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Believers: Why do you need God?

Thought experiment: Let’s assume that god is so powerful that he can zap himself into non-existence for one earth day. So, if just for one day god did NOT exist, how would your life would change?

You can also phrase the question this way: is there anything about your life that must change if god is no longer there? Extra credit: Instead of one day, what about one year, or an entire lifetime? Ten points to the most thoughtful answer.

This is a respectful question for believers of any faith. It is not a trick question or meant sarcastically.


I must say, I'm disappointed. Practically all answerers state that they just couldn't get through the day without god, or that without god all of existence would also vanish. I had hoped for some brave replies; instead it looks as though these believers cannot even imagine having to live life on their own. As one wrote: believers should be like children to the parent that is god. How sad.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It has to be said that i am not a believer. I am not a non-believer either, though. I do not know whether god exists/existed or not. However, in this hypothetical situation of yours, lets assume it has been proven for a fact that god existed, and has been taking care of us, and is now no longer there. This would mean a radical change of life for me.

    Because if god was no longer there, there would be no greater force looking after us anymore. There would be no one who looks at our actions and determines whether they are right or wrong, or somewhere in between. There would be no force trying to guide us to good deeds and happiness, and there would certainly not be anything keeping the human race from descending once again into hate, intolerance, and war, like we have a tendency to doing, even though we are seemingly overcoming this tendency at the moment.

    And so, with this guardian of good and happiness gone, I would feel forced, more than ever, to take the worlds happiness and peace under my own wings, and I would try to do my best to act as a respectful replacer of god, and I would try to persuade as many people as possible to join me in this continuation of everything that god held so dear. I would also feel the need to take full responsibility for each and every one of my actions, and judge them by my own moral standards and ethics, because with god gone, how else could i keep myself from becoming evil? I would have to review all of my former views on the world and humanity, and ask myself whether the things are truly good as they are, or whether they need to be changed. For instance, things such as abortion, euthanisation, warwaging, even the keeping of cattle, I would need to think over and determine what is right and wrong about them, and whether i think that such things should be allowed to continue, and how. I would try to form a global movement of awareness and acceptance, and would try to, through this movement, protect all that is no longer protected, and put up a high appreciation for ethics and morality in a world that seemingly has no more of such things. Mind you, this movement would not be of a religious nature at all, far from it. Rather, it would be an assortiment of all people who hold all of "gods works" dear, and want to protect them. Hopefully, a lot of people would recognise my call for self-guidance and would join the cause, to ensure that, even without god, humanity still embraces everything that he supposedly stood for.

    This organisation would also attempt to combat the people who no longer feel obligated to act ethically because of the absence of god, and with that, the absence of punishment or reward. And there would be a lot of such people. But just because people won't be punished or rewarded for their actions by a higher being anymore, does not mean that they can't, and shouldn't, still do what is right. A lot of people will fail to recognise this, however, and society will need to be protected from such lowlifes.

    Also, I would feel obligated to try and understand why god left. Did he die? If so, how? Was he defeated by another deity? If so, was he killed or forced to leave? Or did he leave because we are now capable of fending for ourselves, or the opposite, because he felt that we would never learn to do so anyway? If god left, the human race would have to understand what his intentions were, you see. That would be the only way to know what we should do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in God, but my life would be dramatically different if God did not exist, except that I would be the god of my own life and therefore not living in hope for a reward or in fear of a punishment for wickedness and sinful acts except from the authorities and forces of nature here on Earth.

    I live for others based on my faith in God, and will often sacrifice my time, energy, and life in devotion to those beliefs whereas if I believed he didn't exist there would be no need to do those things.

    there is not anything that must change if he is not there, because I would still strive for benevolence to others and myself regardless of whether he exists or not. I would essentially possess the same benevolence either way, because in my head and heart I know that I am a good person. there are many people who are inherently good-natured, trustworthy, loving, respectful, and kind who do not believe in God. so you do need to elaborate upon your original questions a bit.

  • 1 decade ago

    The existence of this universe for me is enough proof that God is existing as well. The Vedas would not have said about the infinite suns and moons and milky ways, if they (The Vedas) were not a word of God. Today's science is not refuting this fact. instead the scientists are more and more perplexed and dismayed as they are claiming to discover more and more.

    But ultimately it is the defeat of the 'intellectual' that paves the way for the 'naives' whom we call the 'believers' or Bhakta's.

    It is only hypothetically that we can suppose Him not to be there at all. In reality He (Krishn to me) remains even when ' total dissolution' (Maha pralay) takes place. That is the time when all the universe gets accomodated into His infinite ' inner space' (Mahodar).

    We are eternally present in this way. And why not God, when we 'zero potents' can be?


    You are disappointed because you seem to belong to the highly intellectual class. Many atheists also belong to that class!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every day when I wake up, it is through the grace of God that I didn't die in my sleep. He created and sustains all life. That's it. If you can't believe, or if you refuse to believe, because you need concrete evidence, religious faith is not for you. But if there is no God, how then, are you here? To whom or what can you attribute your gift of consciousness? Certainly not to a "big bang". God has been present in our cultures up to this point not because we need a "crutch". Haven't religious people proven themselves to be courageous? God is no crutch. Worshipping him and doing right by him in this life is a burden. The modern, scientific, atheist movement is not a revolution toward reason. It is an example of having "a little knowledge".

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  • mamaB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If God was not here for one day, my life would not only change in my actions just what I do day to day, but my spiritual connection would not seem the same.

    Now, lets say God was gone for longer. I would not longer feel as connected to either the church, Jesus, God, the saints, Mary. None of that.

    I am a very religious person, and I love God with all of my heart, and I think that I would literally die if there was no God.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jesus said without Him, I can do nothing. After spending ten years reading and studying the bible, and developing a relationship with Jesus, after seeing what He has done in my life, and coming to love Him as I do....that is exactly the way I want it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Impossible, God will never EVER leave nor forsake us. I suppose you don't know what it's like for God to be in your life, so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if he was no longer there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do need God in all I do and say. 1. He requires it, He said you must come to me like little children. Children are totally dependent on there parents for everything. God is my provider I need him and am proud that I need him. I want Him as much as I need him. Thing is why is it you think you don't need him?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If God left my life for even one second I couldn't do it. I lean and depend on God to keep me safe everytime i walk out the door, to wake me up in the morning, to be able to be in my right mnoond, to be saved from every sin that I carry with me...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i know it's not the answer you want, but if there wasn't any God, i wouldn't exist, along with everything else. but probably more along what you're looking for, i couldn't exist without God, he's my everything. every moment of my life, every action of my day, every heart beat i take, is altogether his. he is the marrow in my bones, the breath in my lungs, the blood in my vanes, my everything.

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