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mistymiss asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Doesn't this take the "piggin" biscuit?

Can't believe what I've just read

What are your opinons



I am not personally blaming the Muslims, it's the PC brigade

If any Muslims read this, will you please give me YOUR opinion. Thanks

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is bollocks but its important to remember that nowhere do you actually see Muslims protesting about the book. This is white do-gooders work again .......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The thing that you have to realise.......and this is even more depressing, is that in some English cities there are large areas which are almost EXCLUSIVELY muslim. You could walk for hours and hardly see a white face. I'm not being racist, I'm just simply telling the truth. Therefore schools in those areas have no option other than to stop telling this story as it is no longer relevant to the children.

    Source(s): Live in a city
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its a load of bollocks!! Whereas I respect other religions this is BRITAIN!! You come to our country, then you respect our culture!! I read about a lady who collected pig ornaments in Peterborough, and had them confiscated by the police because they offended her Muslim neighbours. Well, I'm sorry, but if they don't like it, they can go back to their own country! But I suppose I'll be called racist for saying this- even though I'm not. I would be imprisoned or shot at if I went to India etc. and went against their culture and 'offended' someone. Look what happened with the British teacher and Mohammed the bear! If a Muslim came here and named a bear after Jesus, would we act the same way?! Hell no, we'd be accused of being racist. That's all it's about isn't it? After all, a black person can call me white trash but if I call a black person a ******, (Yahoo! will probably censor that but not 'white trash'!!), I'm racist!! What is this country coming to?

    If the British knew what this country would turn out like, would they really have fought for it? I think not. We'd be better under a Nazi government, (excluding crazy power mad Hitler types of course- I'm just talking about the basics of Nazism).

    Eva x

    Edit: Yep, Yahoo! censored it. Bloody typical!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All of you British people, in Great Britain are going to have to start doing something.

    Protests, letters to MP's, newspapers, I think.

    My friend has been back to England several times, in the last 20 years & says Britain has lost it's identity. They live in NZ now. Political Correctness is also starting here, as well.

    As you are still the majority, you must do something, or one day there will be civil war!

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  • kimble
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This Q has been on here so many times, but yer it is wrong,what did those 3 little piggies do to offend any body,plus are we also going to ban pig farmers,it's all getting beyond the joke,I wouldn't b offended if they re-released the record Honky tonk women (Or what ever it was called) well I am a Honky but hey I like that record & it's good to sing at the top of your voice :)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm all for being sensitive to others feelings - but the 3 pigs is a much loved and traditional story.

    No Muslim or other faith would be offended by this story. Because it is not presented as an attack on their faith, simply a childrens story.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really care - the three little pigs was one of my childhood stories and also my childrens and WILL be one of my grandchildrens ( when they have them) This is some dotty imbecile who has taken on the mantle of political correctness. This will have nothing to do with Muslims or Jews, neither of whom eat anything from a pig. I have employed a lovely Jewish GENTLEMAN for nearly thirty years and he will laugh his socks off over this! It is just so totally ridiculous. We need to find out the decision maker on this one and make sure that he/she is never, ever allowed to make a decision again for the public sector!

  • What a load of old cobblers. I bet this particular decision was made by a committee of bored white people. Y'know, the kind that write into Points of View and moan about sex or bad language on telly. Don't watch it then you morons! Those same people will probably have blue ink banned in case it offends communists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we didn't know better we'd think it's the Government that's trying to stir up racial hatred!

    what is it with suddenly needing to pacify muslims & SHOUTING ABOUT IT?

    sad that a well-loved & enjoyed by young & old

    3 piggies are going down the pan along with Ba Ba Black.........

    opps, sorry white/grey/of a non-descript colour, sheep

    that's onto the scrap pile, surplice to requirements, along with common sense.

  • bella
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


  • Marky
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You will now get 200 answers blaming Muslims and not wanting them here when I bet not 1 sngle muslim was involved in this decision nor would be offended if the book was actually used.

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