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Lv 58,106 points


Favorite Answers9%

If theres no chocolate in heaven then i'm not going.

  • Violation,why?,was it offencive?

    Yep got a violation,well it's not very often I ask questions on here,so I thought it was about time I did,now I got a violation for asking if anybody laughs like this guy in the video clip,I thought the clip was funny & the guy seems to be having a good time,so do you think the reason was

    1, Offencive

    2, drug relaited

    3, No sense of humour

    4, I deserved it

    Or could you please give me your own reason why you think it was violated.

    Plus I know my spelling is pants so please don't put this as your reason,thanks & keep smiling :)

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • News reporting can be such a tongue tie?

    Right this link might not of worked ,it's the 1st time I've done it,but this poor bloke I wonder if he had the muchies after.

    If you can't see it,I'm sorry, but if you can I hope you thought it was as funny as I did.enjoy :)

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Whats with the good old Brussel sprouts thumb downers?

    Why are there so many thumbs down on the Brussel sprouts questions,I never realised how much these little green vegatables effected people,

    So are you a thumbs up or a thumbs down person

    I admit I only eat them at Christmas.x

    29 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Debate on the world,fast or slow?

    Right Im having a debate with some one the conversation started off with oil because I said the oil in the center of the earth keeps it spinning & if it drys up we will all fall off because the spin causes gravity which keeps us on the ground & that the world spins quite fast,I know the way I have explaind this question is a rather simpleton way but I'm not brains of Britan,so could you please explain how it all works..oh the discution is getting heated now & little miss stroppy knickers here is saying OK OK so where are we going to fall & my answer is we are a planet in open space,please please can you help me out here..thank you.x

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Happy meal education,did you know?

    Yes I know I know,what is a 41 year women doing eating Happy meals from McDonalds,no it's not because I'm tight,it's because,ummmm I have no reason why,I just like Happy meals.anyway I was reading the Bee facts on there & did you know that a bee flaps thier wings 11,000 times every minute & to make a jar of honey the bee has to visit about 2 million flowers,plus the Queen mum lays almost 2,000 eggs every day,well I was impressed haha

    So the bee trivia & the 1st one to get it right get's those 10 magic points

    how many miles can a bee fly in one hour?




    About how many bees live in a hive?




    How do bees talk to each other?

    A.Flap thier wings

    B.Drink nectar


    Good luck ;)

    5 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • spell check on answers,do you or don't you?

    I never realised my spelling was so bad until I started answering on here,I always spell check,I have to, it's a show up ;) So do you do the same as me or are you good at spelling or are you not really that botherd it's just all about those 2 presious little points,,yep probaly afew spelling mistakes on here no spell check on this bit,

    18 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Tattoos that you regret or love?

    have you got any tattoos & if so do you regret having them done because your tattoo was in fashion at the time or the rebelious stage you was going through,I hate mine & yes it was the rebelious stage,I'm lucky as in I can cover one with a watch but I have initials on my shoulder,eeewww how tacky!!!!

    So my Q is if you have tattoos are you still happy with them or are they a reminder of those rebelious days....

    20 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • What did I do?

    Do you ever think to yourself "what did I do to deserve a life like this,where did it all go so wrong" yes I know life is what you make of it & stop feeling sorry for yourself bla bla bla but I am feeling sorry for myself 2day & these days are getting more regular,so do you feel the same & do you ever feel like running away or is your life really happy, iver way give me your thoughts it might make me feel my life isn't that bad or your happiness might put a smile on my face.

    Oh & even thoe I'm on a low today,I hope your day is going well.x

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • answer machine message?

    Do you have your own personal message on your mobile or home answering machine. mine is

    Hi this is you know who

    sorry I'm not you know where

    but if you would like to leave your you no what & I will get back to you..byeeeeeeee

    Please don't tell me its your latest favourite song,I hate it when you ring some one up & then u have to listen to it for ages before you can leave them a message.

    So whats on your's the best one might not only get 10 points but I might steal it aswell:)

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me?

    A partridge in a pear tree,well times have changed & to tell you the truth if my love gave me this i'd be rather disapointed,well for starters I hav'nt got a garden to plant the tree in plus what am I really going to do with that poor partridge,,so what would you like your true love to give you on the 1st day of Christmas & if you hav'nt got a lover just pretend you have,,it's only a game.

    Plus yes I know my spelling is pants & I could do with spelling lessons BUT I already know that,thank you.x

    14 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is your car a him or a her?

    Well mines a her because I always seem to say she's this or she's that,plus am I the only person who's car actually has a name "I think not" so is your little Betsie a him or a her & if your as sad as me have you actualy got a name for your car ;)

    38 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Just heard?

    Is it true because I've just heard that Tampax are making a new design,instead of the string they are putting abit of tinsle & afew fairy lights but apparently it's just for the Christmas period,have you heard this rumour aswell?

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • On your fridge?

    Right yep I'm being nosey but what have you got stuck on the front of your fridge,,just incase your nosey aswell,I've got a magnet frame with the words ' If there's no chocolate in Heaven,then I'm not to sure weather I want to go' come on whats on your's,please tell,please tell,haha

    13 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Bush-tucker trials?

    What be your ultimate fear on celebrity Bush-tucker trials,mine would be having to put my hand in a hole to get one of those stars & you hav'nt got a clue what is in what would be your's?

    9 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • How do people who kill fruit and veg live with them self's?

    Ok ok yes stupid question,but to all the vegitarians who slate us meat eater's,you are really fruit and veg murderers,that poor little potatoe or pea was quite happy living with it's other little buddies,then it was ripped away but nobody could hear it's pitiful little screams & plea for help,,,so when you are munching away spare a thought for the life you have taken.Amen

    46 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Dog kissing,yes or no?

    Ok before I start,yes I am an animal lover but I am amazed by all the people on here who keep going on about kissing thier dog,sorry but dog's do not care were they put thier mouths even if it is grosse they will still lick or sniff it,then you go & give them a big kiss, so how many people on here actually kiss thier dog.haha

    I know I can't really talk,I have a bird who I love to bit's,who poos every where including on me,but yer I love him,he's alittle pooping bundle of joy.

    So are you a kisser or a patter?

    54 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Qs & As private?

    Why do some people have the answer's and questions private,I look at some people's profile's because iver they have put a really funny answer & seem like they have a good sense of humour or have put some thing really nasty so I have a look to see if they are always grumpy,I don't see the point of making it all private,,yer I understand the no contact bit, but your answers and questions should be public or is it that serious on here....

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • how do you?

    right how do all you clever people put links to pictures or links to another question on your own question,I've been on yahoo answers awhile now & I can't figure it out,please help,yes yes I know it's probaly really simple but hey so am I some times,haha

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • It's landed (weekend)?

    Well my weekend has landed work is finished for the week,2 whole days off,yipppeeeee,so I wish you all a good weekend & have fun.xx If your working I feel sorry for you but my 50 hours are done :-)

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Toilet roll debate?

    I don't mean to sound grosse but there's this annoying problem in our house,well a toilet roll lasts aday,to me thats ridiculas,how can only 3 people go through a whole roll in a day,right heres the gross bit,I wipe & fold & wipe again but some one in our house takes yards of loo roll wipes & takes another yard load until they are finished,yes how do I know, I CAN HEAR IT!!!

    So are u a wiper & folder or yarder & waster,I don't want to know all the gorry details,I would just like to know if I'm a moaner ;)

    Yes & my spelling is poop aswell...

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago