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Israeli people can some one explain to me what is happening in Gaza?

Israel sealed the Gaza Strip completely and strictly on Friday. Even the UN food supplies are not allowed to enter Gaza. 80% of the population at the moment depends on the UN aid and different international aid agencies. The UN staff are also not allowed to leave or enter Gaza. And while Israel is sealing the Gaza Strip it is at the same time intensifying air raids and military ground operations against Gaza.

In the last few days 37 people were killed and 120 were injured. Most of them are civilians.


Great Gazoo -AM- if I come to your house and chasse you from it with force and kill your children then I offer my hand for peace would you accept it?

Update 2:

you really want me to believe that Israel is the victim? and that the poor palestinians whose lands are stolen children are killed who starve and have no medical assistance are the terrorist who deserve all what is happening to them? even a child can't believe in these stories

12 Answers

  • LEE DA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Israel is an illegitimate entity, Israelis know well they can get away with murder... so they Kill, Destroy and spread Hate and misery...

    No accountable nation in the world ever committed so much horrible crimes , rivaled only by Nazi Germany.

    Generating so much hate and anger among the neighboring Arabs and Moslems at large will eventually poison the very essence of Zionism lifeline.

    The Arabs will not push Israel to the sea, Israel will eradicate Israel by its own design.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've neglected a few vital facts :)

    The Palestinian Arabs promised that if Israel would leave Gaza, they would stop terrorist attacks. So Israel took them at their word and left. The Palestinians held elections and voted into power HAMAS, the terrorist organisation.

    Within five minutes, Hamas went beserk, seizing control and beheading anyone that got in their way or who belonged to rival group Fatah.

    You may well remember seeing pictures of Hamas members - their faces concealed - running amok in Gaza.

    Ever since then, the Palestinians have been bombarding Israel with kassam rockets. Israeli civilians, women and children are DYING and Israel has done NOTHING. More: Israel has continued to give free fuel and electricity and aid TO the Palestinians - even as they continue killing Israeli citizens.

    Why didn't Israel go into Gaza and, for instance, carpet bomb the entire area?

    - Because Israel knew that the terrorists had stationed themselves among Palestinian civilians, and Israel did not want to hurt them.

    So instead, Israelis are dying.

    Now, though, Israelis in towns like Sderot, who have been cowering with fear from the rocket attacks for weeks on end, have had enough and say they want to evacuate their homes because they cannot live like this any more.

    So the Israelis are finally taking action to try and stop the terrorism that is coming from Gaza.

    Would ANY other country be expected to continue giving free aid to terrorists who openly swore to kill its' citizens?

    No. Only Israel.


    - having read your edit it is perfectly clear that you were not seeking genuine answers, but just wanting a platform to criticise Israel.

    Nobody 'chased' anyone from their home. Even Muslim and Arab leaders admit openly that the Palestinian Arabs left their homes because they were told to by the FIVE ARAB ARMIES poised to attack Israel when the UN voted for legal partition and gave the Jews LESS than 0.01% of the middle east.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really not so hard to understand.

    The Muslim terrorists in Gaza fired 160 rockets and mortars on Israeli citizens in one week.

    Israel has slightly cut down the supply of diesel fuels to the killers. And now has restored them.

    Let the Islamists stop launching their weapons at Israel, and Israel will give them all the fuel they need. Hamas has shown that they can do this.

    The asker seems to think that the Arab terrorists can attack Israeli citizens and then continue to get a free lunch from Israel.

    That does not sound like a sane expectation.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel has to defend itself against the violence of its neighbor, Palestine, who do not want the land all they want is all Israelis dead. They hate Israel and are jealous and resentful that Israel turned a tiny strip of barren desert into rich, fertile verdant farmland and now produce fruit, art, science, inventions, writing, etc while the Palestinians squat in their dust and plot violence, destruction and mayhem.

    Israel is the sole trusted friend of the USA and the only country in the ME that is sane and productive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With all the aid money they have gotten in the past they shouldn't still be depending on it. Other than that Israel is finally getting serious about wiping the terrorists out in Gaza.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes - they got pissed off about Muslims shooting rockets into their neighborhoods and killing or hurting innocent civilians. After putting up with it for quite a while, they deiced that it was time to change. I would say that until aggressive actions on the part of the Muslims in Gaza dies down, the Israeli army will continue its activities.

    Any questions?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well Israel has the right to stop people from coming across it's border if they want. And it's pretty hard to blame them since that is where the bombs come from.

    I guess that if you continue in a fight that you are not able to win, you will suffer for it. That is exactly where Palestine is. Israel has offered peace many times. So now you want me to care? Why?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are always two sides to a story.

    If you must blame Israel for their present actions, why didn't you blame the Palestinians when they shoot destructive rockets to kill Israelis?

    Some folks see with only one eye.

  • 1 decade ago

    some times i wonder why the west doesnot call this terrorism or even raceism

  • 1 decade ago

    if the zionist kill the palestian civilian the international communities will keep their eyes close n say the israeli act as self defence...which is bulls**t... while the palestian ppl fight back the international communities will say it de act of terror especialy the long as the US supported the zionist..everytgh what the zionist do include killing the civilian will be act of noble...SubahanAllah

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