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What is your perspective on "Christian Cruises"?

Am I alone in being uncomfortable with the whole idea of luxuriating on a large ship, being 'wined', dined and entertained in such and ostentatious manner? I do not for one think we have to run around in dismal attire, but I wonder if we aren't helping ourselves to "second servings" before so many in the world haven't had a "first serving" of the Love of Christ.


Julius... can you explain your answer a bit please? Why ask for money back?

Update 2:

Godless, that I think would make it at the very least a worthwhile cruise. So are you saying you wouldn't relish the idea of being as skittish as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rockers?

Update 3:

Clarify... I mean having an you there would make it worthwhile... not your absence.

Update 4:

Indya, I am hoping that your friendship base expands quite a bit more. We should fellowship frequently with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It helps build us up in Him. I honestly think I am responding to the plethora of these cruises and I wonder to what end? Is it the fellowshipping Christ had in mind? Although He did have a thing for boats and storms.

I am praying that your life will be greatly enriched by more friends close by. It'll save you money, and keep them close by.

11 Answers

  • eiere
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess I feel about them the same way I feel when I visit our very large Christian "superstore" often seems like people "launder" their desire for slapping some reference to Christ on it..and somehow that makes everything OK.

    I don't think it is bad to have things, or to enjoy a vacation that one can afford, etc. But it is possible for people to fool themselves into justifying overindulgence, overspending, shopaholic behavior, etc by saying "but it's Christian".

    I think the same questions have to be asked that would be asked before any other endeavor...does this act coincide with what I believe, with the teachings and priorities of my faith.

    Because frankly, about 75% of the stuff at our Christian superstore is useless junk with a little gold cross or angel stamped on it somewhere. It is more like buying the designer version of something...just for the label than because it is worth having, high quality etc.

    I don't think buying cheap plastic junk in the name of Christ truly honors him...or that going on a cruise necessarily honors Christ either, it may just be a way to feel good about having more.

  • BERT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think we need to remember that Judas protested the use of valuable oil on the feet of Jesus. He said that it would have been much better if she had sold the oil and gave it to the poor. It wasn't that he was that truly concerned about the poor, it was that he was a thief and he desired the money for himself. Do we complain if any other group of people choose to fellowship on a cruise? No. We don't. As has already been stated many of God's servants were wealthy men. What it boils down to is how much you value your wealth. What place does it hold in your heart? Wealth that comes from God is a blessing and he delights in giving His people the desires of their hearts when they put Him first. With all that being said, I have never been on a Christian cruise but would see absolutely nothing wrong with going on one.Also almost everyone goes on a vacation every now and then. If you are a Christian, why would you not want to take that time and opportunity to meet and connect with other Christians. I think it is a fantastic idea. Would it make more sense for a Christian to go on a Disney Cruise or a standard cruise, or to go on a Christian cruise where they meet and fellowship with other Christians, and possibly come awaywith some spiritual growth.If your taking your tithe money to do so maybe not, but otherwise, go for it!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've never been a fan of cruises unless it's the Mercy Ships. Now THAT is a Christian Cruise! Serving others, instead of being served! Such endeavors usually are life changing and energize the participants. Like Jesus told His disciples in John 4 after talking with the Samaritan woman, "I have food to eat you don't know about." (My paraphrase)

  • 1 decade ago

    Though things need to be taken in context but we do not have to enforce on ourselves an impoverished way of life to be acceptable to God.

    There is nothing wrong with luxury as long as it is not the main focus in your life. In my faith we ensure that we are not "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." (2 Timothy

    3:4) But there is nothing wrong with having a luxury cruise providing that I didn't put it before my servant duties to God and the needs of my spirituality. There are a number of wealthy servants of God who are recorded in the Bible, Solomon and Job for example.

    But if you have the love of money and luxury then that is a trap since in 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things"

    The account in Matthew 19:16-24 is what happens when the love of money and the luxury that goes with it is foremost in the heart.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Very insightful. I see nothing wrong with relaxing every now and then, but I do agree that the luxury of a cruise, even the "Christian" variety, can be too much. If God gives you the financial means to afford throwing money away on a cruise, it could be put to better use. Imagine how many missionaries you could financially help with that kind of money.

  • 1 decade ago

    You aren't speaking clearly, but it seems as though you are against it.

    I think it is a good idea. I guess I am so willing because I would like to meet more people who are Christian. My friendship base is very low (like 3 good friends-unsaved) but I never get to just hang out with others who love the Lord and worship him as I do so this would be nice. I wish my church or a church near me did something like this. It would be a good way to fellowhip with like-minded people.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A big joke but a pain in the butt for the ships staff. And some of the concessionaries demand money back from their rentals for each week that there is a 'religious cruise' on board.


    The 'money back' clause in the contracts is because you will find that there are people whose idea of enjoying themselves on a cruise, is to stand outside the ships casino, bars, and duty-free shops, preaching hellfire and damnation to any who try to enter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amen to that. We are called to be the light of the world and to share that light which is the love of JESUS CHRIST. The mony that is spent by Christians to "get closer to GOD" is obscene. Our message and witness has lost some of its' power and credibility by our abandoning of the servant mentality.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One good thing about won't find any atheists there.

    Note to self: strike "Christian cruise" off list of possible atheist getaway ideas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like "Smiling JW's" answer.

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