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Do you feel people have changed?

I am a very giving person and feel like just the two nice words Thank You come with fewer people now days. So in return I have decieded that I am not going to be a giving person anymore. It actually makes me cry because people are not thankful for what you do for them so I am not doing for the non-thankful. Is that wrong?



I do not do it for the Thank You. I do it cause I like to do for people.

I have never been to rushed to say Thank You.

Update 2:

Just let me add that in no way am I going to lose my manners or become a rude person I am just not going to give as much to those who take it for granted or just expect that is what I am going to do.

Update 3:

And yet again for those who do not pay attention. I am not doing it for the thank you but I also refuse to do things if it is not appreciated. And to appreciate something someone does not need to say thank you because it will show regardless.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    people no longer have relationships with the Lord so yes people change and dont seem to love. remember that you have to live with you and dont allow people to have that much control over your life. if you are a nice giving person then great just becare what and who you give to. do things out of your heart not out of wnating someting good in return because the Lord will take care of your blessings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not wrong, but dont let the rudest of other people change who are. You shouldn't become a mean or rude person just because of others. Although other people are rude, be happy knowing that you are not one of them and that you are a nice, giving person. If it is someone specific who is always ungrateful for what you do for them, then yes stop doing for them but don't become that rude, ungrateful person.

    And yes people have changed. People aren't raising their children to be respectful and use manners anymore. They think lightly of things, like holding a door. They just think that person is supposed to do it and not say thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're changing what you do because you're not getting a thank you, then you WERE doing it for the thank you, if you hadn't been then the lack of it wouldn't make you change! The fact is that we can't make people be the way we want them to be, we can only be who we are. I've learned to gain satisfaction from knowing I've made a difference whether the person says thank you or not; I get my joy from the giving and the doing, not the acknowledgment and I've been MUCH happier for it. You may think you weren't looking for it, but the fact that not getting it made you change shows otherwise.

    This is not to say that you aren't a good person, I'm just saying be honest with yourself.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    If you are giving just to get thanks..then you are doing it for the wrong reason....although I have noticed a big change in peoples attitudes over the past few years...fewer thank yous, lack of doors being held, seeing guys not open the door for ladies...people seem to rushed to use common manners!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm the same way. I understand what your saying 100%. I hold the door open for people, say thank you and please all the time. Give people trust and they steal from me.. But im being who i am. There's always someone thats going to appricate what you do for them, if they tell you or not. You being such a nice person is very rare, dont change that. We need people like you in the world, such a dieing breed. I do believe in karma, you will get in return what you give, just dont change yourself. People are so cruel now, dont be like them. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think those of us with manners should continue to use them.

    Oddly, I find, it's not just younger teenagers and children who are loosing their manners, I find a lot of older people are too (40/50 years plus). An older lady walked into me in a shop a few weeks ago and just kept on walking, didn't even turn to look at me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that people have changed, common moral and important values have somewhat disapear in our culture. but i feel that being nice, courteous, thankful, kind or just smile are things that can be contagious. so PLEASE continue doing your good deeds you will eventually reap a bounty of greatness from life. And the only way you can change the wolrd is by one Act of Random Kindness at a time...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, there are some rude people nowadays, but I'm glad you still have your manners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you give for yourself or God. If yourself then you probably won't find happiness. Just a thought.

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