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Why do people close their questions early?

Or maybe I'm just slow. But, I have often wanted to answer a question here in the adoption section, but gone to bed instead (it being 2am) and next time I look it is closed. And mostly I've just shrugged.

But the last 2 days I have found an open question and composed my reply, and then when I went to preview it, the question was already closed. Yesterday it was the question about particular adoption books not being in libraries. Because i'm a librarian my answer was probably even longer and more rambling than usual, and I was playing with my daughter also, so it did take awhile and I just emailed it to the asker.

Tonight it was the one about adoptive parents and regret over not remaining childfree. And darn it, I thought I had a pretty interesting answer. And it only took something like 30 minutes to write it. Darn!

So do people close their questions because they got the answers they want? Because they are going off the front page? Because they are going to bed? Just curious.


Here's my answer to the adoptive parents and regret question, in case anyone is interested:


I'm an adoptive mom, and like any parent, there are times I reallly want and need a break from my daughter. And there are also some times that I wish for the freedom of being able to set my own schedule and not have someone totally dependent on me -- so I guess that would be wishing for that moment to be child-free. But I don't ever regret being a mom to >this< child. Even though she sometimes drives me crazy, I'm so happy overall to be her mom -- and to be a mom.

But I do think it is different to be an adoptive parent, and as others have pointed out, statistics on adoption disruption bear this out. There are a few different reasons I see for this:

1) Adoptive parents don't have the nesti period of pregnancy to adjust to being parents. Psychologically, I think this is a huge difference. You aren't a parent, and then all of a sudden you are.


Update 2:

Sure, it is that way for all first time parents in some ways, but for adoptive parents (moms especially) the transition is especially abrupt, I think, because you don't have the period of pregnancy to adjust to the idea of being a parent. Plus pregnancy slows you down some and makes you turn inward, too, and that is also preparation for parenting.

2) Adoptive parents and adopted children don't always attach to each other right away. You don't have the bonding between mother and baby of the pregnancy. And you don't (usually) have the breastfeeding that cements that bond. In fact with adoptive parents and children you don't even call it bonding at all, but attachment. Most adoptive families develop very strong and healthy attachments. But it isn't automatic, and it usually takes more time. I know that for us, my daughter "glommed on" to me right away as her lifeline after she had been taken at 14 months from everything she had even known.


Update 3:

She hung onto me every second, and I held onto her and "wore" her full time for weeks. That helped our attachment immensely, but that grabbing hold of me was not the attachment itself. It was a sign she was traumatized and needed something to hold onto. And probably it was also a sign that she had attached to her foster mother and so knew that she needed someone to depend on. I will forever be grateful to that foster mom for having taken such loving care of her and taught her what love and attachment are. Some kids are not so lucky. If they have been in many different homes, or in neglectful homes, or in an orphanage, then they can learn that they cannot depend on anyone, so they don't attach to adoptive parents easily, and sometimes they don't really attach at all. This is called Reactive Attachment Disorder, and I think it and similar are a major cause of adoption disruption.


Update 4:

3) When you are an adoptive parent, you don't see yourself mirrored in your child. And they don't see themselves mirrored in you. That is just different. In some ways I think that can make it easier for adoptive parents to let their children be who >they< are, and not who you wished you were -- because they don't look like a "mini me" so you don't think of them as that. But in other ways it can be harder, I think, because you maybe don't have that automatic affinity. And it isn't just looks, necessarily. There can be genetic components to personality and to talents that are probably less likely to be in sync in adoptive families.

4) Families often adopt after infertility or pregnancy loss. It can be hard to let go of the idea of you "dream child" and parent the one you have. And sometimes infertility can take on a momentum all its own, so it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that the end goal was supposed to be parenting, not a baby.

Update 5:

So, I guess my answer is a tentative yes. I think that if you really do regret being a parent, then it is probably worse if you are an adoptive parent. Most adoptive parents are very happy to be parents (except for certain moments), but if you weren't cut out to be a parent, then it would be worse.

(did I warn you it was long?)

Update 6:

This was the question I was answering:;_ylt=Ak_6S...

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Awe, that's awful. I know how people put alot of time and effort into an answer and then something like that happens.

    I wonder how you close a question early, I didn't know you could do that, I though you had to wait until prompted that it was time to choose best answer or extend the time. I'm not a techie though lol

    I always enjoy reading your answers and it's always refreshing to hear from an adoptive parent who doesn't consistently go out of their way to bash adult adoptees and call them names, simply because our opinion may differ.

    Thanks for giving me reassurance that there are some wonderful adoptive parents out there, your child really is blessed!

    Source(s): American Adoptee in the UK
  • 1 decade ago

    I think part of it is that thing are kinds slow going here in adoption more than normal, so things are staying on the first page for days, like the library question. I posted it 4 days ago and got the last response 1 day ago.;_ylt=AgZkY...

    Whan I get a reminder I go ahead and pick best answer, unless I want to see how people vote.

    But I have closed answers the next day if I've goten a thorough answer, but thats rare.

    I know that tha answer needs to stay open for like 4 hours before it can be closed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I too have noticed this and wonder why. Some questions are just offensive...I answered one yesterday, went back later to see how my answer rated...and it was gone. Actually, I hope that question got removed by the people in charge.

    I once removed one of my own questions that got a grand total of one answer after several days because it later seemed off-topic and of no particular community interest.

    Source(s): adult adoptee
  • CP
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure why people close their questions early.

    I did want to mention that your answer to the question was great. I especially agree with you on part 3 of your answer.

    That is one of the things I look forward to -- Seeing who my child will grow up to be, and helping them explore their possibilities.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Noodlesmycat has some valid points that can't be denied....

    Spidermomma, great answer to question about regrets about not remaining child-free. Very well said.

  • 1 decade ago

    People do it, because one they are trying to to prove a point, or they just want to close their answers early, or they are calling someone out.


    Noodlesmycat just let it go and ignore people here. Adoptees should be able to speak their truth wither you agree with them or not. Everyone is entitled to tell their story. if you don't like that, then i suggest you go someplace else. Believe me, you will always see answers you may not agree with.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is frustrating. I've had it happen to me. I know that I close answers when they go off the first page and I haven't had a new answer in awhile. I figure, by that point, the answers have petered out, and I want to reward the best one. But I don't like cutting people off.

    As for Noodles claims... A month or two ago, she was complaining that people were letting questions go to vote. Now she's complaining that people are closing them early? Which is it? Most of the people I see getting "Best Answers" get them both from askers choosing them, and from voting, so her accusation lacks any basis in fact. As for thumbing and reporting, it seems to happen to everyone on here; the refrain is getting a little old.

    Source(s): Living life as an adoptee (on Yahoo! Answers) one day at a time
  • 1 decade ago

    They might have gotten the answer they thought was best. OR...maybe they get tired of all the e-mail informing them that someone answered the question.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't let it get to you. i understand what you mean though. i answer questions cus i know i don't have much internet time and jus like every parent i want "me-me time".... so when you get aggravated at your baby girl CUS THATS WHO SHE IS! your BABY!!!! she's yours now and the time you had to wait for her that was your 'pregnancy time'.... thats the way i see it. it takes a while to get adoption all settled and durrin that time your mind and home get in sync with the idea that there will be an addition to your family so YOU WERE pregnant. I was really pregnant i gave birth and all that.... but you were pregnant too its jus you could actually decorate your nursery without worryin if you were gonna fall off the ladder. if you don't understand what i'm sayin its all good. but either way i think you had an excellent reply to whoever wrote the question. and i don't know why people 'close' their question. i think sometimes they get too many negative responses so they close the question 'maybe?'....

    edit= not all bio. mommys are bonded with their babies at birth thats why the baby blues and post partum are so common.

  • Sunny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with your assertions, and thought your analysis was spot-on.

    I agree with you about some questions, and it is frustrating.

    You always give such thoughtful, articulate answers! I wish that more APs were like you.

    Thanks, Spyder.

    Source(s): Adult adoptee and family preservationist
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