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Are UFO's and aliens visiting earth, the cause of ancient man's myths, legends and the beginnings of religion

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is where Occam's Razor comes in handy.

    (1) Did man invent a series of fairytales and then repeat them to other members of the tribe?

    (2) Or did aliens from another galaxy come down to earth in a UFO and tell the same stories to the same men who then retold them to other members of the tribe?

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Christian we were taught in church that God created only Earth. But that is not only presumptuous on our part, but egotistical. if our sun is an average star, then by looking at the night time sky how can anyone absolutely believe that our planet is the one and only one that supports intelligent life?

    Just because God did not tell us that he created life elsewhere does not mean that He actually did not. That would be like saying that you know everything that your own parents have done with everything in their lives just because you read a journal or diary. Things can be left out.

    The chances are great that we are not the only sentient beings in the universe, the REAL question is, where are we compared to them in mental and technical advancement?

    If they are light years ahead of us, then they indeed may be visiting the earth, and if so then religion could possibly have sprouted from a sighting or even contact.

    If we are ahead of them, then either many people are delusional or we have come back in time to visit ourselves. Either way, it is an unknown and until someone has definitive proof of visits, the debate will rage on.

  • I don't know how it could be physically possible that aliens could make it his far. This isn't Star Trek. Look at how hard a trip to Mars is for us. We know that there aren't any hospitable planets anywhere close to us. These aliens would have to travel at the speed of light to get here without wasting a lifetime getting here. It's physically highly illogical and doesn't make any sense. I've seen quite a few UFO's in my life, yet I still don't believe green men are in saucers observing us.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you actually read the bible, alot of the things said in it are true of what we know in todays science, some of the things which people back then could not possibly have known. So I truly don't beleive the Bible to be entirely mythical. So you could infact be right. I beleive in god, but im not fanatical like some christians/catholics w/e, so my mind is always open to different ways of thinking, I'm sure we will only find out when we die.

    Edit: I know you meant before that, I'm just saying. Just the best example I could think of.

    Source(s): Forget examples, read it you'll see what I mean, about the way the universe works and stuff.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't actually think so. Any isolated tribe will come up with gods, it's a no-brainer. When you're primitive and you see a volcano explode, it's begging to be a god. I just don't see why advanced beings would interact with cave men. Actually I can see many reasons why they wouldn't. That doesn't mean extraterrestrials haven't visited the earth however, I think they have, and do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very very very unlikely since the CLOSEST star to earth besides our sun is OVER 4 TRILLION miles away. It would be impossible to carry enough food and water to make the trip not to mention that there is no way that any life form could live long enough to make the trip.

  • Doma
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Aliens are demons trying to fool us.

    Here is a website with testimonies of peole rebuking aliens in the name of Jesus and stopping abductions:

    And here is a page going into great detail what the demonic aliens are up to and Biblical evidence:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    no one knows...we were not around back then

  • 1 decade ago


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