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I have worked in the social services field since 1998. I have worked with at risk youth in treatment facilities and in shelter. I worked in the domestic violence field for four years. I've worked in the homeless community/shelter system since 2001. I've also been doing outreach through my church as long as I can remember. I am a member of a gospel band/ministry and have done a lot of outreach through them since 2006. I like helping people, it feels good and it's what God has called me to do. Because of my varied experience, information and referral is not only my forte, it's my passion. Not that I think I'm so great, but God has given me a gift that is meant to be used for the good of others.

  • I'm going to get a mani/pedi today for the first time, how much do I tip?

    The only other time I ever had one was a wedding gift from the person who gave it to me, so I have no idea how to figure out the tip. Is it 15% like a restaurant? Also, the person giving it this time might be the owner, do I still tip then? I'm using a groupon for it,, but I know to tip on the full amount, I just don't know how to determine what that is. Thanks!

    2 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • I'm going to get a mani/pedi today for the first time, how much do I tip?

    The only other time I had one was as a wedding gift from the person who did it, so I have no idea how much is proper. I'm using a groupon for it, but I know you're supposed to tip for the full amount, I just don't know how to determine the tip. Is it 15% like a restaurant?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • My boyfriend says he's in love with me, but i'm not there quite yet?

    He's so sweet and I really do care deeply for him. I can feel myself falling in love with him, but I don't think I'm quite where he is yet. He says he loves me all of the time, and I never know how to respond. I don't want to lie to him, and I would rather hurt myself than do anything to hurt him. He knows that I need more time, but he's very expressive of his feelings, so he says it when he feels it.

    So, I've been honest with him, he knows how I feel, I just need to know what to say when he tells me that he loves me, or how to handle being uncomfortable when he says it. Maybe I don't know what I need, lol. But he's a good man, and I won't lie to him or hurt his feelings.

    Singles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I know this guy I work with likes me and wants to ask me out, but I'm not interested?

    My agency contracts with this guy's agency, so we don't work together all of the time, but we do have several cases where we have to work together. He's nice, but I'm just not at all interested in him and I have a boyfriend! He flirts with me, a little, and I can tell he's gathering his courage to ask me out because of other things he says. he tries to spend extra time with me, he called me close to 11pm the other night to "ask me about a client" but then wanted to just talk. I was on the other line with my boyfriend, and told him that, and it still took him a while to get off the phone.

    It's awkward because the guy hasn't said anything, but I've talked about my boyfriend around him, so he knows that I have one, but he still keeps on. I'm not sure what to do here, or do I need to just wait until he says something?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is it rude to tell other people that they're being rude?

    If it's true and they are violating the rules of etiquette or being offensive, why is it considered rude to point that out as long as you do it in a respectful manner? I've always wondered about that.

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why do people look at you funny when you say hello or react in rude ways?

    I'm a friendly person, and when I make eye contact with people, I always say hi and smile. Most people smile and say hi back, but some people look at me strange, or frown and act like I just called them a bad word or something! I've even had a few who said rude things! I always wonder why people do things like that, and I feel like if people were nicer to each other, things would be better in this world.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • When you undress at the doctor's office, do you hide your underwear under your other clothes?

    I do, and I have no idea why! If you do it, why do you do it, or tell me why I do! LOL!

    18 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Wonderfully morbid, Pythonesque type humor?

    I was reading another question where this guy said he put his girlfriend's parrot in the freezer and it died. Of course, someone came out with the Monty Python quote of all time "This parrot is no more". This brought to mind the Monty Python "reunion" from several years back where they talked about doing the parrot skit at the funeral of the one from the troupe who had died.

    Does anyone have any similar stories of funeral humor? Like the movie where they stole the guy's corpse and took him down to the pub for one last pint, or the recent story of the guy in Puerto Rico, whose parents had him embalmed standing up in the dining room, fully thugged out for all the friends and family to see. I know at my uncle's funeral (boy he was a scoundrel), we traded our favorite stories of his misdeeds and dysfunctions. Not your typical funeral, but one that he would have preferred and approved of!

    Please share!

    1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade ago
  • If a profane word becomes accepted by society, is it still profanity?

    I asked this in the etiquette section, but I think philosophy is probably a better place for it.

    So, the premis I'm coming from is that what makes a word profanity is that it's unacceptable to society, which means that what's considered profane would change dependeing on where you are. Consider the word shag in Britain is very obscene, but considered a funny British word in the US. Conversely, the f word is very obscene in the US, but not as much in other countries because it comes from the Puritans' "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" law, which was only in the US.

    So with certain words being more and more allowable on TV and other public forums, do they become less profane of they've become more accepted? Think about the word "bastard", that used to literally be a fighting word, duels have been fought over it, but now, anyone can say it on TV and it's okay.

    What does everyone here think?

    BTW, not advocating cursing, not something I do anymore, just wondering.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • If a profane word becomes acceptable, is it still considered to be profanity?

    Maybe this should be in the philosophy section. I was reading another person's question and this one came up for me. There are words considered to be profanity such as the s word, b word, d word; you get my point. These words are now more acceptable as far as being allowed on TV, and not just cable, but regular public TV and even advertising is allowing the d word, the b word and sometimes the a word on a regular basis.

    That being said, if a word becomes "acceptable" or even if we just hear it so much that we become desensitized to it, is that word still considered profanity? Won't society just come up with another word to replace it that we haven't gotten used to, or that is considered worse?

    Just think how the word sex (as in the act of) was almost never used in polite company way back in the day, and was considered to be a profane word if you weren't using it to talk about gender. Now, we hear the word all of the time, so now more and more people are using the f word.

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Best dog breed to introduce into a cat household?

    We have a 7 year old male cat and we're moving to a bigger house (rental). I want to get a (very) small breed puppy a couple of months after we move, but I've got no idea what I'm possibly about to step in!

    The cat is my mom's, he's territorial, somewhat lazy, very demanding of our affections (which we give freely anyway), he's the king of the house. What small breed would work best and how should the introduction be handled? Is it better to get the dog soon after we move or wait and let the cat adjust?

    If it helps to know, my room is the entire third floor of the house, and my intention is for that to be the dog's primary place. I was going to get a dog carrier for him to be in while potty training him and getting him used to the environment. I would feed him up there, too. I don't pick up the cat since I'm allergic, though I do feed him and talk to him.

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do You Like Your Cell Phone Company?

    Whatever your answer is, please tell me: What company are you with, and why do you, or don't you like it. I'm thinking about looking for a new company when my contract runs out. I live in Cleveland and I would have a family plan with nationwide coverage, texting and internet.

    7 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • If I was your girlfriend...?

    would you let me wash your hair?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about Judas?

    Judas got 30 sheckels, $84 today, give or take, to betray Jesus. Did you know that when Judas saw what was going on he tried to give the money back, but they wouldn't take it and let Jesus go? He then threw the money into the temple then went and hanged himself. What does this say about him? Did he have regret, did he not mean for this to happen? Maybe he was ashamed of what he did?

    I guess I ask this because I've been thinking about redemption, not just of Judas, but in many situations. I wonder if maybe Judas wasn't evil, he made a mistake, as so many of us have, but his mistake led to the greatest example of God's grace? Was he just used as a tool, then?

    I have no idea what my opinion is, but I would value the opinions of others. Please, let's all be respectful of each other!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago