creed. Some states even add age to their list of their own state's constitution. Smoking doesnt fall in any of these categories. I feel that the government is caught in the crossfire of non smokers and smokers and was made to act on it. Obviously non smokers and health advitist have alot louder mouths than smokers and they got their point across. Alot of things are unhealthy and every person does something each day that is risking whether it be sudden or long term health risk so Im gonna throw that idea of 2nd hand smoke out the window. It has no presedence. A health risk over all is questionable too with people never being around smoke and developing lung cancer and emphazima to that of George Burns living until age 99 with a cigar in his mouth.

    I am a smoker who respects others who do not smoke but I do feel that I do not get that in return. I dont understand just 50 yrs ago smoking was allowed everywhere with no bitching and moaning. Even in hospitals, but now that the medical field has pinned cancer to cigarettes and people all of a sudden are gagging in the site of smoke??? C'mon, its a show and a ***** to ***** the way I see it. I'll step out side bc you dont want the smoke stained walls or the smell in the air, no problem, not bc of the "cancer risk". I wont smoke in restuarants bc you are eating thats okay too. But lay off, outside is open and free to all that live on this earth. Im hurting only myself and I have that right. Dont tell me I cannot smoke in or on things I own such as my home ( I dont anyway bc of the smell and stained walls), car, or property that is my right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I am a smoker, I make the choice to pollute my own air. I do not think that non-smokers are being unreasonable by asking us not to pollute their air!! I have no problem with not being able to smoke in restaurants, malls, etc. I have no problem with not being allowed to smoke in parks or other outdoor areas where there are a lot of kids. As long as I am allowed to smoke in my car and my own home (which I don't because of the smell, but I CAN if I choose to) I am okay with the restrictions. Whether it is the smell or the pollution, if other people don't like it, what right do we have to force it on them? We all know that smoking stinks and causes cancer, aggravates allergies and asthma. I think non-smokers are well within their rights to ask smokers not to expose them to that.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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  • 1 decade ago

    No they are not, I can't seem to understand how you can rationalize that a smoker has more rights than a non smoker. No one was born a smoker, you choose to smoke, and you do not seem to care that I do not want to breathe that poison.

    Have you ever had to watch someone die of lung cancer? I did. My brother died at 65 years old, and my wife of 17 years died 2 weeks before her 50th birthday, because of smoking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Smokers choose to smoke, that is their call but people who choose not to should not have it forced upon them by those who do ! By the way I am a former smoker who chose to quit !

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they are being discriminated against but some non-smokers just want something to whine about. For a lot of people it's the smell but they use the health hazard approach since it's a little more valid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. People whine and ***** about smokers in the UK, so now when I go out walking, I get a face full of smoke. Why can't they have dedicated smoking bars?

  • 1 decade ago

    probably a little of both.

    It seems socially acceptable to be mean to smokers and people take it way too far.

    There have been reports that the smoke/poison stays in your airway and nose for15 minutes after finishing the cig.

    So maybe people thing that they'll get cancer 2nd hand that way

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    someone is on her soapbox today!....did someone get all stupid with you at work? Do I need to come down and kick some southern azz? Anything for you sexy...anything, ♪ just call, and I'll be there ♪

    I think they are all just a bunch of mamby pamby whiners myself....I blew smoke directly into the face of a guy who said 'Ya know, smoking is bad for you' After blowing I said, 'Ya know, I heard second hand smoke is worse' HA teach him

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