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So, are the republicans going to fix this election too?

Isn't it ironic that the entire county is going to use electronic voting this year, and the 2 companies that make the voting machines are rabidly right wing?????


good point Wally

20 Answers

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I heard that there is a vast right wing conspiracy out there that is out to get the Clintons.

    You'd think that there would be one Democrat in the country who is smart enough reverse engineer the voting machines and prove that they are rigged toward republicans.

  • 1 decade ago

    You Dems are rabidly anti-business. You should not be surprised to see any business, rabidly anti-Dem, including the ones that make the voting machines.

    What is ironic though is, if the Dems ever want America's election process to move out of the 19th and into the 21st century, they are dependent on the very businesses they hate, and which they have inspired people like you to hate so much to take them there.

  • Doc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Really? And so I suppose the last elections were all above the board and honest? Seems the only two democrats that lost BOTH filed for recounts. Funny that none of the republicans that lost cried and demanded recounts. Or, perhaps you are referring to the last set of Gubernatorial elections. Like the one in Washington state. The incumbent republican won, but the democrats demanded no less than five recounts before she was able to dig up enough to swing the vote her way -- and then had the audacity to tell the republicans that for the sake of the state they should accept the defeat and be good sports. Right...

    Al Gore lost fair and square and his demanding illegal recounts just shows how much of a spoil sport he and a good many of his supporters are. But don't worry, not to be out done, even the liberals in Mexico tried to steal the elections there. The last liberal that lost insisted that he'd won and refused to acknowledge his loss. Even went so far as to set up his own capital. Bunch of freakin' loonies.

    Perhaps it's time to grow up and stop threatening to throw your sucker in the dirt every time you don't get your way.

    Source(s): I pay attention.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They could do what the Democrats did in the Nevada caucas, have some peoples votes count for 5 times those of other people.

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  • Ian W
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's not only ironic, but it is for the USA a national disgrace. Actually your entire electoral process is a joke and is one of thel least democratic systems in the world.

    Source(s): Read up on it folks.
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, already making excuses why the dems didn't win. What's next? Global warming stopped only the democratic voters from going to the polls?

  • 1 decade ago


    it was amazing that the machines in mccain's stronghold in south carolina "broke down."

    yet, he still won in south carolina. amazing, huh?

    alledgely, managers of the diebold electronic voting machines ride around with memory cards in the trunks of their cars. and it is not uncommon for them to change out the memory cards in the middle of an election. how convenient.

    and there's a video on you tube that shows that the diebold machines are very hackable.

    one article said that "a screwdriver and a pea brain," is all you need to hack one of those machines.

    just listen on the news to see how many machines break down during the primaries.

    you'll have your answer to your question.

    and look out for the machines breaking down in districts that favor hillary and those that favor obama too. hillary probably with be getting votes and obama will be losing votes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me get this right. Democrats are as pure as the driven snow ? If they owned the companies and the Dems. still lost, would you complain then?

    Yea, the Dems. aren't crooked!

    Source(s): Whitewatergate, Monicagate,.....etc.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yawn.... The elections are rigged.... what else is new. The sheep would just vote some anti-constitutional Moron in anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The correct word isn't ironic, but worrisome.

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