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why does she keep doing it?

my daughter is 2 1/2 in march she has recently started spitting out anything that goes in her matter how many times we tell her no and put her in time out and take her cups from her she still does it everytime she has a drink...why does she do this and what can i do to get her to stop...

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why are you...

    head hurt.

    Ok. Why are you putting her in time out?

    It sounds to me like you're making a spectacle of it and she's seeing it as an entertainment option.

    Just keep removing the cup and saying, calmly, "when you decide to drink without spitting, you may ask for this back." Give her one more chance when she asks for it. Then she has to wait a while.


  • She is testing the limits and asserting her indepencande! Two years old is also known as "The little Emperess". She thinks that she is the boss and the world revolves around her. You have to let her figure out that she is her own person, but set her straight and let her know that there are limits and boundries as well. I would start by ignoring her, don't make a big deal about it when she does it, bad attention is just as god as good attention sometimes. Second, give her just water for awhile until you get her to stop so that you don't get your furniture and carpet ruined! Third, when she does this, firmly tell her, "No. Do not spit." then, take the cup away and say nothing else. Don't give it back to her until about 5 minutes. Do the same thing everytime she displays this behaviour. Eventually, she will stop. She will get tired of this because to her, it's just a game even though it's driving you crazy! Give it time, and don't let her know that it bothers you, because that is just playing the game with her! Redirect her and get her interested in something else thats "new" to her and she will forget how much fun it is to defy you. Good luck!

    Source(s): mother of three, ages 6 years to 7 months, aunt to 7 kids and pediatric nurse practitioner
  • 1 decade ago

    It's called positive negative reinforcement.

    You give her attention every time she does this negative behavior. Therefore, she will keep repeating it to get more attention.

    Here's a couple of ways to augment her behavior:

    1. When she does it, ignore the behavior. When she drinks like a "big girl" praise her to high heavens.

    2. When she does it, take her cup away and tell her in a stern manner, "No." (She will get upset but you need to just walk away.) Then ask her if she is ready to drink like a big girl she can have the cup back. Give her back the cup and try it again. (Show her how to drink properly.)

    Also, is she teething? Maybe the sensation spitting out causes makes her feel good.

  • Carlii
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like your "no", to her, is a "hey, let's do it some more! and MORE!"

    Honestly, it sounds like a good way to handle that is to not let her have a drink in her hands unless you ask her, "Are you thirsty?" and if she nods or says yes, depending on her vocabulary, then give it to her. If she spits it up, don't make a fuss about it, just take the drink away.

    She might simply be interpreting the negative attention of being hollered at (or whatever other corrective action you're taking) as a bonus, and an encouragement. Ever hear of the parent that says their kids laugh at them when they get spanked? Each kid is different, you have to be the ones to switch up your parenting. Some things really require some acrobatics to manage, and it sounds like this is one of them. Downplay her bad behavior, don't make a deal out of it, and she'll find it gets boring.

    Just be glad you don't have a kid that likes to paint the walls... let's just say they use organic paint... LOL!

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  • 1 decade ago

    She is seeking out attention! Praise the good and try not to pay to much attention to the bad. If you are praise her for the good and not the bad she will stop misbehaving and do the good things. And Just take the cup a way for a period of time and when she is thristy she will ask for it back.

  • 1 decade ago

    No expert but i had a niece that did this and i think its just a phase of retaliation or testing you to see what she can get away with and what she gets in trouble for so unfortunately you might just have to go with it for a while with my niece it lasted 2-3 months.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son did the same thing. I would tell him why he shouldn't do that and make him help me clean it up. Try asking her why she does it. My son kind of just grew out of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because she thinks it's funny and it gets your attention.

    smack her butt next time she does it. that'll get her attention.

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