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"What we need to do, is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards"- Is Mike Huckabee insane?,4670,Huck...

I did a Faux news link so that the hardcore righties don't think I made it up.

Is anyone out there honestly going to vote for Christian Theocracy?

Was that statement the end of this man's candidacy?


100%red: God is a good thing?

Which god?

What do you do with the non-believers?

Update 2:

Noname: I looked at the bible, and there's not a word in there about gay marraige or abortion.

So now we're talking about a president amending the Constitution based upon what HE THINKS the bible says.


Update 3:

liberalshate. . . :

Two thirds of the US are Southern Baptist? Really? Or did you mean Christian? Because you need only take a trip to Belfast to see how well the different brands get along.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It does boggle the sane mind doesn't it? Imagine that nut in the White House, I love this country but if that would ever happen, I'm headed to Australia.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The traditional (since Reagan) coalition between the GOP and the Religious Right is breaking down. Most Republican candidates are shying away from the Christian Right because they see that it hurts them more than helps them. I think Christians, also, are realizing that the real agenda of the GOP has nothing to do with 'values', that their real god is Mammon.

    This has given Mike Huckabee an opportunity to carve out a niche for himself as The Christian Candidate, even though his version of Christianity is not exactly the same as that of the Christian Right. When it comes to actual Christian values, Huckabee is something of a liberal. As Jesus was.

    Well then we come to South Carolina, a state where it's impossible to be too religious or too far to the right. All the other candidates are throwing red meat to the rednecks--they would increase torture, double the population of Guantanamo, make Muslims wear a little patch showing who they are, stuff like that.

    So Huckabee sees the opportunity to pander to Christians. Ronald Reagan, running for president in 1980, promised to propose a constitutional amendment, no less, to ban abortion. But he never even tried! It's not easy to amend the Constitution. It certainly isn't something a president can do by himself. Huckabee knows that, of course, but the Christians of South Carolina don't. 'Cos it ain't in the Bible. 'N' if it ain't in the Bible, it ain't worth known'.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No this does no longer breach the the seperation of church and state,what it truly is going to do is make sparkling the definition of what a wedding ceremony is it truly is between a guy and a women,This has no longer something to do with church and state.the reason we desire to make sparkling and safeguard this concept is as Michael Savage say's we are lower than seige via the ACLU,the gay stream and liberal beleaf that we are intitled to each little thing and to have authorities grant for us.we are intitled to no longer something certainly existence liberty and the pursuit of happiness.This all Mike Huckabee needs and he's the certainly one protecting that concept.There are human beings available that do not realize heritage or the actual reality's certainly what they examine from an internet site that has a liberal slant or the gay precise's stream,when you're gay you've not got any precise's or gaurantee's lower than the constution because it truly is going to be.As for the honest Tax why did our founding father's leave england....TAXES TAXES TAXES.As a human beings they wanted to stay without taxation which they did untill international warfare 2 that grow to be even as the IRS grow to be created to assist pay for the warfare,it grow to be meant to eradicated and repealled after notwithstanding the politicians seeing all that money wanted a thanks to regulate that money and via doing so controls us.we are slaves to the authorities,honest tax will elimate all taxation the IRS and shrink corperate tax's.The honest tax will herald extra money than the present gadget and pay for each of the present software's we've and per annum there'll be and enhance in capitol,economic's one hundred and one.seem I free 3 hundred funds per week on fica, taxes ,social protection i desire that back.For that be counted i desire my social protection to pass to an IRA of my determination no longer the authorities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Insane? Not necessarily clinically, but it is an anti-democratic (little d) statement.

    Yes, many Americans will vote for theocracy. And they may get it. And in a decade, the churches would be empty.

    No, the statement will not end his candidacy. Huckabee is generating momentum, and is benefitting from a combination of low expectations, voter disinterest and/or ignorance, resurgent religiosity, and media diffidence.

    Huckabee as president could well have the same ability as Bush to act without suffering personal accountability by shielding himself with a ©hristian label.

    Huckabee has the advantage of being able to speak, where Bush was endowed with money and connections.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully Mike Huckabee is just expressing a sentiment that will seduce Christian voters to vote for him, and I hope he is not sincere in his view of turning this place into a theocracy. Nothing could be more detrimental to our government and our progress as a society than bringing religion into our democratic process. Just a casual study of the deleterious effects religion has had on the West in the past, and the havoc it is wreaking now in the Middle East, should dissuade any sensible person from wanting what Huckabee envisions.

    I sincerely hope this is a political ploy. However, if it isn’t, it is up to us, the American citizenry, to combat any initiative that seeks to make our government more receptive to religious interests. Our founding fathers, in their great wisdom, knew that religion, especially in its state sanctioned form, would be the cause of much divisiveness and strife. If there is any pearl of wisdom that we should follow from our past it is the lesson that our founding fathers learned well. We must keep this country secular, and we must resist any effort to turn into a country that accommodates religion in the political arena.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with your base idea behind the question.

    Who's interpretation of the Bible will be used?

    There are many different interpretations of the Bible, and that's why there are so many different Christian denominations. Will we all have to become Baptist?

    I'm a Baptist, and there are Baptists out there preaching things that I will never accept. Some preach that America is the new Israel as "God's chosen nation," and they preach that a number of Old Testament scriptures apply to America, which is not true.

    I'm a New Testament Christian, and Huckabee should be, but I'm afraid he's one of the conservative Baptists teaching OT beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What we need to do is to declare a secular state. In the 18th Century the issue was the government forcing religious standards on the people (i.e. The forced Protestantism of the C of E on the people of the Britain). Now we are faced with the inverse. A religious community that represents a great deal of the country and wants to use their numbers to influence the Government to force religious standards; thus bringing us full circle back to the issues we dealt with some 2-300 years ago.

    We must always keep the government and the people - all the people - free to practice or not practice life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without religious demagogues interfering.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello? Mars to Earth. Everybody Claiming to Be Christian isn't. Even Christians Don't want a theocracy run by mere mortal men..espcially if it is percieved they are racist or sexist.... After what he said about the Confederate flag yesterday, I think he has shot himself in foot!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a godly man myself, but I could never vote for a man with a name like that.

    Will not give it another second of thought. Too much thinking can drive an honest man to drink and an early grave.

    Must be time for another dose of my nerve tonic, prickly heat is kicking up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mike Huckabee insane.

    And he wants to become president. Only a court jester would vote for him

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